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24From tatsu:2003/12/23(火) 04:02

Ho chan,

Thank for your comment. I read Kouyama Kitaro's book "Saigetsu" at Hasshodo yesterday.
His poems remind us to think about the significance of nature. Some poem are used for as school songs in several places.
In my diary, I copied his poems. I will give these words to my classmates through E-mail.
By the way, it is very hard to write down English. but, my writing skill is quite improved.
I understand Ho chan's saying. "Without using English, it is very hard to memorize and learn English.
Around my neighbors in this board, they hated our communication in English. But, I agree with Ho Chan's opinion.
It has taken over 20 minutes to write my comment. But, I remembered several words which I forgot.
Ho Chan, I will go to Hibiya library with nobu. Hibiya library was very good as Ho-chan said.
Kazy, (Eiko-Gakuin) and Hideki san (Suiran) are looking forward to meeting with you. He was really surprised and were interested in your saying like human sacrifice story in Maya civilzation.
Ho Chan, can I give your E-mail to them?
It has passed almost an hour to write. but it's okay!
Ho chan, Congratuation to take 213 points for TOEFL!

Mata ne!
From Tatsu


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