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734在カイロ スルタンホテル 塾長まる。:2015/08/26(水) 20:24:34 ID:83J18eGw
Big surprise for Egyptian history fans, Special Christmas in Egypt



Have you been to the Egyptian museum in Tahrir before and had to leave your camera before entering the museum building?

It has been a long time since photography was allowed in the museum which hosts the largest collection of the ancient Egyptian antiquities.

At a press conference held at the Grand Egyptian museum, minister of antiquities Dr. Mamdouh El Damaty announced a big surprise for the Egyptology buffs and visitors to Egypt.

The Minister of Antiquities said "For the Christmas holiday season, photography with no flash will be allowed in the Egyptian museum in Tahrir for all visitors starting from 1st of December 2015 till 7th of January 2016."

Is this the best Christmas present or what?!

#Egypt #Cairo #EgyptianMuseum #Egyptology #Antiquities #Archaeology


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