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都市伝説(としでんせつ、英:Urban legend)

270三尸 Tonkin UFO バンク:2018/04/13(金) 02:05:18 ID:hze/JhUw0
> 地滑り ( landslide )

About 430 years ago namely in 1586 ( ※ ), a great earthquake called Tenshou-earthquake occurred in Japan.
※ About 430 light years ;
the distance between Betelgeuse and the earth before modification in 2008

It's known that a missionary named Luis.Frois who stayed in Japan at that time also experienced the earthquake.
And, it's often told that a tsunami around Wakasa-bay ( on the coast of the Japan Sea ) reported by L.Frois was actually a phenomenon originated from a landslide near Biwa-lake.

「Trajectory of Biwa-lake fireball determined from seismic records」


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