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都市伝説(としでんせつ、英:Urban legend)

230過剰な施餓鬼=東洋版ハロウィン:2017/09/04(月) 23:40:48 ID:02I6QbqU0
Both centers tried to make seven holes on the nothing ( embryonic ) head of the chaos.
※ Of course, seven holes to bear respective sensations such as visual sense, auditory sense, sense of smell and sense of taste ( & voicing ) mean mean both eyes, both ears, nasal cavities and a mouth.
And, when seven holes were made on the chaos, the chaos died.
Simultaneously with death of the chaos, the Genesis ( after the creation of this world ) is started.

By the way, but for interactions with the outside, a brain is a very random device.
Namely, a brain has very chaotic features. Meanwhile, a musical piece seems to be elaborately ordered.

It's told that one of the hobbies for this criminal was listening to music.
Were imperfect ( or on growth ) sounds by a trainee very offensive to his ears ?
In fact, a sound ( & voice ) is composed of various vibratory factors such as wavelength, amplitude, tone, rhythm, frequency and the number of oscillations, etc.
Anyhow, formation of some order is interpreted as destruction of chaotic (≒ disordered) state in Taoism.


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