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21Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/22(月) 10:59

I read Koyama Kitaro's book,"Saigetsu" He taught Japanese in Soyo High school. (I only saw him when I was the first grade in Soyo High school)
The book is very impressive story since I have never met.
Me, I like to read English book; but, this book is really speculated about human live and death.
This author, Kouyama Kitaro created many poems. Especially, he composed Hakone Ekiden's yelling poem which is held on January 2 and 3.
Unfortunately, he died last year (2002). But, this book may be encouraged me as well as many people.
I will buy it and bring to this book in the United States after being affiliated from my favorite school.
Kouyama Kitaro's book "saigetsu" is one of my recommended book for you.
It is 17 year old's discovery which I found it.
Hey, Tatsu, this instructor was graduated from Kokugakuin Univ.
it is your applying school! Read this book, Tatsu!

I study University Entrance Exam! Tatsu, give me your response!


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