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都市伝説(としでんせつ、英:Urban legend)

190絡線-η:2017/03/25(土) 06:25:44 ID:IyN9BRhQ0
「Turning Mirrors」
> Square plus one equals sun
For example, as 十 ( cross ) in the Kan-characters (漢字) means 10 ( ten ), 口 + 10 = 口 + 十 = 田 ( rice field ) holds.

The following case also is same as this funny puzzle.
「Как Смутить Своего учителя МАТЕМАТИКИ ( 2 + 2 = 5 )」

In this case, 2 + 2 in the left side means to surround a cross ( 十 ) with two vertical bars and two horizontal bars namely to form 田 in the Kan-characters.
On the other hand, in fact, 5 in the right side means the number of strokes to draw 田 .
However, it's very hard for people except for Chinese and Japanese that are familiar with Kan-characters to find out such a cryptic message.


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