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都市伝説(としでんせつ、英:Urban legend)

193絡線-η:2017/03/26(日) 13:36:58 ID:C2DX8ztQ0
If four gaps of a Swastika are filled with two half-sized vertical segments and two half-sized horizontal segments, it turns out to be 田 as a Kan-character to mean a rice field.

By the way, 田 is one of the Kan-characters drawn with 5 strokes, we associate a stroke with an intensive impact like a lightning.
And, 稲妻 ( inazuma ) is a word in Japanese to mean lightning.
※ 稲 ( ine ) → rice , 妻 ( tsuma ) → wife in English.

「去ね」as a dialect is pronounced 'ine' but this dialect means 「leave」.
Furthermore, the preterite namely the past of 「leave」often means another side of the right & left.

※ Exotic R^4 s are found out in non-integer valued dimensions between 4 and 5 .


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