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都市伝説(としでんせつ、英:Urban legend)

118絡線-η:2013/04/15(月) 05:38:35 ID:nPc2Z46kO
( Continuation from >>117 )

A girl named Lilly sleeps every night through hypnotism and the spiritual body separated from the physical body wanders around a town at midnight.
On the other hand, some drivers frightened at the strange figure( a spiritual figure separated from a physical body in this case ) or their attentions were absorbed in the figure, so that accidents were caused besides various goods disappeared.
Such events have occurred.
※ The strange figure might often appear as a transient scintillating scotoma originated in‘petit-mal’.

Namely, the separated spiritual Lilly has become a such‘devilish child’that startles people and carries out evil things.

But, one day, Lilly has broken down from overwork.
Lilly wandering around a town put in the nocturnal hemisphere of the earth just looks like a‘ghost’.
In fact, one scene of a traffic accident at the beginning of this story was a hint to lead to the situation.
※ By the way, this writer introducing these videos seemed to suspect that audiences seeing the performance by the magical group also receive group-hypnotism or group mind-control.

Astonishingly, Dr.Ichinotani has artificially realized a same state as the girl.


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