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都市伝説(としでんせつ、英:Urban legend)

218五段加持祈祷=東洋版エクソシズム:2017/07/20(木) 00:12:21 ID:OJ0INCj20
「10 Нереально Крутых Трюков с Цифрами !!! 〜 2 × 2 = 5」

The left side of this formula means 4 as usual, but 四 of the Kan-characters means 4 .
Meanwhile, the right side of this formula means the number of strokes required to draw 四 ( namely, five strokes are needed to draw 四 ).
Accordingly, a rather cryptic equality 「2 + 2 = 2 × 2 = 5」( pointed out in 『一九八四』written by George.Orwell ) holds as a kind of double or multi-meaning in Japan, North & South Korea in the past, China, Taiwan and Sing-a-pore at present.

By the way, exotic R^4 s are found out in non-integer valued dimensional fields between 4 and 5 .
Somehow, it's often, biasedly told that MIB ( Men In Black ) and WIB ( Women In Black ) have looks like orientals.


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