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What is this BBS?

A polar bear Vtuber who lives in XP hill uses posts on this BBS in stream. Beatani Youtube

How to use?

Please post according to the theme of the thread. You're better not to read them until the stream. Idk it's up to you.

I can't post here...

Some regions or countries might be banned from posting, if you can't post tell me where you are from and I'll look into it. You should be able to post anyway if you use a proxy from other country while in a private session.


peach or mikan
書き込む前に読んでね | したらばガイドライン | FAQ

1 : 性に目覚めた瞬間 The moment of sexual awakening(84) / 2 : what would you do on on your last day(191) / 3 : 節分setsubun/ just be funny!(150) / 4 : what made you happiest and what you regret the most in 2021(91) / 5 : Making sugoroku events(443) / 6 : Making the best halloween costume for Risuna(643) / 7 : お前らの変な習慣書いてけ post your weird habit(43) / 8 : 架空のV作ってR******* 釣ろうぜwwww(1000) / 9 : サムネ募集スレ/Post thumbnail for the lazy bear(18)

掲示板の使い方 / 新着をメールで受信 / 過去ログ倉庫 / スレッド一覧 / リロード

1 性に目覚めた瞬間 The moment of sexual awakening (Res:84)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 1
1Beatani :2021/10/09(土) 02:16:49
My life went wrong when I watched a story about abusing hamsters in Powerpuff Girls

78anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 21:51:36
le dogge

79anonymous@fusianasan :2023/07/18(火) 19:44:09
I miss Bea's Tani...

80anonymous@fusianasan :2024/04/04(木) 08:46:54
stalked dad's twitters too hard and saw something I regret
high probability me and a dad have had sex with the same woman

81anonymous@fusianasan :2024/04/04(木) 09:18:18

82anonymous@fusianasan :2024/04/12(金) 07:09:18
the damage is done, I no longer enjoy any kind of chuuba.

83anonymous@fusianasan :2024/04/16(火) 12:14:06
Bea is bea

84anonymous@fusianasan :2024/04/22(月) 09:12:35

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2 what would you do on on your last day (Res:191)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 2
1Beatani :2022/03/20(日) 08:52:52
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, how would you spend your time?

185anonymous@fusianasan :2024/01/08(月) 06:08:41
Happy New Year dads, moms and Beatani!
I wish you good health and a lot of energy. Have fun, but stay safe.

186anonymous@fusianasan :2024/01/14(日) 19:40:25

187anonymous@fusianasan :2024/02/10(土) 12:33:50

188anonymous@fusianasan :2024/02/13(火) 07:12:08

189anonymous@fusianasan :2024/02/13(火) 10:29:38
を 熊
偲 谷
ん 千
で 里

190anonymous@fusianasan :2024/02/14(水) 23:58:15

191anonymous@fusianasan :2024/04/02(火) 06:05:01
Hey dads, just wanted to visit and say that I love you guys

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3 節分setsubun/ just be funny! (Res:150)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 3
1Beatani :2022/02/03(木) 09:03:49
don't think
just feel
be funny
simple as

144anonymous@fusianasan :2023/03/08(水) 09:15:35
Do you think Beatani is doing alright?

145anonymous@fusianasan :2023/03/20(月) 00:46:09
Chihiro's 30th birthday is coming soon

146anonymous@fusianasan :2023/05/10(水) 04:10:34
Happy 40th birthday, Bea!

147anonymous@fusianasan :2023/05/11(木) 00:03:41
Happy birthday Beatani and Chihiro

148anonymous@fusianasan :2023/05/11(木) 05:44:11
ha ha, i watch flcl too. it's so underground. i thought i was the only one. we can die togeth

149anonymous@fusianasan :2023/07/18(火) 19:45:37
what if bea came back that would be probably very funny i think

150anonymous@fusianasan :2023/12/05(火) 08:20:25
can't believe Bea is 50 years old by now...

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4 what made you happiest and what you regret the most in 2021 (Res:91)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 4
1Beatani :2021/12/31(金) 21:05:01
what made you happiest and what you regret the most in 2021
confess this and I'll read your sin thinking of the shrine

85anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 04:47:51
Happiest: I got a Kaguya Houraisan fumo finally.
Regret: I ended up slacking and didn’t finish Fate/Stay Night…..

86anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 05:15:43
you oversleep

87anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 05:18:17
mom finds your youtube channel

88anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 05:40:03
Happiest: finding bea
Regret: watching bea instead of studying

89anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 05:45:06
Happiest: Achieving fitness goals.
Regret: Did not decide on new dakimakura. Indecisive dad.

90anonymous@fusianasan :2023/01/01(日) 00:05:42
Happiest: Read more books this year
Regret: Didn't write Bea a farewell email (reading English is mendokusai anyway)

91anonymous@fusianasan :2023/01/02(月) 00:21:47
Happiest: nothing
Regret: losing Bea

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5 Making sugoroku events (Res:443)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 5
1Beatani :2022/01/01(土) 05:02:28
リスナが風邪を引いた 1回休み
1万円拾った 3マス進む
友達が増えた もう一度振る
→3マス進む or サイコロをもう一度振る
→3マス戻る or 次のターンはサイコロを振れない

A thread to decide the events of the special koma in sugoroku

Listener catches a cold / skip the next turn
Picked up 10,000 yen / go ahead 3 koma
You got a new fren / shake a dice again

Please write only the flavour text of the event, the effect will be decided automatically

When something happy happens
→go ahead 3 koma or roll the dice again

When something sad happens
→Go back 3 koma or don't roll the dice again next turn

The first event

437anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 06:33:27
The bear is gone
Post Babytani

438anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 06:36:42
Bea isn't looking! Say something nice about her!

439anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 07:14:52
hehe i love beatani
as a joke
not i hope it wont become real

440anonymous@fusianasan :2022/02/02(水) 06:47:57
                 |も |
                 |う |
                 │る |
                 │わ |
                 │ !!.│
     彡⌒ミ   彡⌒ミ   彡⌒ミ    彡⌒ミ
   ヽ(´・ω・`)ノヽ(´・ω・`)ノ (´・ω・`)ノ   ( ´・ω)
    | ̄ ̄ ̄|─| ̄ ̄ ̄|─| ̄ ̄ ̄|─□( ヽ┐U
~ ~  ̄◎ ̄  . ̄◎ ̄   ̄◎ ̄   ◎->┘◎

441anonymous@fusianasan :2022/02/03(木) 08:07:46
I'm too stupid to use this board

442anonymous@fusianasan :2022/02/03(木) 09:05:01
I was digging in our garden when I found a chest full of gold coins. I was about to run straight home to tell my wife about it, but then I remembered why I was digging in our garden.

443anonymous@fusianasan :2022/02/03(木) 09:25:31
r you gonna sock my peanus or what???

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6 Making the best halloween costume for Risuna (Res:643)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 6
1Beatani :2021/10/31(日) 07:16:06
Theme (example: witch)

637anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/31(日) 08:16:46

638anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/31(日) 08:16:50
Black and Gold

639anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/31(日) 08:16:53
black and gold
also pubic hair peek pls

640anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/31(日) 08:16:57
White and blue, like my gf

641anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/31(日) 08:16:58
white, dark blue, cyan, and a little gold

642anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/31(日) 08:17:03
black and gold

643anonymous@fusianasan :2022/01/01(土) 06:02:22
You realise you like drama more than anything. Become EN Narukami and get +2 move every bonus

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7 お前らの変な習慣書いてけ post your weird habit (Res:43)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 7
1Beatani :2021/10/09(土) 02:08:12
Going up stairs: I skip every other step (and then get mad if there is an odd amount of steps)
Going down stairs: I step as fast as possible and try not to fall over

37anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/17(日) 07:24:56
I use a hair dryer constantly to relieve my stress. Putting it toward my faces make me sleepy and happy. I can stay like this for hours.

38anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/17(日) 19:40:22
When putting socks and shoes on, it always goes left sock, right sock, left shoe, right shoe, tie right shoe, and tie left shoe. Also, since I was a kid and even now, I often run up steps in my house on all fours.

39anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:35:54

40anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:38:37

41anonymous@fusianasan :2021/11/04(木) 20:24:22
Sometimes when there is no one around I like to lie down on the floor and close my eyes
It's relaxing

42anonymous@fusianasan :2021/11/04(木) 22:18:01
Can't fall alseep without a video of someone talking in the background
Though can't be too interesting or I get distracted by the video
Probably when I was a kid it helped not being scared of the dark and now it's a deeply ingrained habit

43anonymous@fusianasan :2021/11/08(月) 11:50:53
I can only sleep at night if it's completely dark, any small light can keep me awake for hours.
If I find a song I like I'll listen to it in a loop for a long while, sometimes for a few days straight.
I don't usually untie my shoelaces, I just slip my feet inside; I only tie them again after they become too loose.
When I'm alone I often talk to myself and have imaginary conversations with old friends. It's gotten better though, I used to talk aloud and was always scared of being found out.
Something I started doing recently, when I'm tired of the computer or I'm struggling to get an idea I walk in circles in my room or around the house and sink myself in my own thoughts. Normally I do it for like half an hour but I could go until my feet start hurting.

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8 架空のV作ってR******* 釣ろうぜwwww (Res:1000)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 8
1Beatani :2021/10/24(日) 07:55:35

994anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:43:57

995anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:44:00

996anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:44:01
Torre Towers

997anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:44:01

998anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:44:01

999anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:44:01
Ana Lisa Melchoto

1000anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/24(日) 08:44:02

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9 サムネ募集スレ/Post thumbnail for the lazy bear (Res:18)All First100 Last50 SubjectList ReLoad 9
1Beatani :2021/10/12(火) 21:50:42

12anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/20(水) 01:58:20

13anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/20(水) 08:31:39
This is a slapped-together placeholder that I only made in case nobody else makes a proper one.

14anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/20(水) 09:26:30

15anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/20(水) 09:27:37
fug >>14 is for >>8

16screenshot and use as thumbnail :2021/10/21(木) 05:22:18

       ___  _
       | |_」O  Oy
       | .人ひ - ノ| さむい・・・
      `⌒ニ| 匸⌒'
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        ム/i\_)_∧j      '´ノ=ixiヽ
        /\i    i∧     iノリil从|リ))
     /:::/::`ー一ヘ::::ヽ   !_l_!。゚ -゚ノ!ゝ …アタタカイ…?
     く::/:::/:::l::::lヘ:::ゝ::::ゝ   く|)ixi!つ
     `´^ト‐iー'i_´ー ^´     く/_l|

17anonymous@fusianasan :2021/10/21(木) 05:22:29
it broke.

18Beatani :2021/10/21(木) 06:42:42
two crash thumbnail... pain...

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