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26Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/23(火) 12:56
Dear Yu chan and Tatsu chan

Thank you for your response and your wonderful congratuation message!
(コーネル大学=Cornell University is located at Ithaca, New York)
++It is the countryside school++ (smile)
I should not have made conscousness for such amazingly moron students who put up the thread: 英文かいてるやつ消えろと思う人の数
But, I felt bad because I used Chinese for them and I was pulled up from them. I really felt defeated.
I regreted why I sent such message for them because their opinion are unreasonably sharrow idea!
Me, I would like to respect them as much as possible to let them know aobut my idea. But....
My feeling is as if I spread over milk on the table....(smile)
By the way, I read "The wrath of Grapes" written by Steinberg until the end at Hibiya Library. I
just typed my messages at the cafe with Kazy. (Now, Kazy is there! Hideki went back his home!)
Ashamely, it is the first time to read this book in Japanese. I should have met with this book earlier.
Today, I will stay with his house and come back again. Kazy's house is very close to Shounan Beach in Kamakura.
Finally, I will start studying my exam subjects with him (NOT now because I typed this message)
By the way, Tatsu-chan can you bring one of your favorite CDs? Don't forget them! (smile)
December 24, Kao san (Felis) will invite us! can you share Christmas eve with us? For Yu-chan, I will let her know soon!
If you have a time, come there and enjoy Christmas! Tatsu chan, bring Chistmas card for Kao san's family! Okay!
It's a time to study! We can manage studying each other.
It is very cold now, be careful for your health1
Bye-bye! Now! Tatsu Chan and Yu Chan!
Nori (Toritsu, Shiba) said, "I miss Yu chan (Smile!)
From H.T
Translated from Chiniese into English !
我們必須学習英語!--We have to study English
我們可以使用英語!--We can use English!
因為我們想進通日本或者美国的大学給使用英語! This is because we would like to be advanced Japan's university or American University.
我們一起向上英語巴!-- Let's study English each other!
再見!--- Good Bye!
I don't know they have a chance to know those meaning because I never use English. (Oh, I used one English word, For.--I failed.) (笑)


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