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Sorcerer Q and A in English

5Death=Head&Co.:2009/09/03(木) 23:28:59
Re: Minor bugs in Sorcerer (1)
Hello Richard,
Thank you for your report. I'm not good at English, but I intended some miss-spells (almost all of miss-capitalizing)-- almost a kind of joke...

> - "Overwright" spelt incorrectly (when making a backup of character data).

...but, it's a mistake :) I'll fix it.

> - The area containing the item selection reel which is displayed when purchasing items at the trading post can be made to 'judder' if you try to drag it left or right.

It's a kind of cutting corners :) and there are a lot of things like this. There's no actual harm, but I'll fix it... if time permits.

> - The Wizard/Priest tabs on the spellbook window should default to the correct tab based on the character's class, not on which tab was last used.

It's incorrect. The tab always shows Wizard spellbook when you see someone's first. I think it's better default tab based on him class, but which is better for BISHOP or class-changed character? Maybe there's a best answer, I'll try to find.

> - When investigating a chest, "DisArm" is incorrectly capitalised.

It's a intentionally mistake:) but I'll fix it if you want.

> - The text that is displayed on the lift has a spelling mistake: "There are 4 Swithces." should be "There are 4 switches."

It's a bug too.

> - The message "A Shoot!" should be "A chute!"

Oh, I was stupid. Maybe, I slept when I was??coding.

> - Sometimes "Ok" has a lower-case 'k'. It should be upper-case, i.e. "OK" to be consistent with the rest of the game and with the iPhone OS.

Hmm. OK, I'll fix them.

> - I like the way you can 'swipe' on the character screen to go to another character, but I think it's backwards when the language is English. Swiping left (i.e. putting the finger on the right-hand side of the screen and moving it left) makes the screen bounce left, but it shows the next character 'up' in the list. I think it should show the next character 'down' in the list. Going left to right (the way the screen appears to move) is associated with going 'forwards' for English-speaking people, since English reads left-to-right, and 'forwards' in a vertical list is going 'down' the list.

I understand. Surely it's the reverse. It's better to fix it, but I think changing UI response causes confusion for old users.


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