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134名無しさん:2004/11/28(日) 04:24
about 929 for "busy hair" about 444 for "busy hair salon"

Cara placed the hat on the stool with a "coolio, duderz," (*whimpers of pain*) and trotted over to the Gryffindor table, where she made her seat impression next to a girl with busy brown hair (busy hair? I’d love to know how that works) about her own age. Cara just had time to register the fact the hall was clapping before she noticed the Ghost.

http://www.eroticargame.com/katt.html Billy
6' tall, shoulder length stark-white busy hair; ash-white complexion; clear, rhumey white-grey eyes that seem to look through and past the object he's focusing on; numerous scars cover the length of his body like he had been sewn together.


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