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54I never use BIG WORDS!:2004/05/28(金) 11:36

For Soyo Students,

Lattly, I joined a symposium about "The Pollution of River Water". Then, Sakawa River's water contamination was introduced. Inspite of equipping sewage lines, pollutant water has come to the river.
Thinking about spreading excess agricultural chemicals around this river, the water pollution must be come into reality. From the symposium, I also guessed that the agricultural products, which has remained the chemical residue must be come up to our mouse in near days because Sakawa river's water has polluted lately.
During my attending Soyo high school, I was also interested in social problems which conerns with me directly.
I will leave from Kanagawa soon to pass a four year college in U.S. with getting official scholarship. But, I feel irritated why Sakawa river's water was so polluted lately.
If you have a chance to read this information, please think about this water contamination in Sakawa river becausse this water contamination may face our health problem though I no longer attend Soyo high school due to graduation on May 1, 2004.
I know many students are so busy to study university entrance exams. But, it is also good chance to think about the current social problem. (It may by useful for your writting essay>

Soyo students! good luck for your exams and please do not give up your any dream! okay!
(I forgot saying one thing: Enjoy your school life too!)

See you around!


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