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37Comment for 34, 35, 36:2003/12/25(木) 08:45

Oh my god, I caught many junks such as 34, 35, 36.
I can give good comments for you!
Ans; Maybe, you should know the meaning, 日記(diary in English).
Diary-- a dairy written record one's experience and feeling. I just talk about our student life with my classmates in English. (Again, we are Soyo highschool students!)
Ans: The same in the above! You can join us! if you like. (smile)
Ans: We are Soyo high school students (But, some friends may come from outside such as Eiko-Gakuen, Toritsu Shiba, Sugamo and Kenritsu Yokosuka etc to assist me.
You should come down or hit your head by myself.. With using the conner of Tofu! (smile)

35. シオ昆布◆
Ans: Je ne compondre pas toi information. -- It's nonsence. But, We welcome you! if you should join us!
Ans: I didn't open it... Sorry, I guess you should put up your information to another board. (Smile)
Maybe, go to Odawara high school board, somebody may see your gift though I don't have any gurantee...

Conclusion: In the below, they might not enjoy Christmas Eve!
Even, we are the third grade in this school, we had a good time each other!
But, you, guys, e-mail sould like you alone.... I sympathise you not to have been able to celebrated Chirstmas Eve with your friends.

You see these senders' date and time!
34 2003/12/24(水) 23:21, 35 2003/12/25(木) 05:56, 36 2003/12/25(木) 06:49

Anyway, thanks for your comment!

Au anniversaire de Noel!

Tres Mercy! (smile)


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