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18Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/05(金) 19:42

Knock! knock! Who am I?
Soyo, me, after a month, I do not need to attend this school; but, I feel sad because I could meet with many friends in this school. Some of my friends could understand my place fully.
After finishing this school, how do we meet with each other.
In my around, all of my frineds would apply for some universities. Do they really want to learn some specific subjects? Me, I would like to learn Biochemistry so as to research decomposing stomach diet from some natural foods.
It is very hard for me to study this field; but, it is one of my dreams in the future in the United States.
If you are the same dream or similar dream, please contact with me!
Soyo, I like this school atmosphere! I do not want to graduate this school! but to progress my life, it is no choice........
Okay, I will go.......


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