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都市伝説(としでんせつ、英:Urban legend)

248サンジェルマンからの土偶幻人:2017/12/07(木) 00:20:00 ID:krkGEByg0

> 「あんたがたどこさ」(「Where do you come from ?」)
> たぬき (≒ 田抜き)

If 田 ( which means '丹田' in this case ) is removed from 男 , 力 ( force or power ) is left.
※ Namely, 田抜き (たぬき) in this case means to generate a force as a strong impression.

「The Irresistible Force」

Furthermore, 田 as one set of four chambers is formed as follows.
1. A cross ( + ) is enclosed with two vertical bars and two horizontal bars. → 「2 + 2」
2. Four gaps of a swastika or a Buddhist cross are filled with two half-sized vertical bars and two half-sized horizontal bars.

By the way, as stated previously ( >>190 ),
as five strokes are needed to draw 田 as one of the Kan-characters, 「2 + 2 = 5」( in 『1984』written by George.Orwell ) holds as a cryptic message in domains which are familiar with Kan-characters.


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