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都市伝説(としでんせつ、英:Urban legend)

117絡線-η:2013/04/15(月) 04:06:49 ID:nPc2Z46kO
( Continuation from >>116 )

The opening is one scene of a traffic accident, the story is started from a poster of the magical group stuck on a wall near the place of the accident.

In the show of the eastern magical group, a girl is locked in a box, just then, the girl appears out of the box, walks in the air and is restored to the box without unlocking.
All spectators wonder, however the show finishes with cheers.
Manjome and others are considering about what tricks are used for the performance.

But, this is a significant problem.
What should we think that a girl drifts in the air in a semi-transparent figure like a ghost?
As it was too dangerous to show the performance to the general public, it was somewhat strange that no fuss had happened.

By the way, a man hypnotizing the girl is her father, however, he seems to be her grandfather.
In fact, this girl has a constitution dependent on mesmerism( a kind of hypnotism? ), larger electricities than those for usual humans run through her body( we associate this plot with animal-magnetism pointed out by F.A.Mesmer ).
Accordingly, one appeared in the previous show can be regarded as a spiritual figure separated from her physical body(→ double-image, alias, doppelganger).


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