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53Thank you for a board administrator!:2004/05/19(水) 13:36

Dear many readers

Many bad messages was written in this board. I know who wrote these messages; but, I don't care about it Why?
This is because these messangers never return their message in English but only criticize my writting.
By the way, I graduated from this school March 1, 2004, and I am preparing to go to a community college in U.S.
If you progress some universities even Japanese University, please try to use English as much as possible. Why?
We little have a chance to use English. It is easy to forget English vocabularies because of not having a chance
to speak English in our daily lives.
Repeatedly, this year fall, I will go to a community college first to save a money and transfer a four year college such as Univ of Cornell, UC San Diego or U of Toronto (Canada)
to become a physician.
Anyway, Keep your dream, Keep your smle! Go GO Soyo!

For 46-52 messangers <"知のかけらも感じられない小田原高校の学生san">
* For any message, we do not need to use big words. Why?
Communication is a mean which a person reaches his/her intent(feeling) smoothly.
Read any novel which is written in English. You realize what I said since I have met with this wonderful
board. Finally, I have to say one thing. The messangers 46-52, you are out of question. You have no right to criticize my saying
because you never use English; but, only criticize....
I guess you can't write the spell the word "English"! If you claim me, say your feeling in English.

* For this board administrator,
Thanks for creating this message board!


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