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Sorcerer Q and A in English

7Death=Head & Co.:2010/01/31(日) 09:39:58
Re: (無題)
Hello TontoZ,

Thank you for your playing.
Now, no traps are shown in auto map. "Secret door" (can't see without LIGHT or HIGH LIGHT) is shown like a wall because it's also a kind of traps. This is not a bug. I think showing all traps will spoil this game. For example, player didn't recognize warp points, and he/she get lost his/her position. If he/she always find out them in auto map, these are not "trap" anymore. But, stairs are not traps. I'll examine this.

In "easy mode", players receive a lot of benefit in fighting. For example, monsters are too weak against spells and swords, and they have fewer chance of special attack (poison, paralyze, stone, energy drain and critical hit), and more. But, it is not a official function because I don't like this:-) . So, I don't support this mode, and I don't want to add any other function for easy mode.

Next, this is not a bug a character get 1 hit point too often when he gains a new level. In this game (and origin), program calculate character's hit points each time of level-up as follows- add a random number (depend on his job and vitality) repeating times of his level. If the result is lower than hit points of older level, he get 1 hit point. So, he will get lots of hit points (I saw more than 100 hit points she gains per 1 level!) or only 1 hit point. But an average is expected depend on his job and vitality.

I want to make Sorcerer #3, but I have no time because my original job is too busy. I can try to make in Spring if I'm lucky:-).

> Thank you so much for bringing Wizardry to the iPhone!??It plays very well.??I just wrote a very positive review in the US iTunes with some tips and hints.??A couple issues though:??I've noticed a few errors in the in-game maps, such as showing a solid wall where there is really a door.??Any chance of adding other features to the maps???Such as the location of stairs, pits, etc???And does "easy mode" do anything other than show the map?
> Also, many reviewers in the US store have complained about a "bug" with the game too often only adding 1 hit point each time a character gains a new level- I've also noticed this, that more often than not you only gain 1 hit point.??Does this balance out over time, or is this truely a bug?
> Again, thank you for a wonderful game.??Any chance we'll see Sorcerer #3 or #4?


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