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16We have abilities which Publics are hard to measure!:2003/11/22(土) 23:47
For the number 14, we must be the same age don't we. Do you want to try talking with me in English.
It is a good chance to practice writing English.
I do not always have the intent to show off my knowledge and make a fun of you. However, I do not want to talk about non-sense talk because I have to do many things to go abroad to the United States after graduating Soyo high school.
In addition, I have an exam on Monday, November 24 on campus. If you can help me with using English, please try, and we can talk about every things in English i the future, Okay?

I am 17 years old, and I would apply for studying at University of Cornell, University of Dartmouth or UC Berkeley.
I need somebody's advice how to take SAT and ACT.
Sorry to write down this message in English. I need to master English as much as Possible.

We will be advanced the college level!
Soyo High school, Some of students are the same as my age.
Now, I could learn English to a degree, you can do it!
Proud to be Soyo High school!
It was correct for me to attend this school because my instructor teaching method is very good!

From H.T


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