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Sorcerer Q and A in English

1Ratazong:2009/07/09(木) 20:04:22
Sorcerer2: I feel so stupid ...
I have found all(3) the hints in level B6F ... but cannot fiond the solution to the riddle in B6F2N1E.
Please spoil me!

2Death=Head&Co.:2009/07/09(木) 21:55:50
Re: Sorcerer2: I feel so stupid ...
Hello Rata,

Also please read the story.

And, there are some hits. There are some key words in the hint message of B6F.
1. "Swords and armoury room": What is the symbol of sword?
2. "None within his tomb": Who works for high lord? -- not a single man.
3. "These that king":??What is the royal coat of arms? (same as 1.)
These are associated with answer of riddle. And, there is answer in story page---also you can see it at starting game. Remember, do not forget an article:)

Death=Head & Co.

> I have found all(3) the hints in level B6F ... but cannot fiond the solution to the riddle in B6F2N1E.
> Please spoil me!
> Thanks
> Rata

3Ratazong:2009/07/09(木) 22:36:12
Thanks a lot!
I was looking for a single word answer ... I even tried the solution, but had forgotten the article!
Thanks for the hint and the great game!

4Richard Drysdall:2009/09/03(木) 11:24:23
Minor bugs in Sorcerer (1)
Thank you for an excellent conversion of the game. Some very minor (mostly text) bugs:

- "Overwright" spelt incorrectly (when making a backup of character data).

- The area containing the item selection reel which is displayed when purchasing items at the trading post can be made to 'judder' if you try to drag it left or right.

- The Wizard/Priest tabs on the spellbook window should default to the correct tab based on the character's class, not on which tab was last used.

- When investigating a chest, "DisArm" is incorrectly capitalised.

- The text that is displayed on the lift has a spelling mistake: "There are 4 Swithces." should be "There are 4 switches."

- The message "A Shoot!" should be "A chute!"

- Sometimes "Ok" has a lower-case 'k'. It should be upper-case, i.e. "OK" to be consistent with the rest of the game and with the iPhone OS.

- I like the way you can 'swipe' on the character screen to go to another character, but I think it's backwards when the language is English. Swiping left (i.e. putting the finger on the right-hand side of the screen and moving it left) makes the screen bounce left, but it shows the next character 'up' in the list. I think it should show the next character 'down' in the list. Going left to right (the way the screen appears to move) is associated with going 'forwards' for English-speaking people, since English reads left-to-right, and 'forwards' in a vertical list is going 'down' the list.


5Death=Head&Co.:2009/09/03(木) 23:28:59
Re: Minor bugs in Sorcerer (1)
Hello Richard,
Thank you for your report. I'm not good at English, but I intended some miss-spells (almost all of miss-capitalizing)-- almost a kind of joke...

> - "Overwright" spelt incorrectly (when making a backup of character data).

...but, it's a mistake :) I'll fix it.

> - The area containing the item selection reel which is displayed when purchasing items at the trading post can be made to 'judder' if you try to drag it left or right.

It's a kind of cutting corners :) and there are a lot of things like this. There's no actual harm, but I'll fix it... if time permits.

> - The Wizard/Priest tabs on the spellbook window should default to the correct tab based on the character's class, not on which tab was last used.

It's incorrect. The tab always shows Wizard spellbook when you see someone's first. I think it's better default tab based on him class, but which is better for BISHOP or class-changed character? Maybe there's a best answer, I'll try to find.

> - When investigating a chest, "DisArm" is incorrectly capitalised.

It's a intentionally mistake:) but I'll fix it if you want.

> - The text that is displayed on the lift has a spelling mistake: "There are 4 Swithces." should be "There are 4 switches."

It's a bug too.

> - The message "A Shoot!" should be "A chute!"

Oh, I was stupid. Maybe, I slept when I was??coding.

> - Sometimes "Ok" has a lower-case 'k'. It should be upper-case, i.e. "OK" to be consistent with the rest of the game and with the iPhone OS.

Hmm. OK, I'll fix them.

> - I like the way you can 'swipe' on the character screen to go to another character, but I think it's backwards when the language is English. Swiping left (i.e. putting the finger on the right-hand side of the screen and moving it left) makes the screen bounce left, but it shows the next character 'up' in the list. I think it should show the next character 'down' in the list. Going left to right (the way the screen appears to move) is associated with going 'forwards' for English-speaking people, since English reads left-to-right, and 'forwards' in a vertical list is going 'down' the list.

I understand. Surely it's the reverse. It's better to fix it, but I think changing UI response causes confusion for old users.

6TontoZ:2010/01/31(日) 03:40:10
Thank you so much for bringing Wizardry to the iPhone!??It plays very well.??I just wrote a very positive review in the US iTunes with some tips and hints.??A couple issues though:??I've noticed a few errors in the in-game maps, such as showing a solid wall where there is really a door.??Any chance of adding other features to the maps???Such as the location of stairs, pits, etc???And does "easy mode" do anything other than show the map?
Also, many reviewers in the US store have complained about a "bug" with the game too often only adding 1 hit point each time a character gains a new level- I've also noticed this, that more often than not you only gain 1 hit point.??Does this balance out over time, or is this truely a bug?

Again, thank you for a wonderful game.??Any chance we'll see Sorcerer #3 or #4?

7Death=Head & Co.:2010/01/31(日) 09:39:58
Re: (無題)
Hello TontoZ,

Thank you for your playing.
Now, no traps are shown in auto map. "Secret door" (can't see without LIGHT or HIGH LIGHT) is shown like a wall because it's also a kind of traps. This is not a bug. I think showing all traps will spoil this game. For example, player didn't recognize warp points, and he/she get lost his/her position. If he/she always find out them in auto map, these are not "trap" anymore. But, stairs are not traps. I'll examine this.

In "easy mode", players receive a lot of benefit in fighting. For example, monsters are too weak against spells and swords, and they have fewer chance of special attack (poison, paralyze, stone, energy drain and critical hit), and more. But, it is not a official function because I don't like this:-) . So, I don't support this mode, and I don't want to add any other function for easy mode.

Next, this is not a bug a character get 1 hit point too often when he gains a new level. In this game (and origin), program calculate character's hit points each time of level-up as follows- add a random number (depend on his job and vitality) repeating times of his level. If the result is lower than hit points of older level, he get 1 hit point. So, he will get lots of hit points (I saw more than 100 hit points she gains per 1 level!) or only 1 hit point. But an average is expected depend on his job and vitality.

I want to make Sorcerer #3, but I have no time because my original job is too busy. I can try to make in Spring if I'm lucky:-).

> Thank you so much for bringing Wizardry to the iPhone!??It plays very well.??I just wrote a very positive review in the US iTunes with some tips and hints.??A couple issues though:??I've noticed a few errors in the in-game maps, such as showing a solid wall where there is really a door.??Any chance of adding other features to the maps???Such as the location of stairs, pits, etc???And does "easy mode" do anything other than show the map?
> Also, many reviewers in the US store have complained about a "bug" with the game too often only adding 1 hit point each time a character gains a new level- I've also noticed this, that more often than not you only gain 1 hit point.??Does this balance out over time, or is this truely a bug?
> Again, thank you for a wonderful game.??Any chance we'll see Sorcerer #3 or #4?

8TontoZ:2010/01/31(日) 13:54:58
Hello!??Thank you so much for getting back to me!

I didn't realize the monsters were going easy on me in easy mode...??:)??That's actually too bad- I would rather play the non-easy mode, but as far as I can tell the auto map only works in easy mode???I really appreciate having the auto map- for the original Wizardry I made maps as I played, but since Sorcerer is on a hand-held, portable device, it is too inconvenient to map as I play.??It would be nice perhaps to have a seperate toggle for the auto map function (ie- play in regular mode, with the auto map...??just a suggestion).

And I see what you mean about the "traps" not showing up on the auto map- I mostly agree with you, though I would still argue that some areas like stairs, etc should show up once a player has discovered them.??But the game plays fine as is.

So the hit point increase with level gain does average out over time...?

Thanks again for bringing these wonderful games to the iPhone.??Do you get lots of good feedback???Have you been in touch with the original creators of Wizardry???I would hope that they would be glad to know their wonderful game is living on.

9Death=Head & Co.:2010/01/31(日) 22:05:22
Re: (無題)
Hello TontoZ,

Auto map without casting WHERE IS only works in easy mode. My stance is "if you want to see in-game map, cast WHERE IS". I think unlimited in-game map is undesirable. If characters grow up, they can use more WHERE IS spells, or get some JEWELED AMULET, and their adventure will be more smoothly. I want to enjoy the process of growth. If you have no limit when you started, you will play a dull adventure. I know it's inconvenient, but I won't change it.

The stairs and elevators will be shown in auto map (also casting WHERE IS) at next update.

Hit points will be in theory, but a random factor affects. In my experience, hit points of characters converge to expectation of program during a long period.

I got feedbacks... almost all are from Japanese. I'm glad to receive responses from non-Japanese. Dictionary is my friend to make a response:-). I've never met original creators, but I respect them truly. Thank you for your feedback.

> I didn't realize the monsters were going easy on me in easy mode...??:)??That's actually too bad- I would rather play the non-easy mode, but as far as I can tell the auto map only works in easy mode???I really appreciate having the auto map- for the original Wizardry I made maps as I played, but since Sorcerer is on a hand-held, portable device, it is too inconvenient to map as I play.??It would be nice perhaps to have a seperate toggle for the auto map function (ie- play in regular mode, with the auto map...??just a suggestion).
> And I see what you mean about the "traps" not showing up on the auto map- I mostly agree with you, though I would still argue that some areas like stairs, etc should show up once a player has discovered them.??But the game plays fine as is.
> So the hit point increase with level gain does average out over time...?
> Thanks again for bringing these wonderful games to the iPhone.??Do you get lots of good feedback???Have you been in touch with the original creators of Wizardry???I would hope that they would be glad to know their wonderful game is living on.

10TontoZ:2010/02/01(月) 12:14:54
yet another question...??sorry!
On Level 5, have I discovered an anti-magic area???Suddenly I can't cast spells, but monsters I meet can cast spells???

11Death=Head & Co.:2010/02/02(火) 23:36:42
In B5F there's an anti-magic area (there is NO notice!). If characters enter there, they can't cast spells until leaving B5F. All monsters in the area also can't, but they CAN do out of there.

> yet another question...??sorry!
> On Level 5, have I discovered an anti-magic area???Suddenly I can't cast spells, but monsters I meet can cast spells???

12zedwards:2010/04/27(火) 08:34:54
Where is Neverland in Sorcerer 2
Looking for Neverland/BF666 in Sorcerer #2.??Found in #1 obviously.??Cannot find in #2.??Is entrance on level 6? 5???Looking forever and cannot find.??Any help/clues appreciated.

13Death=Head and Co.:2010/04/27(火) 18:06:50
Re: Where is Neverland in Sorcerer 2
Hello zedwards,
In #2, there's some hints to B333F:
One of them is a message from the sage in B2F. Caution to all messages in the maze and look all map carefully.

Another hint is, you can't go to the entrance by foot.

> Looking for Neverland/BF666 in Sorcerer #2.??Found in #1 obviously.??Cannot find in #2.??Is entrance on level 6? 5???Looking forever and cannot find.??Any help/clues appreciated.

14zedwards:2010/04/28(水) 10:54:20
Thanks.??Have the Sage message, the direction and numbers, but cannot figure anything else from the maps.??Any other clues?

By the way, love the game.??I was original Wiz player and this is awesome.

15Death=Head and Co.:2010/04/28(水) 13:06:02
Re: Thanks
The message points the position of entrance from the sage's room. But, there's no entrance in B2F. Remember, in #1 entrance of B666F is at B6F. That means, there isn't no gate to B333F in B5F or B6F. Right?

> Thanks.??Have the Sage message, the direction and numbers, but cannot figure anything else from the maps.??Any other clues?

16Darren Wright:2010/08/02(月) 08:52:22
Level 5 Elxit / Elevator?
I am on level 5, and can't seem to find the exit to level 6, or the elevator thru to Level 9.??I've got all of Level 5 mapped, and there is a small area that is dark, but I've not found a way there. Can anyone help?

17Death=Head & Co.:2010/08/02(月) 22:14:58
Re: Level 5 Elxit / Elevator?
Hello Darren,
Entrance to Level6 is at behind a secret door. Also the secret door can't see even if you use LIGHT of HIGH LIGHT, because the door is beside ... , You see?
Remember, the secret door can't find in auto-map, so you should kick around areas you didn't enter.

> I am on level 5, and can't seem to find the exit to level 6, or the elevator thru to Level 9.??I've got all of Level 5 mapped, and there is a small area that is dark, but I've not found a way there. Can anyone help?

18Darren Wright:2010/08/03(火) 12:05:24
ok part of the problem was that I was looking for another 4 levels.??I didn't realize that 6 was the bottom level.??Now onto the next problem.??I've beaten the Wizard gotten the amulet, but there is nowhere to go......???I don't have teleport yet....but I just got lucky and beat him with a slience and some turn undeads.?? Where to go?

I guess I was expecting close to Wizardry....

19Darren Wright:2010/08/03(火) 12:07:43
> ok part of the problem was that I was looking for another 4 levels.??I didn't realize that 6 was the bottom level.??Now onto the next problem.??I've beaten the Wizard gotten the amulet, but there is nowhere to go......???I don't have teleport yet....but I just got lucky and beat him with a slience and some turn undeads.??I think I need teleport (MALOR).....I guess I just lost all my characters, unless I can find a chest with a teleport trap......
> I guess I was expecting close to Wizardry....

20Darren Wright:2010/08/03(火) 12:12:27
I remembered I needed to invoke the amulet....so I teleported up 6 levels to the castle, and drowned.??I guess they are all dead now.

So much for that!??they are all gone now....

21Death=Head & Co.:2010/08/03(火) 21:56:55
I'm sorry about your party.

You can return to castle directly only if you teleport to 0F/N0/E0.
Your party will appear into moat if you teleport to another coordinate of 0F.
Then your party's bodies will be carried to temple. Don't worry.

One of the most safely choice is up to 5 levels to B1F, because there's no stones and monsters are too weak.

WARNING: NEVER RESET THE GAME IF YOU SEE THE MESSAGE "DROWNED" OR "IN THE AIR". If you reset the game by pushing home button, the party will be missing forever!!

> I remembered I needed to invoke the amulet....so I teleported up 6 levels to the castle, and drowned.??I guess they are all dead now.
> So much for that!??they are all gone now....

22Henning:2011/03/19(土) 04:32:18
Sorcerer#3 in german app-store
I szumbled over the fact that there is now #3 :-)
However it seems not to be available in the german Appstore.
Doyou have any plans to publish it also in germany?
All the best to you!

23Death=Head & Co.:2011/03/27(日) 23:14:28
Re: Sorcerer#3 in german app-store
Hello Henning,

I don't have any plans to release Sorcerer#3 in the world, except in Japan.
A scenario of Sorcerer#3 may cause a misunderstanding because of a religious problem.

> I szumbled over the fact that there is now #3 :-)
> However it seems not to be available in the german Appstore.
> Doyou have any plans to publish it also in germany?
> All the best to you!
> Henning

24DLE:2011/07/21(木) 02:16:12
Neverland Exit?
I have mapped the entire 333 level except do not see how to get into final exit area.??The only way I get out is to open every Teleport trapped chest and hope to get teleported to that one area with the exit.??Lost countless parties.??Any hints?

25Death=Head & Co.:2011/07/21(木) 23:51:47
Re: Neverland Exit?
Hello DLE;

In #2, you'll be transferred to final exit area via "Turn Table" area. The warp point to exit area is only 1 block, and the block is enclosed by another warp points except one direction. Be careful for mapping, JEWELED AMULET and LIGHT/HIGHLIGHT spell are essential.

> I have mapped the entire 333 level except do not see how to get into final exit area.??The only way I get out is to open every Teleport trapped chest and hope to get teleported to that one area with the exit.??Lost countless parties.??Any hints?

26Jason G:2012/04/14(土) 06:44:00
Level 666F in Sorcerer 1?
I loved the original Wizardry and thank you very much for this excellent game!! I got to the chute on level 5 and went to level 6, but I could not find anything there other than the teleport back to the castle and then also the stairs down to 666. I can't seem to get out of 666, there must be a trick- thank you gain!!


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