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40Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/26(金) 04:07

For Kazy,

Thanks for your response. I certainly said 英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests have to be managed with using our wisdom like pest control management; but, I NEVER DISDAIN ANY PEOPLE! because my goal is to coexist between Soyo students and outside schools'students through studying.
Me, I never believe school ranking. Otherwise, I am not in this school.
By the way, the book "Pest" written by Albert Camus (『ペスト』 カミュ)is very curious! 英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests and the book "pest" is totally different even qualified!
英文かいてるやつ消えろと思うpests are considered as "嘔吐" but not Sartre's book 『La nausee』→→『嘔吐』!
Kazy, I love to read Camus's and sartre books because their existencialism's thought is very funny1
Here is a booklist which I can recommend you. Also, bring me one of your favorite books if you are okay.

Here are listed which I read lately, Kazy, if you need these books, let me know. I bring it to you today. Finally, I will go with you today. let's hang out studying each other. Keep my seat to study in the library. I also take Tatsu and Ko.
Okay, see you around! and thanks for your yelling!

1・『百年の孤独』 ガルシア・マルケス
2・『ユリシーズ』 ジョイス
3・『失われた時を求めて』 プルースト
4・『魔の山』 トーマス・マン
5・『ジャン・クリストフ』 ロマン・ロラン
6・『収容所群島』 ソルジェニーツィン
7・『ロリータ』 ナボコフ
8・『細雪』 谷崎潤一郎
9・『審判』 カフカ
10・『八月の光』 フォークナー


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