したらばTOP ■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1-100 最新50 | メール | |


1名無しさん:2002/10/15(火) 16:59

2名無しさん:2002/11/07(木) 20:29

3名無しさん:2002/11/09(土) 20:05

4名無しさん:2002/11/09(土) 20:50

5相洋生の友達:2002/11/14(木) 20:39

6アニオタの豚共へ:2002/11/27(水) 22:13
 ,l       \    ヽ
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7名無しさん:2002/12/20(金) 15:12

8名無しさん:2003/03/11(火) 04:15

9故・立花の馬鹿:2003/04/28(月) 22:18
チェッチェッコリ〜♪ チェッチェコッサ〜♪

 ∧_∧           ∧_∧
 ∩´∀`)∩       ∩(・∀・∩
 (    )/        ヽ(    )
 人  Y            Y  人
  し'(_)           (_) J

 二酸化マンガン♪ 酸化マンガン♪

    ∧_∧         ∧_∧
    ( ´∀` )         ( ・∀・ )
  ⊂(    )つ     ⊂(    )つ
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    (_)_)        (_)_)

         チェッ チェッ♪

    ∧_∧ チェー  チェー  ∧_∧
   (♯´ 3`)         (・ε・♯)
   (    )          (    )
   │ | │          |  | │ 
   (_)_)         (_(_)

10名無しさん:2003/04/29(火) 03:26
\    |       ,,...-‐‐‐--、,      l    /     /      /      /
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     `ヽ ,゙:::,'::::;':!::::l   `"´ ''"´     | ̄__,,l,,...,,_   \  ひいいいっ・・・!!!何、この糞スレ
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11名無しさん:2003/05/31(土) 18:44

12名無しさん:2003/09/07(日) 13:52

13We have abilities which Publics are hard to measure!:2003/11/22(土) 21:42

Our school library is shortly closed. I and my friends often study at Either the Atsugi-Central Library or Satellite Course class room!
Sometimes, I and my friends go to the self-studying room at Seishonen Kaikan at Odawara.
Let's study each other for the university entrreace exam, and we take pride in our school name, Soyo High School!
We love Soyo High School.
Call me, Hotoshi! Okay!
from H.T

14名無しさん:2003/11/22(土) 23:03

15We have abilities which Publics are hard to measure!:2003/11/22(土) 23:42
For the number 14, we must be the same age don't we. Do you want to try talking with me in English.
It is a good chance to practice writing English.
I do not always have the intent to show off my knowledge and make a fun of you. However, I do not want to talk about non-sense talk because I have to do many things to go abroad to the United States after graduating Soyo high school.
In addition, I have an exam on Monday, November 24 on campus. If you can help me with using English, please try, and we can talk about every things in English i the future, Okay?

I am 17 years old, and I would apply for studying at University of Cornell, University of Dartmouth or UC Berkeley.
I need somebody's advice how to take SAT and ACT.
Sorry to write down this message in English. I need to master English as much as Possible.

We will be advanced the college level!
Soyo High school, Some students are the same as my age. I could do that you can do it!
Proud to be Soyo High school!

From H.T

16We have abilities which Publics are hard to measure!:2003/11/22(土) 23:47
For the number 14, we must be the same age don't we. Do you want to try talking with me in English.
It is a good chance to practice writing English.
I do not always have the intent to show off my knowledge and make a fun of you. However, I do not want to talk about non-sense talk because I have to do many things to go abroad to the United States after graduating Soyo high school.
In addition, I have an exam on Monday, November 24 on campus. If you can help me with using English, please try, and we can talk about every things in English i the future, Okay?

I am 17 years old, and I would apply for studying at University of Cornell, University of Dartmouth or UC Berkeley.
I need somebody's advice how to take SAT and ACT.
Sorry to write down this message in English. I need to master English as much as Possible.

We will be advanced the college level!
Soyo High school, Some of students are the same as my age.
Now, I could learn English to a degree, you can do it!
Proud to be Soyo High school!
It was correct for me to attend this school because my instructor teaching method is very good!

From H.T

17Soyo 17 years old !:2003/11/24(月) 02:18

We, Soyo high School Students, have huge wonderful pioneer spirits!

I like Soyo High School; but, it is the time to graduate from this school next year.
How much I love this school and our schoolmates.
I will apply for the University of Cornell in U.S next year.
I am seventeen, and it is the last school life in Soyo High School!
We keep our irreplaceable student life each other!
Again, we enjoy our student life!
(Sorry, I used English because I seek for my schoolmates who try to attend the American University.
Finally, I am the same high school with you. We grip our dream soon!
Without hesitation, please use English for me if you are okay.
Some people know about you because I do self-studying at a classroom, Atsugi-central (Chuo-) library or Seishonen Kaikan's self studying room at Odawara or Atsugi.
It depends on my feeling.
Again, I love Soyo. I'm proud of attending at Soyo High School.
(Sorry to write down my message in English; but, I wanted to encourage you to pile up each talent!)

I can't say my name; but, I may meet with you on campus soon.
Let's hang out studying the university Entrance and enjoy school life!

Thanks for your reading! Keep your smile!
See you later!

18Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/05(金) 19:42

Knock! knock! Who am I?
Soyo, me, after a month, I do not need to attend this school; but, I feel sad because I could meet with many friends in this school. Some of my friends could understand my place fully.
After finishing this school, how do we meet with each other.
In my around, all of my frineds would apply for some universities. Do they really want to learn some specific subjects? Me, I would like to learn Biochemistry so as to research decomposing stomach diet from some natural foods.
It is very hard for me to study this field; but, it is one of my dreams in the future in the United States.
If you are the same dream or similar dream, please contact with me!
Soyo, I like this school atmosphere! I do not want to graduate this school! but to progress my life, it is no choice........
Okay, I will go.......

19I know you!:2003/12/05(金) 20:13
Mschigatte, jyo-to ko-ko no ran ni kaiteshimaimashita. gomennasai.
Annata ga Soyo Sei dearukotowo shirimashita. Konoaida, Soyo no bureza-wo kiteita hitoga, Mr Donut no nakade, eigo no zasshi wo yonndemashita. sono hitoga osoraku Soyo san deha nainokana? to omoimashita.
Koega, kakerarenakattanodesuga, naze, eigoga sokomade nobitanoka shiritainodesu. korekara jikanga tsukuremashitara, ikutsukano eibun wo kaite mitaito omimasu.
yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Thank you!

Donguri= acorn ?

20Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/22(月) 10:57

I read Koyama Kitaro's book,"Saigetsu" He taught Japanese in Soyo High school. (I only saw him when I was the first grade in Soyo High school)
The book is very impressive story since I have never met.
Me, I like to read English book; but, this book is really speculated about human live and death.
This author, Kouyama Kitaro created many poems. Especially, he composed Hakone Ekiden's yelling poem which is held on January 2 and 3.
Unfortunately, he died last year (2002). But, this book may be encouraged me as well as many people.
I will buy it and bring to this book in the United States after being affiliated from my favorite school.
Kouyama Kitaro's book "saigetsu" is one of my recommended book for you.
It is 17 year old's discovery which I found it.
Hey, Tatsu, this instructor was graduated from Kokugakuin Univ.
it is your applying school! Read this book, Tatsu!

I study University Entrance Exam! Tatsu, give me your response!

21Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/22(月) 10:59

I read Koyama Kitaro's book,"Saigetsu" He taught Japanese in Soyo High school. (I only saw him when I was the first grade in Soyo High school)
The book is very impressive story since I have never met.
Me, I like to read English book; but, this book is really speculated about human live and death.
This author, Kouyama Kitaro created many poems. Especially, he composed Hakone Ekiden's yelling poem which is held on January 2 and 3.
Unfortunately, he died last year (2002). But, this book may be encouraged me as well as many people.
I will buy it and bring to this book in the United States after being affiliated from my favorite school.
Kouyama Kitaro's book "saigetsu" is one of my recommended book for you.
It is 17 year old's discovery which I found it.
Hey, Tatsu, this instructor was graduated from Kokugakuin Univ.
it is your applying school! Read this book, Tatsu!

I study University Entrance Exam! Tatsu, give me your response!

22名無しさん:2003/12/22(月) 11:20

23名無しさん:2003/12/22(月) 15:06

24From tatsu:2003/12/23(火) 04:02

Ho chan,

Thank for your comment. I read Kouyama Kitaro's book "Saigetsu" at Hasshodo yesterday.
His poems remind us to think about the significance of nature. Some poem are used for as school songs in several places.
In my diary, I copied his poems. I will give these words to my classmates through E-mail.
By the way, it is very hard to write down English. but, my writing skill is quite improved.
I understand Ho chan's saying. "Without using English, it is very hard to memorize and learn English.
Around my neighbors in this board, they hated our communication in English. But, I agree with Ho Chan's opinion.
It has taken over 20 minutes to write my comment. But, I remembered several words which I forgot.
Ho Chan, I will go to Hibiya library with nobu. Hibiya library was very good as Ho-chan said.
Kazy, (Eiko-Gakuin) and Hideki san (Suiran) are looking forward to meeting with you. He was really surprised and were interested in your saying like human sacrifice story in Maya civilzation.
Ho Chan, can I give your E-mail to them?
It has passed almost an hour to write. but it's okay!
Ho chan, Congratuation to take 213 points for TOEFL!

Mata ne!
From Tatsu

25Y.N:2003/12/23(火) 06:33

Ho Chan へ

おはよう Ho Chan!
見る人によって価値観がちがうはずなのにね。かれらは“表現の自由”をきちんと理解してなさそう ? (笑) 同じ年齢 (もしくは年上の人なのかな?) なのにね。(笑)

Ho Chan, TOEFL 213点とれてよかったね。 アメリカの大学に入 学できそう?
コーネル大学ってアメリカのどこにあるの ?

From Y.N

26Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/23(火) 12:56
Dear Yu chan and Tatsu chan

Thank you for your response and your wonderful congratuation message!
(コーネル大学=Cornell University is located at Ithaca, New York)
++It is the countryside school++ (smile)
I should not have made conscousness for such amazingly moron students who put up the thread: 英文かいてるやつ消えろと思う人の数
But, I felt bad because I used Chinese for them and I was pulled up from them. I really felt defeated.
I regreted why I sent such message for them because their opinion are unreasonably sharrow idea!
Me, I would like to respect them as much as possible to let them know aobut my idea. But....
My feeling is as if I spread over milk on the table....(smile)
By the way, I read "The wrath of Grapes" written by Steinberg until the end at Hibiya Library. I
just typed my messages at the cafe with Kazy. (Now, Kazy is there! Hideki went back his home!)
Ashamely, it is the first time to read this book in Japanese. I should have met with this book earlier.
Today, I will stay with his house and come back again. Kazy's house is very close to Shounan Beach in Kamakura.
Finally, I will start studying my exam subjects with him (NOT now because I typed this message)
By the way, Tatsu-chan can you bring one of your favorite CDs? Don't forget them! (smile)
December 24, Kao san (Felis) will invite us! can you share Christmas eve with us? For Yu-chan, I will let her know soon!
If you have a time, come there and enjoy Christmas! Tatsu chan, bring Chistmas card for Kao san's family! Okay!
It's a time to study! We can manage studying each other.
It is very cold now, be careful for your health1
Bye-bye! Now! Tatsu Chan and Yu Chan!
Nori (Toritsu, Shiba) said, "I miss Yu chan (Smile!)
From H.T
Translated from Chiniese into English !
我們必須学習英語!--We have to study English
我們可以使用英語!--We can use English!
因為我們想進通日本或者美国的大学給使用英語! This is because we would like to be advanced Japan's university or American University.
我們一起向上英語巴!-- Let's study English each other!
再見!--- Good Bye!
I don't know they have a chance to know those meaning because I never use English. (Oh, I used one English word, For.--I failed.) (笑)

27From tatsu:2003/12/23(火) 14:14

Ho chan,

Okay! I will bring it.
WAO! Kao-san (Felis) invited us?
Ho chan, how can I help you on Christmas?
Now, this train is passed through Tamagawa. I used Shinkan-sen. Within 40 minutes, I can go to Hibiya Library!
If I can't see you, I will stay 3rd floor! So, please find me!!!!!!!!!!!

See you later!

Shinkan-sen, Expensive!----Today, I Overslept! (I slept 7:00 a.m)

28Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/24(水) 00:00

Dear T, Y, and Ma,

Hey, I am staying Kazy's house. I can see Sagami bay.
I created poem from this place. "I am NOT creazy!" (Smile).

Cold wind comes
Many leaves drop
But, I recognize trees are alive when spring comes

I feel sad this winter season.
but I don't know the reason
with high spirits, we can forget even the cold.

Chirstmas will come soon.
I hope you can reach your goal.
With kindness, we can provide warmth to our neighbors like sunshine.

* Kazy's comment: Are you creazy, Ho Chan! He is narcissist
My comment: Not narcissist, but mixed optimism and pessinism = neutral???

Hey, it is the Cristmas EVE! in 2003! let's meet at Kao san's house!
***bring your smile!***

29名無しさん:2003/12/24(水) 00:02

30Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/24(水) 00:55

Dear T, Y and, Ma,
--Ooph, One more message!--

A dandy guy, Tak (Kama-gaku) will come to Chirstmas party!
His suggestion is that we can exchange Christmas gift each other.
I don't have money now... but I will do my best. (smile)
it is the second for sending this message!
Anyway, we enjoy Chirstmas Eve!
Have a happy holiday!

31Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/24(水) 01:00

This message is not concerned you; but, because I spread a bait (NUT), a mentally weak moron like a child ate it! (smile)
I caught NOT a sermon BUT a huge trash gabage like No.29. (smile) So bad! (smile)
How can I clean this environment? (smile)
Ecologically, coexistence is the best way; but, it may bring bad environment such as air pollution.
Anyway, we just listen a bulldog sound(NO WIT) like No.29 (smile)
Enjoy Christmas!

32For 29 Read 31! Be ashamed!:2003/12/24(水) 01:17

This message is for 29.
Please read my message.
You can understand how much you dealt with this board mistreatedly!
Be shame

33Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/24(水) 01:35
>>25 【Thank you!】

I will do my best to enter American University. I hope you pass University Entrance Exam.
University of Kanazawa (Medicine) is the good school;but, their understanding English is like Univ of Tokyo because you apply for medicine!
Anyway, We can meet with each other on December 24 at Kao-san's house!

Keep your smile!

34名無しさん:2003/12/24(水) 23:21


35シオ昆布◆:2003/12/25(木) 05:56


37Comment for 34, 35, 36:2003/12/25(木) 08:45

Oh my god, I caught many junks such as 34, 35, 36.
I can give good comments for you!
Ans; Maybe, you should know the meaning, 日記(diary in English).
Diary-- a dairy written record one's experience and feeling. I just talk about our student life with my classmates in English. (Again, we are Soyo highschool students!)
Ans: The same in the above! You can join us! if you like. (smile)
Ans: We are Soyo high school students (But, some friends may come from outside such as Eiko-Gakuen, Toritsu Shiba, Sugamo and Kenritsu Yokosuka etc to assist me.
You should come down or hit your head by myself.. With using the conner of Tofu! (smile)

35. シオ昆布◆
Ans: Je ne compondre pas toi information. -- It's nonsence. But, We welcome you! if you should join us!
Ans: I didn't open it... Sorry, I guess you should put up your information to another board. (Smile)
Maybe, go to Odawara high school board, somebody may see your gift though I don't have any gurantee...

Conclusion: In the below, they might not enjoy Christmas Eve!
Even, we are the third grade in this school, we had a good time each other!
But, you, guys, e-mail sould like you alone.... I sympathise you not to have been able to celebrated Chirstmas Eve with your friends.

You see these senders' date and time!
34 2003/12/24(水) 23:21, 35 2003/12/25(木) 05:56, 36 2003/12/25(木) 06:49

Anyway, thanks for your comment!

Au anniversaire de Noel!

Tres Mercy! (smile)

38Comment for 34, 35, 36 (Be adult!):2003/12/25(木) 08:47

Oh my god, I caught many junks such as 34, 35, 36.
I can give good comments for you!
Ans; Maybe, you should know the meaning, 日記(diary in English).
Diary-- a dairy written record one's experience and feeling. I just talk about our student life with my classmates in English. (Again, we are Soyo highschool students!)
Ans: The same in the above! You can join us! if you like. (smile)
Ans: We are Soyo high school students (But, some friends may come from outside such as Eiko-Gakuen, Toritsu Shiba, Sugamo and Kenritsu Yokosuka etc to assist me.
You should come down or hit your head by myself.. With using the conner of Tofu! (smile)

35. シオ昆布◆
Ans: Je ne compondre pas toi information. -- It's nonsence. But, We welcome you! if you should join us!
Ans: I didn't open it... Sorry, I guess you should put up your information to another board. (Smile)
Maybe, go to Odawara high school board, somebody may see your gift though I don't have any gurantee...

Conclusion: In the below, they might not enjoy Christmas Eve!
Even, we are the third grade in this school, we had a good time each other!
But, you, guys, e-mail sould like you alone.... I sympathise you not to have been able to celebrated Chirstmas Eve with your friends.

You see these senders' date and time!
34 2003/12/24(水) 23:21, 35 2003/12/25(木) 05:56, 36 2003/12/25(木) 06:49

Anyway, thanks for your comment!

Au anniversaire de Noel!

Tres Mercy! (smile)

39栄光学園 cometより:2003/12/26(金) 02:00

Ho ちゃん
俺、日本語で書くよ。(W) Ho chan、あんた叩きすぎ。(W) だめだよ。野次馬達相手にしていちゃ。 もっと紳士になりな。(W)
学区のボードちょっと読んでみたけど、お前の学校や(ボードを読む限り)伝統校としての知のかけらも感じられない小田原高校の学生たちにHoのような考えを伝えようと思っても“馬の耳に念仏”―“ブタに真珠”じゃないの? Hoの周りについてきてる相洋のスクールメイトや俺らにお前の考え方が伝わっただけでもいいんじゃないの?
こんな所で “鈴広の蒲鉾の原料”を相手にしちゃいかんよ。(W)
“蒲鉾の原料”= 雑魚= Ho流にいえば “ペスト”たち (w)
時間あったらもう一度ぐらいこのボード開けようと思う。でもHoのいったように小田原高の“おつむ”はたしかに低すぎ。Hoには済まんが、察するに小田原、相洋、学区二番手校もどんぐりの背比べだと思うね。入学時だとほんのちょっと違うの? でも相洋の学校名はサンデー毎日のどこかの複数の中堅大学入学にNO.1だったり、俺が中学生の塾のバイトでテストの点数をつけたときも、横浜、川崎、鎌倉地区以外の私立高校で一般受験するなら相洋からの大学狙いは確実と塾講師の人言ってた。(だから君の学校名を知ってるんだ。)もういいや。おれFelisのKao-Sanといつものところで勉強するけど、Hoも来るかい?
最後に、クリスマスの時のHoのピアノ、Hidekiのサックスアンサンブルは本当にすごかった。良いクリスマスだったよ。ありがとう Hoちゃん。
From Kazy

40Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/26(金) 04:07

For Kazy,

Thanks for your response. I certainly said 英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests have to be managed with using our wisdom like pest control management; but, I NEVER DISDAIN ANY PEOPLE! because my goal is to coexist between Soyo students and outside schools'students through studying.
Me, I never believe school ranking. Otherwise, I am not in this school.
By the way, the book "Pest" written by Albert Camus (『ペスト』 カミュ)is very curious! 英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests and the book "pest" is totally different even qualified!
英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests are considered as "嘔吐" but not Sartre's book 『La nausee』→→『嘔吐』!
Kazy, I love to read Camus's and sartre books because their existencialism's thought is very funny1
Here is a booklist which I can recommend you. Also, bring me one of your favorite books if you are okay.

Here are listed which I read lately, Kazy, if you need these books, let me know. I bring it to you today. Finally, I will go with you today. let's hang out studying each other. Keep my seat to study in the library. I also take Tatsu and Ko.
Okay, see you around! and thanks for your yelling!

1・『百年の孤独』 ガルシア・マルケス
2・『ユリシーズ』 ジョイス
3・『失われた時を求めて』 プルースト
4・『魔の山』 トーマス・マン
5・『ジャン・クリストフ』 ロマン・ロラン
6・『収容所群島』 ソルジェニーツィン
7・『ロリータ』 ナボコフ
8・『細雪』 谷崎潤一郎
9・『審判』 カフカ
10・『八月の光』 フォークナー

41Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/26(金) 04:09

For Kazy,

Thanks for your response. I certainly said 英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests have to be managed with using our wisdom like pest control management; but, I NEVER DISDAIN ANY PEOPLE! because my goal is to coexist between Soyo students and outside schools'students through studying.
Me, I never believe school ranking. Otherwise, I am not in this school.
By the way, the book "Pest" written by Albert Camus (『ペスト』 カミュ)is very curious! 英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests and the book "pest" is totally different even qualified!
英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests are considered as "嘔吐" but not Sartre's book 『La nausee』→→『嘔吐』!
Kazy, I love to read Camus's and sartre books because their existencialism's thought is very funny1
Here is a booklist which I can recommend you. Also, bring me one of your favorite books if you are okay.

Here are listed which I read lately, Kazy, if you need these books, let me know. I bring it to you today. Finally, I will go with you today. let's hang out studying each other. Keep my seat to study in the library. I also take Tatsu and Ko.
Okay, see you around! and thanks for your yelling!

1・『百年の孤独』 ガルシア・マルケス
2・『ユリシーズ』 ジョイス
3・『失われた時を求めて』 プルースト
4・『魔の山』 トーマス・マン
5・『ジャン・クリストフ』 ロマン・ロラン
6・『収容所群島』 ソルジェニーツィン
7・『ロリータ』 ナボコフ
8・『細雪』 谷崎潤一郎
9・『審判』 カフカ
10・『八月の光』 フォークナー

42名無しさん:2003/12/27(土) 15:38

43名無しさん:2003/12/27(土) 23:12
>>35. シオ昆布◆
>>Ans: Je ne compondre pas toi information. -- It's nonsence. But, We welcome you! if you should join us!


>>Tres Mercy! (smile)

Merc"i" beaucoupだろw

44名無しさん:2003/12/28(日) 01:24

45Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/28(日) 17:03
>>43 【C’est difficiale pour moi etudie a la francaise. Mois, Je essay parlez a la francaise.】

Thanks for your correction! I have just learned this language last month because I have to take this language as a second language in the future in the United States after graduating Soyo HS. Actually, I learned French from you!
(But, I have to say ont thing... Only a month, it is hard to complele using French. I do not always use fake French, just mistake...)

A tout a l'heure!
Au revoir!

46a:2004/01/31(土) 16:14

47相中生 </b><font color=#FF0000>(RlFz90Xo)</font><b>:2004/01/31(土) 17:14

48名無しさん:2004/02/01(日) 08:54

49相中生 </b><font color=#FF0000>(RlFz90Xo)</font><b>:2004/02/01(日) 09:00

50名無しさん:2004/02/01(日) 15:49


51名無しさん:2004/02/06(金) 12:52
一貫でも総合でもどっちでもいいからこれ以上相洋の恥晒すな 江○が怒るぞ

52名無しさん:2004/02/11(水) 18:09


53Thank you for a board administrator!:2004/05/19(水) 13:36

Dear many readers

Many bad messages was written in this board. I know who wrote these messages; but, I don't care about it Why?
This is because these messangers never return their message in English but only criticize my writting.
By the way, I graduated from this school March 1, 2004, and I am preparing to go to a community college in U.S.
If you progress some universities even Japanese University, please try to use English as much as possible. Why?
We little have a chance to use English. It is easy to forget English vocabularies because of not having a chance
to speak English in our daily lives.
Repeatedly, this year fall, I will go to a community college first to save a money and transfer a four year college such as Univ of Cornell, UC San Diego or U of Toronto (Canada)
to become a physician.
Anyway, Keep your dream, Keep your smle! Go GO Soyo!

For 46-52 messangers <"知のかけらも感じられない小田原高校の学生san">
* For any message, we do not need to use big words. Why?
Communication is a mean which a person reaches his/her intent(feeling) smoothly.
Read any novel which is written in English. You realize what I said since I have met with this wonderful
board. Finally, I have to say one thing. The messangers 46-52, you are out of question. You have no right to criticize my saying
because you never use English; but, only criticize....
I guess you can't write the spell the word "English"! If you claim me, say your feeling in English.

* For this board administrator,
Thanks for creating this message board!

54I never use BIG WORDS!:2004/05/28(金) 11:36

For Soyo Students,

Lattly, I joined a symposium about "The Pollution of River Water". Then, Sakawa River's water contamination was introduced. Inspite of equipping sewage lines, pollutant water has come to the river.
Thinking about spreading excess agricultural chemicals around this river, the water pollution must be come into reality. From the symposium, I also guessed that the agricultural products, which has remained the chemical residue must be come up to our mouse in near days because Sakawa river's water has polluted lately.
During my attending Soyo high school, I was also interested in social problems which conerns with me directly.
I will leave from Kanagawa soon to pass a four year college in U.S. with getting official scholarship. But, I feel irritated why Sakawa river's water was so polluted lately.
If you have a chance to read this information, please think about this water contamination in Sakawa river becausse this water contamination may face our health problem though I no longer attend Soyo high school due to graduation on May 1, 2004.
I know many students are so busy to study university entrance exams. But, it is also good chance to think about the current social problem. (It may by useful for your writting essay>

Soyo students! good luck for your exams and please do not give up your any dream! okay!
(I forgot saying one thing: Enjoy your school life too!)

See you around!

55キャプテンオー:2004/09/17(金) 20:15

56kaicho:2004/10/30(土) 22:12

57名無しさん:2004/11/11(木) 13:45

58shocker:2004/11/23(火) 22:30

59名無しさん:2004/11/24(水) 01:20

6012/25 15:00 小泉首相、今日のおやつはケーキ?:2004/12/25(土) 16:01

61kaicho:2005/01/02(日) 20:56
sawadee pee mai krap

62名無しさん:2005/01/06(木) 20:46

63名無しさん:2005/01/07(金) 09:31

64名無しさん:2005/01/07(金) 16:21

65& </b><font color=#FF0000>(KNYPHILU)</font><b>:2005/01/08(土) 06:23

66shocker:2005/01/08(土) 22:40

67kaicho:2005/01/16(日) 02:34

68阿部ちゃん:2005/01/20(木) 21:22

69名無しさん:2005/01/23(日) 20:03

70名無しさん:2005/05/30(月) 21:45:42

71名無しさん:2005/06/03(金) 14:50:31

72名無しさん:2005/06/05(日) 14:28:42

73名無しさん:2005/06/30(木) 12:32:49

74名無し:2005/07/23(土) 16:02:01

75名無しさん:2005/08/26(金) 00:42:01

76名無しさん:2005/08/26(金) 11:39:36

77名無しさん:2005/10/04(火) 22:20:12

78名無しさん:2005/10/07(金) 13:52:32

79名無しさん:2005/10/09(日) 13:45:04

80名無しさん:2005/10/11(火) 16:57:18


81名無しさん:2005/10/12(水) 00:27:51

82名無しさん:2005/10/12(水) 21:13:39


83名無しさん:2005/10/13(木) 00:13:00

84名無しさん:2005/10/13(木) 21:35:39

85名無しさん:2005/10/14(金) 13:48:40


86すいません:2005/10/14(金) 16:07:03

87すいません:2005/10/14(金) 16:09:44

88名無しさん:2005/10/14(金) 22:40:16

89名無しさん:2005/10/14(金) 23:28:23


90名無しさん:2005/10/20(木) 12:47:33

91名無しさん:2005/10/20(木) 19:14:52

92名無しさん:2005/11/11(金) 20:48:17

93名無しさん:2008/04/15(火) 19:36:51


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