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34凡人:2012/05/30(水) 17:42:50
Shaped like an hourglass: an hourglass design; an hourglass figure

35凡人:2012/06/02(土) 03:16:08
11 words adults just can't spellBy Jonathan Anker
11:34 AM EDT, Fri June 01, 2012

While viewers and contestants of this year's National Spelling Bee fixated on the fine points of spelling 'tchotchke' or the etymology of 'maculature' (it's French, from Latin), perhaps it would be a good time for many of us to lower our sights a little bit and focus on some of the words we use and type every day -- and almost always misspell.

Such as, 'misspell.'

Because while you can reasonably expect to never have to type the word 'preprandial', how many times have you second-guessed yourself while spelling out 'accommodate'? Or 'maintenance'? These are the kind of words we actually need to know -- and the ones that tend to humiliate us on a weekly basis.

So never mind what those 13-year-old future bosses of yours were spelling at the bee. Here are 11 words that many adult screws up, presented for you in standard spelling bee form.

The word is: Occasion
Can you use it in a sentence? Finally, an occasion to address all these words we always stumble on.
Is it o-c-c-a-s-s-i-o-n? // ::buzzer::

The word is: Fiery
Can you use it in a sentence? Tim Duncan is the opposite of fiery.
Is it f-i-r-e-y? // ::ding::

The word is: Embarrassed
Can you use it in a sentence? I was so embarrassed I spelled embarrass wrong, even though it had a red, squiggly line underneath when I typed it in Word.
Is it e-m-b-a-r-a-s-s? // ::horn::

The word is: Restaurant
Can you use it in a sentence? Apparently Mark Zuckerberg didn't tip very well at that restaurant on his Italian honeymoon.
Is it r-e-s-t-a-r-a-u-n-t? // ::gong::

The word is: Vacuum
Can you use it in a sentence? The next time ESPN airs an offbeat competition will be July 4, when human vacuum Joey Chestnut eats 55 hot dogs.
Is it v-a-c-c-u-m? // ::whoopee cushion sound::

The word is: Loose
Can you use it in a sentence? The owner of a gay bar says bachelorette parties are no longer welcome to cut loose there.
Is it l-o-s-e? // ::squish::

The word is: Daiquiri
Can you use it in a sentence? When at the beach this summer, a real man will order a strawberry daiquiri.
Is it d-a-q-u-i-r-i? // ::airhorn::

The word is: Independent
Can you use it in a sentence? There are lots of independent thoughts out there about how to spell this word and pretty much every one them is wrong.
Is it i-n-d-e-p-e-d-a-n-t? // ::wah-wah-waaahh::

The word is: Recommend
Can you use it in a sentence? I'd recommend this article to whoever made that Romney app.
Is it r-e-c-c-o-m-e-n-d? // ::The Price Is Right loser noise::

The word is: Separate
Can you use it in a sentence? The spelling bee should have a separate contest for the most over-the-top reactions.
Is it s-e-p-e-r-a-t-e? // ::Pac-Man dying sound::

The word is: Misspell
Can you use it in a sentence? Misspell has got to be the very worst word to misspell.
Is it m-i-s-p-e-l-l? // No.

36凡人:2012/06/03(日) 01:55:44
mad/headlong/frantic rush

A wild hurry, as in I was in a mad rush to get to the bank on time to cash my check , or Why the mad rush? We have lots of time before the concert starts . The use of in a rush for "being in a hurry" dates from the second half of the 1800s, and mad , for "frenzied," serves merely as an intensifier.

37凡人:2012/06/03(日) 01:58:53
"Teflon tape"? It's not what you may think.
Did you know?

• Teflon® isn’t a thing — it’s a brand! A world famous brand that’s owned by DuPont.

• The DuPont™ Teflon® brand identifies products that are made with DuPont raw material(s), like fluoropolymer or industrial coatings. Over time, the tape has been mistakenly referred to as "Teflon tape". We thought it was important to let you know that.

• If somebody offers to sell you “Teflon tape” when you need plumber tape (or thread seal tape), they are wrong, mistaken or — worse — trying to mislead you. To help you make an informed purchase, you should be aware that no plumber tape is authorized by DuPont to be sold as “Teflon tape”.

• DuPont has brought thousands of meaningful innovations to people for more than 200 years, including many Teflon® branded products for consumers. Plumber tape is not one of these innovations.

Teflon® is a registered trademark of DuPont.

38凡人:2012/06/03(日) 11:35:22
An eponym is the name of a person or thing, whether real or fictitious, after which a particular place, tribe, era, discovery, or other item is named or thought to be named.[citation needed] One who is referred to as eponymous is someone who gives his or her name to something, e.g., Julian, the eponymous owner of the famous restaurant Julian's Castle. Another term for eponym is namegiver.

In contemporary English, the term self-titled is often used to mean eponymous in the case of a work with the same name as the person or persons who created it.[citation needed] An etiological myth can be a "reverse eponym" in the sense that a legendary character is invented in order to explain a term. This is one example of folk etymology.

39凡人:2012/06/04(月) 23:58:44
1. scapegoat. red herring. person accused of a something as a cover for a bigger more elaborate crime.
Oswald was a patsy in the Kennedy assassination.
buy patsy mugs & shirtsby s: Oct 19, 2004 share this add a video

2.The guy that always takes the fall! A loser!! The nice guy that finishes last everytime...
Also used when describing a weak minded man who lets his girlfriend/ wife walk all over him.
"Baz is such patsy, he's taken her back again even though she sucked that guys cock!" "yeah man, proper patsy"

40凡人:2012/06/05(火) 07:55:13

1. A fluttering or darting movement; moving rapidly or quickly

2. A derogatory slang word for homosexual males popular in the '50s.

3. A form of transportation invented by Darren Shan in which vampires move their legs very quickly. It's not quite running and not quite flying.
a. The bees were flitting from flower to flower.
b. He acted like a little girl. I swear he's a flit.
c. The air rushed over my ears as Mr. Crepsley flitted to our next location.

41凡人:2012/06/06(水) 11:27:52
on the lam

1)laying low

2)running from the feds
She broke the law, now she's on the lam.

42凡人:2012/06/06(水) 11:32:31

1. Older slang defining some sort of shady activity; usually illegal. shenanigans.

So tell us out the caper, boss.

2. to commit an act of robbery

Ay son i just pulled this caper on this white boy.

43凡人:2012/06/07(木) 12:20:06
under his belt

It means a person has already experienced or completed something.

1. Michael Jackson has many albums under his belt.

2. Michael Kors has many years in fashion under his belt.

44凡人:2012/06/07(木) 23:39:46

1.Evoke or draw out (a response or fact) from someone by actions or questions: "their moves elicit exclamations of approval".

2.Draw forth (something that is latent or potential) into existence: "war elicits all that is bad in us".

45凡人:2012/06/08(金) 00:31:14

1.Walk in an ostentatious yet casual manner, typically with exaggerated movements of the hips and shoulders.

2.Perform the sashay.

46凡人:2012/06/08(金) 00:31:52

Adjective: Used as an intensifier, often to qualify a metaphor: "a veritable price explosion".

Synonyms: real - true - actual - genuine - very - authentic

47凡人:2012/06/08(金) 17:31:57

1)tribute to a mafia boss.
2)a percent expected to be paid back from a loan.
3)the juice or cut to be lost or refunded(by winning) in gambling.

1)"Fats" wants the vig by next monday.
2)that loan shark "Shorts" wants his full payment back soon.
3)the vig on the mets, sox game is 10%.

48凡人:2012/06/10(日) 03:34:12


1. Something implied but not expressed: understood or implied without being stated openly.

A tacit agreement.

2. Means silently understood, often comes up in the American standardized test, the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)

Tacit - SAT vocab!!

49凡人:2012/06/10(日) 04:08:10
Brindle is a coat coloring pattern in animals, particularly dogs, cats, cattle, guinea pigs, crested geckos and, rarely, horses. It is sometimes described as "tiger striped", although the brindle pattern is more subtle than that of a tiger's coat. The streaks of color are irregular and usually darker than the base color of the coat, although very dark markings can be seen on a coat that is only slightly lighter.

50凡人:2012/06/11(月) 01:52:34
Riposte -

1. : a fencer's quick return thrust following a parry.
2. : a retaliatory verbal sally : retort.
3. : a retaliatory maneuver or measure.

In fencing, the riposte (French for "retort") is an offensive action with the intent of hitting one's opponent, made by the fencer who has just parried an attack.

51凡人:2012/06/11(月) 17:51:41

shorter word for "fucking ugly"

oh shit that girl is fugly

52凡人:2012/06/12(火) 03:07:10
war·ble 1 (wôrbl)
v. war·bled, war·bling, war·bles
To sing (a note or song, for example) with trills, runs, or other melodic embellishments.
1. To sing with trills, runs, or quavers.
2. To be sounded in a trilling or quavering manner.
The act or an instance of singing with trills, runs, or quavers.
[Middle English werbelen, from Old North French werbler, of Germanic origin.]

war·ble 2 (wôrbl)
a. An abscessed boillike swelling on the back of cattle, deer, and certain other animals, caused by the larva of a warble fly.
b. The warble fly, especially in its larval stage.
2. A hard lump of tissue on a riding horse's back caused by rubbing of the saddle.
[Probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to obsolete Swedish varbulde.]

53凡人:2012/06/14(木) 15:43:38

the most wonderful friend you could ever have. puts everybody else before herself, and is loyal to the end. she is funny and lovely.
i really miss sare. she was the best friend i ever had.

54凡人:2012/06/25(月) 16:24:30
Hoity Toity

A person whom assumes that they are above you in any way without cause or reason. This person normally has to find flaws in others to make them feel better. They really enjoy labels are always made up.

Jennifer just bout a D&G bag - She acts a little too hoity toity for me.....

55凡人:2012/06/29(金) 08:15:15
Staying simple. Kendrys Morales has a nice approach with runners on base. He seems to concentrate on making contact and hitting the ball up the middle. The Angels gave him all sorts of opportunities and he came through, going 3-for-5 and driving in four runs. If he's going to bat ahead of Mark Trumbo, it helps to have this kind of production. The key for this offense is depth. Pitchers can't catch their breath.

56凡人:2012/07/02(月) 15:41:23

1. distressing, unsettling
2. annoying
3. repellent, disgusting

He wore an off-putting hat with his tattered pants and stained shirt.

57凡人:2012/07/02(月) 15:42:23

A person who fulfills multiple minority capacities in any realm. Having two or more of these common features: physical/mental disabilities, being a woman or ethnic minority
In the show 30 Rock, James Spurlock, his nickname is "Toofer" because "with him you get a two-for-one; he's a black guy and a Harvard guy." (Jack Donaghy)

Connie Rubirosa in Law & Order

Brenda Johnson in the Closer

58凡人:2012/07/08(日) 01:17:58
harp on - dwell upon , ramble , dwell on , stress , drum into , pester , beat a dead horse , nag , bother , harp upon , disturb , dwell on/dwell upon

59凡人:2012/07/08(日) 01:21:20
The goose step is a special marching step usually performed on formal military parades and other ceremonies. While marching in parade formation, troops swing their legs in unison high off the ground, while keeping their knees locked.

Originating in Prussian military drill in the mid-18th century, the step was called the Stechschritt (literally, "piercing step") or Stechmarsch. Although "goose step" is a pejorative term in English, it is used officially by the armed forces of the nearly 30 countries that maintain the tradition.

60凡人:2012/07/15(日) 10:23:08

Adjective used to describe when someone's words are exceptionally hurtful, cruel, or insensitive. Applied to a situation/remarks through ownership: your, his, her ; "Your biting tongue," "he has a biting tongue."

Definition of 'BITING' as an adjective: vicious, harsh, cruel, savage, cutting, sharp, bitter, scathing, caustic, acid, acrimonious, acerbic, stinging; vitriolic, hostile, spiteful, venomous, mean, nasty; informal bitchy, catty. ANTONYMS mild, gentle.

"When provoked, he had a biting tongue."

"Her biting tongue became more vicious after a few beers."

"Your biting tongue caused an uncomfortable atmosphere after your argument with the waiter."

61凡人:2012/07/22(日) 07:21:50
Laura Jones
When will liberals finally understand that guns don't kill people. People kill people. Guns got nothing to do with it, k?

Eva Wallace
Speaking as a liberal, I would like to point out that we don't all think that way.

Jennifer Lewis · Culinary/Nutrition Teacher at Arapahoe High School
Explain to me how 72 people could be injured and 12 killed in 2 minutes without the help of guns, such an idiotic response.

Matt Lazko · Commerce, Michigan
Thank you Eva for pointing that out; I am too a liberal and don't think like that either.

62凡人:2012/07/23(月) 04:47:03

1. To praise someone
2. A sarcastic way of saying "congratulations"

Example #1
Girl 1: I got an A+ !
Girl 2: Kudos to you!

Example #2
Boy 1: Guess what?? Hola is Hello in Spanish!
Boy 2: Kudos to you for figuring that out...

63凡人:2012/08/18(土) 10:24:47
Pound Sand

1a. To order someone to go away or "get lost." This is a widely used term that has no vulgar connotations.
One friend told another to pound sand when he questioned the veracity of the Old English Dictionary.

1b. Walk away (from the fact that each step requires one to press down the sand beneith one's feet; from Hawaiin slang)
Go pound sand.

2. "The origin of the expression go pound sand is from a longer expression, not to know (have enough sense to) pound sand down a rathole. Filling rat holes with sand is menial work, and telling someone to pound sand down a hole is like telling them to go fly a kite. The expression dates to at least 1912 and is common in the midwestern United States."

3. The term pound sand originally referred to the degrading job of filling rat holes with sand. However, its meaning has evolved, it now refers to a technique used in Vietnamese whore houses. This technique was used when the whores would give a man a hand job and then right before the man would ejaculate the whore would cap the penis, give it one hard pump, and then release it causing the man to ejaculate with such force that the it would hit the ceiling.
Hey, why don't you go pound sand!

64凡人:2012/08/21(火) 14:43:45
hock a loogie

To cough up and spit out a large glob of flem usually resulting in a loud cough and throat clearing noise.

On the bus, we saw a young man "hock a loogie". He spit the loogie on the ground near an agitated yuppie.

65凡人:2012/08/23(木) 11:59:28
heads up

1.Advance notice of something that will need attention.

Just a heads up that the customer is likely to escalate this problem...

2.A phrase which, upon hearing, means you should get your head down.

*man throwing baseball and missing the area, sending it on a direct course for a small child*
Man: Hey kid, heads up!

*Kid gets his head down and doesn't get hit*
Kid wins for reading urbandictionary.

66凡人:2012/08/24(金) 11:59:04

(n.) 1. Something apparently impressive or legitimate but actually untrue or insincere; nonsense. 2.
A stock technique for eliciting a desired response from an audience.

(n.) The cum of a ho.
Cindy thought that I was spouting hokum when I told her that I would make her scream. She was wrong; she threw me on the table and rode my throbbing cock until hokum started to leak out from her cunt and her moans became gasping screams of ecstasy.

67凡人:2012/08/27(月) 04:51:41
take a shine to somebody:

to like someone immediately

Amy took a shine to Nick, but her friends weren't so sure he was the right guy for her.

68凡人:2012/08/28(火) 12:04:50
Ersatz - Similar

Ersatz means 'substituting for, and typically inferior in quality to', e.g. 'chicory is ersatz coffee'. It is a German word literally meaning substitute or replacement.

69凡人:2012/08/29(水) 00:01:11
Romney credits her doctor’s aggressive treatment and the therapeutic effects of horseback riding as reasons for the “miraculous” recovery of much of her strength.

70凡人:2012/09/01(土) 14:43:17

A cad is someone who can be quite charming, intelligent, capable of engaging in stimulating conversation, ultimately presenting himself as a gentlemen. A cad, however, is not a gentleman because he systematically cons lovely ladies into falling in love with him and then openly cheats on them. He is completely selfish with only feigned regard for women's feelings. Somewhat like a playboy but instead of being open about his philanderings, a cad usually pretends to care about a woman before coitus, thereby confusing the woman when he drops her like a hot potato. He is dishonest with most people around him (often even himself). Cads also frequently have addiction issues.

Dude 1: Is James Bond a cad?
Dude 2: Nah, at least the Bond Girls don't expect him to stick around and he doesn't pretend to make them feel special.

71凡人:2012/09/01(土) 17:12:52

1.(of food or drink) Pleasant to taste.
2.(of an action or proposal) Acceptable or satisfactory.

Synonyms: savoury - tasty - savory - toothsome - delicious - sapid

72凡人:2012/09/02(日) 11:16:03

A cancelling-out or balancing effect. An incident where nothing is gained and nothing is lost, a draw.

I won fifty bucks at blackjack, but lost fifty in poker, so I called it a wash and went home.

73凡人:2012/09/04(火) 12:58:00

Adjective: 1.Tearful or given to weeping.
2.Inducing tears; sad: "a lachrymose children's classic".

Synonyms: tearful - lachrymatory

74凡人:2012/09/04(火) 14:45:14
Marquetry (also spelled as marqueterie) is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns, designs or pictures.

75凡人:2012/09/06(木) 02:47:15

Noun: Used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility: "the onus is on you to show that you have suffered".
Synonyms: burden - charge - responsibility - weight - liability

76凡人:2012/09/06(木) 17:04:13

1: a braided cord worn by Boy Scouts as a neckerchief slide, hatband, or ornament
2: a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft
— boondoggle \ intransitive verb
— boondoggler \ noun

Critics say the dam is a complete boondoggle—over budget, behind schedule, and unnecessary.

coined by Robert H. Link †1957 American scoutmaster
First Known Use: 1929

77凡人:2012/09/07(金) 16:27:06
Bug Out

(Noun)  bug out, Slang. to flee in panic; show panic or alarm .Someone or something that is feeling nervouse , paranoied, or inattentive,usually freaking out for no reason, overly dramatic or over exaguarting

(Verb)  Someone or something that is doing that act of freaking out , acting upon paranoia.
Originated from the word Bug (noun)any insect or insectlike invertebrate,referring to the way an insect would appear,or act in movement, vibrations, indicating nervousness or Panic.

Man:Hey Whats up ?
Women: What do you mean by that, Are you trying to make fun of me, yes thats what your doing , your so mean , What have i ever done to you ?
Man: Holy shit, What a bug out, Why you Buggin i just said Whats up ? You have to chill, Your sucha a Bug out !!
Man: You Buggin!

78凡人:2012/09/08(土) 08:59:06

1.A boyfriend or male admirer.
2.A rich, fashionable young man; a dandy.

Synonyms: dandy - fop - lover - gallant

79凡人:2012/09/10(月) 07:54:34
caveat emptor

Caveat Emptor is latin for "let the buyer beware" and is the basic idea that a buyer should closely examine every item and purchase they make as if they are about to be ripped off, making purchasing safer.

I gave my credit card number to some website to purchase something and the owner charged up my card. Well, as they say; Caveat Emptor.

80凡人:2012/09/18(火) 15:29:42
ball buster

1) A woman (also affectionately called a bitch) who challenges the virility and dominance of a man by utilizing verbal abuse and/or by controlling social situations usually controlled by the men.

2) A woman who is so bitchin' and intelligent that most men fear openning their mouth in her presence, much less making a sexual advance.
"That ball buster of a ho didn't let me have a word in edgewise. She tore my ass up one side, and down the other"

"Woo Wee! Look at that ball bustin' honey!"

81凡人:2012/09/28(金) 09:20:40
Flapping their gums

When someone is said to be “flapping their gums” it means that he or she talks a lot about topics he or she doesn't really understand or know about. It also means to say something but not really mean it.

Frank and Joe are always flapping their gums about what it's like to be street hustlers, when they have never even been out of the burbs.

82凡人:2012/09/30(日) 04:30:05
The snipe hunt may be assigned to a target as either part of a process of hazing, in which the object is to initiate the snipe hunter into the group, or as part of a process of ostracism intended to encourage (or force) a person, perceived to be an unwanted interloper, to withdraw from the group's presence.

83凡人:2012/09/30(日) 04:33:22
A practical joke[1] (also known as a prank, gag, jape or shenanigan) is a mischievous trick or joke played on someone, typically causing the victim to experience embarrassment, indignity, or discomfort. Practical jokes differ from confidence tricks or hoaxes in that the victim finds out, or is let in on the joke, rather than being fooled into handing over money or other valuables. Practical jokes or pranks are typically lighthearted, reversible or non-permanent, and aim to make the victim feel foolish or victimized to a certain degree; however practical jokes may also involve cruelty.

The term "practical" refers to the fact that the joke consists of someone doing something physical, instead of a verbal or written joke. For example, the joker who is setting up and performing the practical joke might hang a bucket of water above a doorway and rig the bucket using pulleys so when the door opens the bucket dumps the water. The joker would then wait for the victim to walk through the doorway and be drenched by the bucket of water. Objects can also be used in practical jokes, like fake vomit, chewing gum bugs, exploding cigars, stink bombs, costumes and whoopee cushions. In Western culture, April Fools' Day[2] is a day traditionally dedicated to performing practical jokes. A person who performs a practical joke is called a practical joker.[3]

84凡人:2012/10/10(水) 05:54:01

Noun: Excessive confidence or boldness; audacity: "no one had the temerity to question his conclusions".

Synonyms: daring - rashness - audacity

85凡人:2012/10/10(水) 05:54:40

Noun: 1.The state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.
2.The shameful failure to fulfill one's obligations.

Synonyms: abandonment - neglect - desertion - negligence

86凡人:2012/10/10(水) 05:55:20
plebs (pl bz). n. pl. ple·bes (pl b z).

1. The common people of ancient Rome: the plebs and the patricians.
2. The common people; the populace.

87凡人:2012/10/11(木) 16:30:06


1.Censure or criticize severely.
2.Damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).

Synonyms: bark - raw - skin - excorticate - flay

88凡人:2012/10/11(木) 16:31:04

Raise doubts or objections or show reluctance.

Noun: The action or process of objecting to or hesitating over something.

Synonyms: verb. object - hesitate - remonstrate
noun. objection - exception - hesitation - protest

89凡人:2012/10/12(金) 12:19:11

noun /i-ˈmäl-yə-mənt/

1: the returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites
2archaic : advantage

<the annual emolument for the director of the charity is officially only one dollar>

90凡人:2012/10/12(金) 12:19:52


Having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.

Synonyms: foreseeing - provident

91凡人:2012/10/12(金) 12:20:43

intransitive verb
: to utter the characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey; also : to utter a sound like a donkey's
transitive verb
: to utter or play loudly or harshly
Origin of BRAY
Middle English, from Anglo-French braire to cry, bellow, roar, from Vulgar Latin *bragere, of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish braigid he breaks wind
First Known Use: 14th century

2 bray
transitive verb
1: to crush or grind fine <bray seeds in a mortar>
2: to spread thin <bray printing ink>
Origin of BRAY
Middle English, from Anglo-French braier, breier, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German brehhan to break — more at break
First Known Use: 14th century

92凡人:2012/10/12(金) 15:06:53


Meaningless talk; nonsense.

93凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:31:09


1.The period of life in which a person is old and weak: "you could live here and look after me in my dotage".
2.The state of having the intellect impaired, esp. through old age; senility.

Synonyms: senility

94凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:31:40


1.Affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting.
2.(of a color) Lurid or sickly.

Synonyms: biliary - choleric

95凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:32:51


Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant: "they were overcome by the noxious fumes".

Synonyms: harmful - injurious - noisome - pernicious - mischievous

96凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:33:18
Compendium -

A compendium (plural: compendia) is a concise, yet comprehensive compilation of a body of knowledge.

97凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:34:34


Talk long-windedly without making very much sense: "she began blathering on about spirituality"; "stop your blathering".

Noun: Long-winded talk with no real substance.

Synonyms: verb. blether - chatter - babble - blah-blah
noun. blether - twaddle - gab - prattle - jive - babblement

98凡人:2012/10/13(土) 19:02:00


Noun: Assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.
Verb: Give assistance or aid to.

Synonyms: noun. succour - aid - help - assistance - relief - support
verb. succour - assist - help - relieve - aid - support

99凡人:2012/10/15(月) 11:59:02

1.Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner: "an effusive welcome".
2.(of igneous rock) Poured out when molten and later solidified.

Synonyms: demonstrative - expansive

100凡人:2012/10/17(水) 08:56:40
Raked over the coals

To get fussed at, or out by someone.

The child did not sweep the kitchen floor, and was raked over the coals by her mother.

101凡人:2012/10/19(金) 20:09:02


Providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system.

Noun: A person whose work provides necessary support to the primary activities of an organization, institution, or industry.

Synonyms: subsidiary - auxiliary - subordinate - accessory

102凡人:2012/10/20(土) 21:31:37

1. Another word for nonsense. Or a polite way of saying something is bullshit.
2. A brand name snack food that consists of popcorn covered with caramel glaze and often has nuts such as pecans and almonds in it.

1. Pat said that aliens’ building the pyramids is poppycock.
2. Tina snuck some poppycock into the movie theater to snack on instead of buying some popcorn.

103凡人:2012/10/23(火) 11:40:13

Noun: An unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).

Adjective: Unprincipled (often used as a humorous or affectionate reproach).

Synonyms: scoundrel - villain

104凡人:2012/10/23(火) 20:16:44


Adjective: Lacking care or attention to duty; negligent.

Synonyms: negligent - careless - neglectful - slack - lax

105凡人:2012/10/24(水) 03:09:03



In low spirits from loss of hope or courage.

Synonyms: depressed - dejected - dispirited - crestfallen

106凡人:2012/10/24(水) 03:35:41



1.The action of taking legal possession of assets until a debt has been paid or other claims have been met.
2.The action of taking forcible possession of something; confiscation.

107凡人:2012/10/24(水) 05:02:58



A feeling of doubt or apprehension about the outcome or consequences of something.

Synonyms: fear - apprehension - doubt - suspicion - anxiety

108凡人:2012/10/25(木) 18:23:56



Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way.

Synonyms: scurrilous - obscene - indecent - bawdy - coarse - nasty

109凡人:2012/10/26(金) 07:37:57


Verb: 1.Suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.
2.Mention without discussing at length.

Synonyms: hint - refer - intimate - suggest - imply - mention

110凡人:2012/10/26(金) 07:48:35

intr.v. col&middot;lud&middot;ed, col&middot;lud&middot;ing, col&middot;ludes.

To act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose; conspire.

111凡人:2012/10/26(金) 07:59:21



1.Holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority: "the queen is titular head of the Church of England".
2.(of a cleric) Nominally appointed to serve a diocese, abbey, or other foundation no longer in existence, and typically in fact having...

Synonyms: nominal - titulary

112凡人:2012/10/26(金) 09:44:32



1.(of a situation or condition) Extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading.
2.(of an unhappy state of mind) Experienced to the maximum degree.

Synonyms: miserable - mean - vile - wretched - despicable - poor

113凡人:2012/10/27(土) 20:47:45



1.Filled or well-supplied with something.
2.Very full of or sated by food.

Synonyms: full - fraught - saturated

114凡人:2012/10/30(火) 16:38:06



1.Contribute greatly to (a person's credit or honor): "his latest diplomatic effort will redound to his credit".
2.Come back upon; rebound on: "may his sin redound upon his head!".

Synonyms: contribute - help

115凡人:2012/10/30(火) 16:38:44

1. A broken piece of earthenware.
2. Slang Foolish talk; nonsense: That story is just a crock.

116凡人:2012/10/30(火) 16:39:20



Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.

Synonyms: servile - subservient - slavish - menial - fawning

117凡人:2012/10/30(火) 18:28:29
diffident   /ˈdɪfɪdənt/ [dif-i-duhnt]

1. lacking confidence in one's own ability, worth, or fitness; timid; shy.
2. restrained or reserved in manner, conduct, etc.
3. Archaic . distrustful.

118凡人:2012/10/31(水) 20:58:48

/ˈrig(ə)məˌrōl/Noun: 1.A lengthy and complicated procedure.
2.A long, rambling story or statement.

119凡人:2012/10/31(水) 20:59:11

/riˈdound/Verb: 1.Contribute greatly to (a person's credit or honor): "his latest diplomatic effort will redound to his credit".
2.Come back upon; rebound on: "may his sin redound upon his head!".

Synonyms: contribute - help

120凡人:2012/10/31(水) 20:59:54

/SHləb/Noun: A talentless, unattractive, or boorish person.

121凡人:2012/11/01(木) 03:36:54


Appear or claim to be or do something, esp. falsely; profess.

Noun: The meaning or substance of something, typically a document or speech.

Synonyms: verb. mean - signify - claim - imply - intend
noun. meaning - import - sense - tenor - significance

122凡人:2012/11/01(木) 03:37:27


Anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.

Synonyms: resentment - wrath - anger - exasperation

123凡人:2012/11/01(木) 16:52:30
cop a squat

Meaning to have a seat.

"Cop a squat right here sir."
"Sit your ass down."

124凡人:2012/11/01(木) 19:34:42

/ikˈsk&ocirc;rēˌāt/Verb: 1.Censure or criticize severely.
2.Damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).

Synonyms: bark - raw - skin - excorticate - flay

125凡人:2012/11/04(日) 17:58:36

to strip off the skin or surface of : skin. 2. : to criticize harshly : excoriate. 3. : lash 1b <the wind whipped up to gale fury, flaying his face — Richard Kent> ...


/fəˈsēSHəs/Adjective: Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.

Synonyms: jocose - humorous - jocular - waggish - comic - funny

126凡人:2012/11/04(日) 17:59:17
head fake

The price of equities increase, and all indications prior to that are that it will increase, but shortly after reverses direction and lowers.

"Sept 28th was a major head fake, equities fell substantially the remaining month."

127凡人:2012/11/05(月) 19:57:30

1.Reduce the force, effect, or value of: "her intolerance was attenuated by an unexpected liberalism".
2.Reduce the amplitude of (a signal, electric current, or other oscillation).

Synonyms: dilute - weaken - thin - reduce - extenuate - rarefy

128凡人:2012/11/05(月) 19:58:17

Slang An illegal plot or enterprise, especially one involving theft.

intr.v. ca&middot;pered, ca&middot;per&middot;ing, ca&middot;pers.
To leap or frisk about; frolic.

129凡人:2012/11/06(火) 00:49:11


1.Overcome with anger; extremely indignant.
2.Relating to or denoting apoplexy (stroke): "an apoplectic attack".

130凡人:2012/11/06(火) 08:25:20

/nˈt&ocirc;rd/Adjective: Unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient: "untoward jokes".

Synonyms: unfavourable - unfavorable - unlucky - unfortunate

131凡人:2012/11/06(火) 08:25:48

extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning.

132凡人:2012/11/07(水) 13:58:11

Of poor or questionable quality.
"Greg's joke just now was so damn dryballs."

133凡人:2012/11/07(水) 13:58:40

/pərˈfəNGktərē/Adjective: (of an action or gesture) Carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.

Synonyms: superficial - cursory - shallow - skin-deep - sketchy

134凡人:2012/11/07(水) 14:00:54

Dummkopf (doom-cough)- language from germany means idiot, stupid, retarded.

"man jimmy your such a Dummkopf!."

135凡人:2012/11/08(木) 22:09:09

/prōˈklivətē/Noun: A tendency to choose or do something regularly.

Synonyms: tendency - inclination - propensity - leaning - bent

136凡人:2012/11/20(火) 23:24:36 ID:ZyNqar2k0

/ˈw&auml;ləp/Verb: Strike or hit (someone or something) very hard: "they walloped the back of his head".

Noun: A heavy blow or punch.

Synonyms: verb. thrash - beat - trounce
noun. whack

137凡人:2012/11/22(木) 17:47:08 ID:UXPhgzGY0
Shut Eye

A slang word used to tell someone/something you are going to sleep or to get some rest.

Rob: Hey, you hitting the hays already?
John:Yeah, ima go get some shut eye, ill see you tomorrow, needa catch up on some rest.

138凡人:2012/11/24(土) 12:23:44 ID:E.06fwlU0

/priˈp&auml;st(ə)rəs/Adjective: Contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.

Synonyms: absurd - nonsensical - ludicrous - ridiculous - senseless

139凡人:2012/11/25(日) 17:06:19 ID:b5FXbIN60
packing heat

Having a concealed firearm for protection or to carry out violence.

"Don't come to Brick City, unless yo' packing heat."

140凡人:2012/11/25(日) 17:07:17 ID:b5FXbIN60
a balls-up (British & Australian very informal!)

a situation in which everything goes wrong

The trip was a complete balls-up from beginning to end.

141凡人:2012/11/26(月) 11:13:47 ID:knm3c0WU0


1.Lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm.
2.(of conversation or speech) Going from one subject to another in a halfhearted way; unfocused: "desultory conversation".

Synonyms: incoherent - disconnected - disjointed - rambling

142凡人:2012/11/28(水) 11:27:12 ID:Khw97dT20

The term pleather ("plastic leather") is a slang term for synthetic leather made of plastic. The term was coined by Amy Bach, when working in New York for Millis clothing. Upon the arrival of a new line, a plastic leather, Bach needed a way to advertise the product to customers without calling it plastic. She thus came up with the term Pleather.

143凡人:2012/11/28(水) 12:53:34 ID:Khw97dT20

An enema (/ˈɛnəmə/; plural enemata or enemas) is the procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus.

The increasing volume of the liquid causes rapid expansion of the lower intestinal tract, often resulting in very uncomfortable bloating, cramping, powerful peristalsis, a feeling of extreme urgency and complete evacuation of the lower intestinal tract. An enema has the advantage over any laxative in its speed and certainty of action, and some people prefer it for this reason.

Enemas can be carried out as treatment for medical conditions, such as constipation and encopresis, and as part of some alternative health therapies. They are also used to administer certain medical or recreational drugs. Enemas have been used for rehydration therapy (proctoclysis) in patients for whom intravenous therapy is not applicable. Some people find enemas sexually arousing (Klismaphilia).

144凡人:2012/11/28(水) 17:54:25 ID:Khw97dT20

Restaurant lingo meaning "take an item off the menu." By extension it can also mean to get rid of almost anything (including doing away with somebody). The Urbandictionary entry attributing the term to the 1980s is erroneous. I worked as a short order cook in the late 1960s and it was in use in a half dozen NewYork city joints where I worked. Oldtimers say the term was around in the 1940s and that the derivation is Article 86 of the New York Liquor Code which describes the circumstances under which liquor should be withheld from a customer.

Restaurant manager: "we ran out of chipped beef . . . eighty-six the shit on a shingle."

145凡人:2012/11/30(金) 12:41:20 ID:tmo.3oSQ0

Noun: A social gathering, esp. for coffee and conversation.

146凡人:2012/12/01(土) 14:21:12 ID:A95G/aMA0

In the fashion world, it means to make something better, generally by tweaking or quirking it to better fit what it's supposed to do both functionally and artistically. It's become most popular due to its frequent use on the hit Bravo show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, usually by their fashion guru Carson Kressly. It is very hard to pronounce, and even harder to spell, many times often misspelled 'jujj' or 'jooj'. Pronounced "zhuj", by the way.
Carson: "Just tszuj it a little, and you're set!"

147凡人:2012/12/06(木) 12:39:12 ID:twk7ovu20
Cop A Feel

It routes from the word "Cop". It's pretty much like when a cop frisks you, they are touching you without consent. So when someone cops a feel they simpily feel someone up with out consent. The urban version only implies the feeling of genitalia and breast regions. It usually happens in crowded areas.

I'm going to cop a feel at this rave and get a handful of tiggle bitties from some broad

148凡人:2012/12/08(土) 14:47:43 ID:gVXxwDdM0

1.(of food or drink) Pleasant to taste.
2.(of an action or proposal) Acceptable or satisfactory.

savoury - tasty - savory - toothsome - delicious - sapid

149凡人:2012/12/10(月) 15:11:48 ID:bthxtYT.0
in the buff

To be nude

strippers are in the buff

150凡人:2012/12/13(木) 10:31:52 ID:PTcarfDA0
'Out of your hair'

If you get someone out of your hair, you get them to stop bothering or annoying you.

('Stay/keep/get out of my hair!' can be used as imperatives)

151凡人:2012/12/14(金) 17:57:19 ID:Gx2wD1C60
● pigeon-hole messagebox/cubbyhole

A pigeon-hole messagebox (commonly referred to as a pigeon-hole or pidge, a cubbyhole (often shortened to "cubby") or simply as a mailbox in some academic or office settings) is an internal mail system commonly used for communication in organisations, workplaces and educational institutes in the United Kingdom and other countries. Documents and messages are placed in a person's pigeon-hole for them to collect; they can reply by putting a response inside the sender's pigeon-hole.

The name comes from the similarity in appearance to the compartments used in pigeon racing to store the animals whilst in transit.

Cubbies are also used in American preschools and kindergartens as places to store backpacks, lunchboxes, and jackets.

In large organisations the mailboy delivers mail to departmental pigeon holes from the postroom.

<Meanings in various countries>

*In South Africa, cubby-hole is the local word for a glove compartment in a vehicle.
*This use is also common in Zimbabwe and Barbados.
*In England it may refer to the cupboard under the stairs.

152凡人:2012/12/15(土) 11:28:24 ID:SlRvF5Gk0
make it rain

Throwing money at strippers; a song by Fat Joe and Lil Wayne; also what Rob and Big did to people in Tampa, they threw $5000 in $1 bills to all the people from the top of a half pipe, they made it rain! Lets make it rain.

"What's the forecast look like today?" "It's gonna be perfect weather, with a 100% chance of rain!" "I make it rain on dem hoes!"

153凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:09:28 ID:Adgu59nk0
Swatting is an attempt to trick any emergency service (such as a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching any emergency response based on a false reporting of an incident. Incidents may range from large to small, from an entire SWAT unit to a fabricated police report meant to discredit an individual as a prank or personal vendetta. It is a misdemeanor or a felony in most states to report any untruth to law enforcement. The name 'swatting" as in "swatting a fly", derived from SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics), one type of such team.

154凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:10:16 ID:Adgu59nk0
A dirge is a somber song or lament expressing mourning or grief, such as would be appropriate for performance at a funeral. The word is also commonly used to describe singing in an un-tuneful manner.

155凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:11:05 ID:Adgu59nk0
A bier is a stand on which a corpse, coffin, or casket containing a corpse, is placed to lie in state or to be carried to the grave.

156凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:19:13 ID:Adgu59nk0

1. To spend a large amount of money at once.

2. To sit down suddenly.

3. To hit something or someone hard with an object.

1. I can't believe you plunked down that much money for that car!

2. Plunk yourself down right here next to me.

3. The teacher plunked the boy on the head with his backhand before he could lift up the girl's skirt.

157凡人:2012/12/23(日) 15:04:41 ID:CC45fB9k0
Crampons are traction devices used to improve mobility on snow and ice during ice climbing. There are three main attachment systems for footwear: step-in, hybrid, and strap bindings. The first two require boots with welts, the last adapt to any type.

Oscar Eckenstein designed the first 10-point crampon in 1908, dramatically reducing the need for step cutting. This design was then made commercially available by the Italian Henry Grivel.

158凡人:2012/12/25(火) 01:08:49 ID:nKgB3Ww20
A prostitute or promiscuous woman.

strumpet - streetwalker - trollop - moll - drab - tramp

159凡人:2012/12/25(火) 14:44:56 ID:nKgB3Ww20
Epaulette (pron.: /ˈɛpəlɛt/; also spelled epaulet)[1] is a type of ornamental shoulder piece or decoration used as insignia of rank by armed forces and other organizations.

Epaulettes are fastened to the shoulder by a shoulder strap or "passant", a small strap parallel to the shoulder seam, and the button near the collar, or by laces on the underside of the epaulette passing through holes in the shoulder of the coat. Colloquially, any shoulder straps with marks are also called epaulettes. The placement of the epaulette, its color and the length and diameter of its bullion fringe are used to signify the wearer's rank. At the join of the fringe and the shoulderpiece is often a metal piece in the form of a crescent. Although originally worn in the field, epaulettes are more common today on dress or ceremonial uniforms.

160凡人:2012/12/25(火) 14:54:45 ID:nKgB3Ww20
glib adjective \ˈglib\
glibber glibbest

1a : marked by ease and informality : nonchalant b : showing little forethought or preparation : offhand <glib answers> c : lacking depth and substance : superficial <glib solutions to knotty problems>
2archaic : smooth, slippery
3: marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful <a glib politician>
— glib&middot;ly adverb
— glib&middot;ness noun

*Politicians need to do more than provide glib answers to difficult questions.
*the actor's glib portrayal of a drug addict
*Or they could have saddled us with “The Stranger,” which had the mitigating charm of being glib and pretentious and would thus have kept the kids who were obviously going to end up at Bard happy. —Joe Queenan, New York Times Book Review3 June 2007

161凡人:2012/12/26(水) 03:28:51 ID:SyxpM4fU0
Perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder: "he was completely flummoxed by the question".

confuse - bewilder - confound - perplex

162凡人:2012/12/26(水) 08:35:16 ID:SyxpM4fU0
precise measurements

Compasses and calipers during the 18th century, were frequently used to measure and fit work. Many products' designs were based on the proportional relationships between their parts stepped off with a compass rather than on measurements expressed in feet or inches.

163凡人:2012/12/27(木) 01:24:27 ID:wYebsq3k0

A loose coatlike outer garment, often worn to protect the clothes while working.

164凡人:2012/12/28(金) 03:06:48 ID:DqT9U31A0
stuff your face (slang).

to eat continuously They're home watching the ballgame on TV and stuffing their faces with potato chips.

165凡人:2012/12/29(土) 10:09:34 ID:qMbR4mw60
Flapping their gums

When someone is said to be “flapping their gums” it means that he or she talks a lot about topics he or she doesn't really understand or know about. It also means to say something but not really mean it.

Frank and Joe are always flapping their gums about what it's like to be street hustlers, when they have never even been out of the burbs.

166凡人:2013/01/03(木) 16:52:25 ID:8nfH14Hg0

A term to describe quick sexual intercourse which includes the man not taking off his pants and alot of dry humping. This term is commonly used by english teachers like Mr. Fetterman

In the Mel Gibson version Hamlet boffed his mother

167凡人:2013/01/04(金) 09:22:11 ID:hzP61Y6w0
What Is First Dibs?

First dibs, or sometimes just dibs, is a phrase used when a person wants to declare ownership or express interest in something. By calling first dibs, or by being offered first dibs, the person gains an advantage over other people. He effectively gets the right of first refusal. A person who gets a first dibs privilege may be given the opportunity to choose first among several different options – or he can also decide to pass on the opportunity. The enviable situation that a first dibs opportunity gives is the privilege to actually accept or deny ownership of something without having to worry about any competition.

168凡人:2013/01/04(金) 14:39:41 ID:hzP61Y6w0
buff 1
1. A soft, thick, undyed leather made chiefly from the skins of buffalo, elk, or oxen.
2. A military uniform coat made of such leather.
3. A pale, light, or moderate yellowish pink to yellow, including moderate orange-yellow to light yellowish brown.
4. Informal Bare skin: swimming in the buff.
5. A piece of soft material, such as velvet or leather, often mounted on a block and used for polishing.

1. Made or formed of buff: a buff jacket.
2. Of the color buff.
3. buff&middot;er, buff&middot;est Slang Having good muscle tone; physically fit and trim: buff athletes lifting weights at the gym.

tr.v. buffed, buff&middot;ing, buffs
1. To polish or shine with a piece of soft material.
2. To soften the surface of (leather) by raising a nap.
3. To make the color of buff.

buff 2
n. Informal
One who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a subject: a Civil War buff.

169凡人:2013/01/06(日) 16:08:14 ID:VkGSCc5I0


1.Challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of...: "a motion to recuse the prosecutor"

2.(of a judge) Excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

170凡人:2013/01/08(火) 14:10:26 ID:Ov1PYS..0
bunny boiler

n. a woman who follows or observes her mark persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement (stress derangement). A bunny boiler's mark is a man that she has had sex with maybe one time, usually this man is hard working and strives to succeed profesionally and in life. A bunny boiler's plan consists of plan A and plan B.

Plan A: The ultimate goal of a bunny boiler is to fix her mark's life by interfering and/or setting him up and blackmailing him in an effort to force him into a horrible relationship that was never meant to be. The bunny boiler's goal is almost certainly a recipe for disaster and a fate worse than death itself. When the plan begins to fail the bunny boiler then resorts to plan B: destruction.

The term is taken from Glenn Close's character in 'Fatal Attraction', who after engaging in a steamy hot one time sex scene with a colleague, Michael Douglas' character, she resorts to boiling her former one time sex parter's family pet rabbit in an all out war aimed at disrupting his life, family, career and destroy (emphasis on destroy) him for not wanting a sincere man/woman (nuclear family) type relationship with her.
An open letter to all bunny boilers:

Dear Bunny Boilers (you know who you are):

I am sorry that it didn't work out. Really I meant you no harm and hope that you had a good time. I am sure you will find a new boy friend.

Your friend always

E. Nuff Allready

171凡人:2013/01/08(火) 14:12:08 ID:Ov1PYS..0
off the rails

To start behaving strangely, in a way that is not acceptable to society.

He went off the rails in his twenties and started living on the streets.

172凡人:2013/01/08(火) 14:56:46 ID:Ov1PYS..0
bust a move

To hit on a chick. Make a move on a woman.

I'm gonna bust a move on that fine ass bitch.

173凡人:2013/01/08(火) 14:59:03 ID:Ov1PYS..0

A daub, blot, or smear of something, typically a liquid.

Make such a daub, blot, or smear on: "a rag splotched with grease".

174凡人:2013/01/10(木) 04:41:24 ID:hWPnjzRw0

175凡人:2013/01/11(金) 08:09:39 ID:KykvHos.0
fly off the handle

to react in a very angry way to something that someone says or does

He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.

176凡人:2013/01/11(金) 14:19:29 ID:KykvHos.0
"Butt Glue" is the common name for a body adhesive that is often used by Beauty Pageant contestants to help keep their swimsuit in place when they model swimwear.

Popular Uses
Butt Glue was originally popular for it's use during beauty pageants. But the glue is also practical for contests or activities such as dance or Ice Skating. It is also useful for actors in theater and film during performance, while wearing revealing or provocative outfits. In general, the product is used to prevent embarrassing or inappropriate movement of costumes during public display. The novelty of the item also makes it a popular joke gift.

177凡人:2013/01/11(金) 14:54:24 ID:KykvHos.0
The mullet is a hairstyle that is short at the front and sides, and long in the back.[1] The mullet began to appear in popular media in the 1960s and 1970s but did not become generally well known until the early 1980s. It continued to be popular until the mid-1990s.

178凡人:2013/01/11(金) 15:01:39 ID:KykvHos.0
a tackle box?

To keep all bait & lures tidy and handy when fishing

179凡人:2013/01/11(金) 15:08:09 ID:KykvHos.0
On the horn

On the phone; talking on the phone

A: She gave me her phone number two days ago

B: You had better get on the horn pretty quick if you want her to go out with you

180凡人:2013/01/11(金) 19:00:24 ID:KykvHos.0
The burpee (identical to what is in US English termed a "squat thrust") is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise.

(Military 8 count bodybuilder)

1.Squat with hands on the ground,
2.Kick back your feet,
3.Down for push up,
4.Up for Push up,
5.Kick feet back in,
6.Stand up,
7.Motion one of a jumping jack,
8.Motion two of a jumping jack.

181凡人:2013/01/12(土) 13:05:35 ID:4OUVlEVw0


1. An authoritative order having the force of law.
2. Law The judgment of a court of equity, admiralty, probate, or divorce.
3. Roman Catholic Church
a. A doctrinal or disciplinary act of an ecumenical council.
b. An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law.

v. de&middot;creed, de&middot;cree&middot;ing, de&middot;crees

To ordain, establish, or decide by decree. See Synonyms at dictate.

To issue a decree.

[Middle English decre, from Old French decret, from Latin dcrtum, principle, decision, from neuter past participle of dcernere, to decide : d-, de- + cernere, to sift; see krei- in Indo-European roots.]

182凡人:2013/01/12(土) 16:55:24 ID:4OUVlEVw0
on the grind

staying "on the grind" means to work hard, always be hustling, or otherwise engaged in money-making or woman-procuring activities.

people who were once poor and become wealthy might then become lazy and indolent and spend all day in champagne-filled jacuzzis whereas other newly-successful people might continue to work hard, thus "staying on the grind"
there are many examples from 50 Cent's latest release, "the Massacre", but i'll offer up two:

excerpt from "God gave me style":

A O.G. told me God's favorites have a hard time
You out the hood, that's good now stay on the grind

Chorus from "Bitch get in my car":

I got no pickup lines
I stay on the grind
I tell the hoes all the time
Bitch get in my car (Bitch get in)
I got my 64, ridin' on Dayton spokes
And when I open that do'
Bitch get in my car

183凡人:2013/01/12(土) 16:59:08 ID:4OUVlEVw0
Ask for her hand in marriage

pop the question

184凡人:2013/01/13(日) 05:58:05 ID:T88WnrCg0
Patina is a tarnish that forms on the surface of copper, bronze and similar metals (produced by oxidation or other chemical processes); stone; a sheen on wooden furniture produced by age, wear, and polishing; or any such acquired change of a surface through age and exposure. Patinas can provide a protective layer to materials that would otherwise be damaged by corrosion or weathering. They may also be aesthetically appealing.

On metal, patina is a coating of various chemical compounds such as oxides, carbonates, sulfides, or sulfates formed on the surface during exposure to atmospheric elements (oxygen, rain, acid rain, carbon dioxide, sulfur-bearing compounds). Patina also refers to accumulated changes in surface texture and colour that result from normal use of an object such as a coin or a piece of furniture over time.

185凡人:2013/01/13(日) 08:27:03 ID:T88WnrCg0
A palapa (a Spanish word of Mayan origin, meaning "pulpous leaf") is an open-sided dwelling with a thatched roof made of dried palm leaves. It is very useful in hot weather and, therefore, very common in Mexican beaches, such as in Acapulco. It is perhaps one of the most important architectural contributions of Philippine culture to Mexican West cultures.

Palapas are also common in Honduras and other Central American countries.

186凡人:2013/01/13(日) 08:36:44 ID:T88WnrCg0
A gazebo is a pavilion structure, sometimes octagonal or turret-shaped, often built in a park, garden or spacious public area.

187凡人:2013/01/13(日) 08:40:06 ID:T88WnrCg0
A pagoda is the general term in the English language for a tiered tower, built in the traditions originating in historic East Asia or with respect to those traditions, with multiple eaves common in Nepal, India, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Burma and other parts of Asia. Some pagodas are used as Taoist houses of worship. Most pagodas were built to have a religious function, most commonly Buddhist, and were often located in or near temples. This term may refer to other religious structures in some countries. In Vietnam and Cambodia, due to French translation, the English term pagoda is a more generic term referring to a place of worship, although pagoda is not an accurate word to describe a Buddhist temple. The modern pagoda is an evolution of the Ancient Nepal stupa, a tomb-like structure where sacred relics could be kept safe and venerated.[1] The architectural structure of the stupa has spread across Asia, taking on many diverse forms as details specific to different regions are incorporated into the overall design.

188凡人:2013/01/15(火) 07:47:04 ID:45dyLut.0
A vole is a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body, a shorter, hairy tail, a slightly rounder head, smaller ears and eyes, and differently formed molars (high-crowned and with angular cusps instead of low-crowned and with rounded cusps). There are approximately 155 species of voles. They are sometimes known as meadow mice or field mice in North America. Vole species form the subfamily Arvicolinae with the lemmings and the muskrats.

189凡人:2013/01/16(水) 12:37:08 ID:QMtzdk8I0

a small, unintended defecation that occurs when one relaxes the anal sphincter to fart (blend of "shit" and "fart")

I sharted at the party last night and went home pronto to change my clothes.

190凡人:2013/01/16(水) 12:56:46 ID:QMtzdk8I0
A wet nurse is a woman who breast feeds and cares for another's child. Wet nurses are employed when the mother is unable or chooses not to nurse the child herself. Wet-nursed children may be known as "milk-siblings", and in some cultures the families are linked by a special relationship of milk kinship. Mothers who nurse each other's babies are engaging in a reciprocal act known as cross-nursing or co-nursing.

191凡人:2013/01/16(水) 17:36:30 ID:QMtzdk8I0
WTF stands for What the fuck. If you are unsure of something or pissed off or dont understand why something has happened.

Girl: Bananas dance at night.
Boy: WTF!!

Mean girl: Your an asshole.
Stupid guy: Wtf!!

Monkey1: The Zebra asked me out.
Gorilla: She was mine bitch!!
Human: WTF!!!

Boy: MY cousin ate me for dinner.
Girl: WTF!!

Depressed guy: My girlfriend left me for a goldfish.
Bitch: WTF!

192凡人:2013/01/16(水) 17:40:25 ID:QMtzdk8I0
off chance
A remote or slight chance: The sun was shining, but I brought an umbrella on the off chance that it might rain.

193凡人:2013/01/18(金) 14:39:20 ID:KTlLalZg0

An abbreviation of 'radical'--a term made popular by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Still primarily used by people on the West Coast who find words like 'cool', 'awesome', and 'tight' to be tired and overused; 'rad' is generally considered to be a much higher praise than the aforementioned superlatives. Also used as a general expression of awe.

"Those are some rad shoes."

"Oh, RAD."

194凡人:2013/01/18(金) 16:40:01 ID:KTlLalZg0
corked out

Being intoxicated to the point where one's physical an mental states are impaired by an excess of some substance.

All those shots got me so corked out at his party last night!

195凡人:2013/01/18(金) 17:15:54 ID:KTlLalZg0


1.(of a person) Surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react.
2.(of a person) Unperturbed.

aghast - confused

196凡人:2013/01/19(土) 17:26:38 ID:dGlotJkU0

1. Derivitive of the word penis.

There was an intoxicated man dancing on the train with no pants on, his peen was flopping around everywhere!

197凡人:2013/01/19(土) 19:13:36 ID:dGlotJkU0
a cog in the machine/wheel

one part of a large system or organization He was just a small cog in the large wheel of organised crime. This warehouse is an important cog in our distribution machine.

198凡人:2013/01/19(土) 21:26:39 ID:dGlotJkU0


1.Twisted silk or cotton with cord or wire running through it, used chiefly in upholstery.
2.offensive. A physically handicapped or lame person.

offensive. Limp; hobble: "she gimped around".

199凡人:2013/01/19(土) 21:27:58 ID:dGlotJkU0
stipple (stpl)

tr.v. stip&middot;pled, stip&middot;pling, stip&middot;ples
1. To draw, engrave, or paint in dots or short strokes.
2. To apply (paint, for example) in dots or short strokes.
3. To dot, fleck, or speckle: "They crossed a field stippled with purple weeds" (Flannery O'Connor).
1. A method of drawing, engraving, or painting using dots or short strokes.
2. The effect produced by stippling.

200凡人:2013/01/20(日) 18:22:40 ID:B3UAjQqI0

going balistic on someone:flippin out:fuckin someone up
That nig went HAM on that bitch!!!

201凡人:2013/01/21(月) 07:26:49 ID:QneVluks0

Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

odd - strange - weird - peculiar - bizarre - outlandish

202凡人:2013/01/21(月) 23:45:35 ID:CjvVAk5o0
walking papers

A dismissal, as in They're downsizing, and I got my walking papers last week. This slangy expression, first recorded in 1835, refers to a written notice of dismissal.

Also called Walking Ticket. A notification of dismissal from a job.

203凡人:2013/01/23(水) 11:22:28 ID:wjKdTDY60
1. wheelhouse

area of expertise, a particular skill;

as an alcoholic, a beer drinking contest is right in my wheelhouse.

2. wheelhouse

In baseball this is the part of an individual's swinging range in which as a hitter they can make the best contact with the ball. If a pitch is right in your wheelhouse it is right where you want it, in the spot where you have the best chance of hitting it well.

The term is also often used to explain something that falls into a person's area of expertise.

ESPN: "Konerko can hit the ball 500 ft. if it's pitched right in his wheelhouse."

Child 1: "How can we get this hot girl to take her clothes off?"
Child 2: "Ask Hugh Heffner, that's right in his wheelhouse."

3. wheelhouse

Anything that can be acted on with confident success.

I'm guessing it originates from the fact that a wheelhouse is the room on the bridge of a ship where you steer from, providing you with clear view & control to steer the situation.

Have the handsome guy address that roomful of female sales potentials; it's right in his wheelhouse.

Singing this song in that key is right in your wheelhouse.

That pitch was thrown down & out, right in the batter's wheelhouse.

204凡人:2013/01/23(水) 18:14:53 ID:wjKdTDY60
a hunk of junk from a skunk

205凡人:2013/01/25(金) 23:59:47 ID:hrjngfvU0
There is a difference between smoked salmon and lox. Smoked salmon is first cured in brine or with a dry rub, and then either cold- or hot-smoked. Fish smoked at a low temperature (cold-smoked) retains a silky texture like that of uncooked fish, while the hot-smoked type has the consistency of moist baked fish. Lox and gravlax (dill- flavored Scandinavian salmon) are not smoked, only cured in brine. The cold-smoked salmon favored by the French has a more subtle flavor than Jewish-style lox, and is therefore served on its own.

206凡人:2013/01/26(土) 00:27:05 ID:hrjngfvU0
sludge (slj)

1. Semisolid material such as the type precipitated by sewage treatment.
2. Mud, mire, or ooze covering the ground or forming a deposit, as on a riverbed.
3. Finely broken or half-formed ice on a body of water, especially the sea.
4. An agglutination or aggregation of blood cells forming a semisolid mass that often impedes circulation.

intr.v. sludged, sludg&middot;ing, sludg&middot;es
To agglutinate or aggregate into a semisolid mass; form a sludge. Used of blood cells.

207凡人:2013/01/29(火) 05:43:56 ID:pB2SIsA20


tr.v. a&middot;vert&middot;ed, a&middot;vert&middot;ing, a&middot;verts

1. To turn away: avert one's eyes.
2. To ward off (something about to happen); prevent: averted an accident by turning sharply. See Synonyms at prevent.

[Middle English averten, from Old French avertir, from Latin vertere : -, ab-, away from; see ab-1 + vertere, to turn; see wer-2 in Indo-European roots.]

208凡人:2013/01/29(火) 09:11:23 ID:pB2SIsA20
bias (bs)

1. A line going diagonally across the grain of fabric: Cut the cloth on the bias.
a. A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.
b. An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.
3. A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.
4. Sports
a. A weight or irregularity in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in lawn bowling.
b. The tendency of such a ball to swerve.
5. The fixed voltage applied to an electrode.
Slanting or diagonal; oblique: a bias fold.
tr.v. bi&middot;ased or bi&middot;assed, bi&middot;as&middot;ing or bi&middot;as&middot;sing, bi&middot;as&middot;es or bi&middot;as&middot;ses
1. To influence in a particular, typically unfair direction; prejudice.
2. To apply a small voltage to (a grid).

209凡人:2013/01/29(火) 09:13:15 ID:pB2SIsA20

Getting yourself or others into a situation that is way over your head and spirals out of control.

Origin 1: President George W. Bush's Presidency
Origin 2: Michael D. Brown, FEMA Director / Bush's appointment
Origin 3: President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the United States Supreme Court
We told some guy that our software could do all that and then when he invited us to a meeting, it turned out the president of his company was there expecting a demo and we totally got bushed.

I lied on my resume years ago by saying that I fluent in Spanish and then forgot about it until my first day at my new job and I totally got bushed when it turned out I was supposed to be the liaison to the Latin American office.

210凡人:2013/01/29(火) 14:12:51 ID:pB2SIsA20
keep somebody on their toes

to force someone to continue giving all their attention and energy to what they are doing He gave me a couple of extra things to do just to keep me on my toes.

211凡人:2013/01/30(水) 17:51:56 ID:MQbnsFDE0

When both a girls nipples slip out of her top but not the whole breast.

Called "peeps" because it resembles two eyes "peeping" over a fence.

Not to be confused with only the areola showing, or nipples visible through a garment.

"Dude, check out the peeps on that girl getting out of the water."

212凡人:2013/01/30(水) 23:55:23 ID:qdnfaawg0

To cosnpire to ruin someones reputation untill they become unemployable and people refuse to associate with them.

After he cancelled that concert his manager blackballed him. Now no record company wants to produce his album.


the process where someone says things behind someones back to make themselves seem good, then acts all freindly towards taht person when they see them.

"that dick keeps playing blackball with you"


Going without undershorts, said of a male, so called because his balls hang free and unencumbered. A similar expression is "going commando," which can be used of either a male or female without underwear, but is more often used of a male.

"A lot of guys like to freeball in the summer, but I prefer jockey shorts, to give my balls a little support, since otherwise they hang too low in the heat. I do freeball if I'm anticipating a sexual encounter, however!"

213凡人:2013/02/02(土) 13:07:52 ID:.p5ucJmA0
Rockers & Bikers
Sexy Glam & Blings
Western Chic
Boho Chic
Girly Chic
Classy Formal & Preppy
Beach & Resort
Urban & Utilitarian Chic

214凡人:2013/02/02(土) 13:08:23 ID:.p5ucJmA0
own up

Verb 1. own up - admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error; "the writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting"

fess up, make a clean breast of

concede, confess, profess - admit (to a wrongdoing); "She confessed that she had taken the money"

215凡人:2013/02/02(土) 13:43:28 ID:.p5ucJmA0
Boho-chic is a style of female fashion drawing on various bohemian and hippie influences, which, at its height in 2004–05, was associated particularly with actress Sienna Miller and model Kate Moss in the United Kingdom and (as "bobo" chic) actresses Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and Nicole Richie in the United States.

It has been seen since the early 1990s and, although appearing to wane from time to time, has repeatedly re-surfaced in varying guises. Many elements of boho-chic became popular in the late 1960s and some date back much further, being associated, for example, with pre-Raphaelite women of the mid-to-late 19th century.

216凡人:2013/02/04(月) 14:14:09 ID:qm677vj.0


Delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.

hinder - hamper - obstruct - prevent - encumber - inhibit

217凡人:2013/02/05(火) 19:38:53 ID:loKKcIAg0
fly off the handle (informal)

to react in a very angry way to something someone says or does He really flew off the handle when I suggested selling the house.

218凡人:2013/02/09(土) 04:40:27 ID:2ojxhAzg0
riding shotgun

Earning the right to ride in the front passenger seat of someone's car. This is also the direct opposite of "riding bitch," where you are sitting center-backseat, sandwiched by your friends (aka: riding gay, riding whore). It is "shotgun"'s responsibility for controlling car temperature, changing radio stations, calling out landmarks, and flagging down hot girls.

Variations to "calling shotgun" can include paper/rock/scisors, coin flip, or being the first to yell "shotgun" when the driver pulls their car keys out of their pocket. Seniority rarely means anything when calling shotgun.

Steve was riding shotgun because he won the coin flip in the mall.

219凡人:2013/02/11(月) 19:07:02 ID:faAGHdlQ0
Pound Sand

To order someone to go away or "get lost." This is a widely used term that has no vulgar connotations.

One friend told another to pound sand when he questioned the veracity of the Old English Dictionary.

220凡人:2013/02/12(火) 03:48:58 ID:ogoxROv20


1.(of a person) Fastidious about one's needs or requirements; hard to please: "he is very fussy about what he eats".

2.Showing excessive or anxious concern about detail.

221凡人:2013/02/12(火) 04:46:05 ID:ogoxROv20

A vernacular is the native language or native dialect of a specific population, as opposed to a language of wider communication that is a second language or foreign language to the population, such as a national language, standard language, or lingua franca.

222凡人:2013/02/12(火) 17:14:34 ID:T/yg3eyw0
What do TM, SM and (R) Symbols Mean?
The symbols &reg;, TM and SM provide notice to the world that you are claiming trademark rights in any mark using these symbols. You may use the TM on marks identifying goods, and the SM on marks identifying services. You need not have a federal or state registration to use the TM or SM symbols. However, the &reg; symbol, which provides "statutory notice" can only be used if your mark is federally registered on either the Principal or Supplemental Registers maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

You do not need to use the &reg; symbol in order to provide notice of your trademark rights. You may also use the phrase, "Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off." or "Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office." Or, you may place the phrase at the bottom of a page when using an asterisk next to the mark that refers the reader to the phrase at the bottom. Thus the NutraSweet Company could put an asterisk next to their red & white swirl logo, and a phrase at the bottom or side of a page that read: "Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off." or "NutraSweet is a registered trademark of NutraSweet Co."

Advantages providing notice:
There is no requirement that you use any of the symbols, however there are two important advantages to using them. First, the symbols provide notice to the world that you are claiming the symbols as trademarks, and this will deter others from attempting to use the name for their own business. Second, if you ever find yourself in a lawsuit for infringement of your mark, and you haven't used the statutory notice (i.e. the &reg; symbol), then you won't be able to sue for damages or profits unless you can prove that the infringer had actual notice of your trademark rights.

Unauthorized use of the &reg; symbol
Unauthorized use of the &reg; can result in penalties, unless you can show that the unauthorized use was a good-faith mistake. Inadvertent unauthorized use can occur when the USPTO cancels your mark without your knowledge. It is quite likely that your labels and materials will still display the &reg; when the cancellation issues, thereby leaving you vulnerable to an attack that you were acting in bad faith and should be penalized for unauthorized use.

223凡人:2013/02/17(日) 05:05:44 ID:SlRvF5Gk0


Openly disregard (a rule, law or convention): "these same companies still flout basic ethical practices".

mock - scoff - jeer - deride - gibe - scorn - taunt

224凡人:2013/02/18(月) 16:25:58 ID:4dJW.3O20
What does categorically speaking mean?

It means I'm speaking literally and directly to the topic: no spin, no teasing, no puns, not joking, no metaphors, no hyperbole, no fringe, no symbols, etc.etc.

225凡人:2013/02/19(火) 19:07:09 ID:kjYQkjaM0
take a fancy to someone or something and take a liking to someone or something; take a shine to someone or something

to develop a fondness or a preference for someone or something. John began to take a fancy to Sally late last August at the picnic. I've never taken a liking to cooked carrots. I think my teacher has taken a shine to me.

226凡人:2013/02/28(木) 07:22:17 ID:c/YHzQQc0

/skɑːf/ verb [T] US informal (also scarf down, UK scoff)

› to eat a lot of something quickly:

Who scarfed all the cookies?

Dan scarfed down three hamburgers!

227凡人:2013/03/02(土) 18:23:13 ID:YLPTW84E0


1.Too extreme to bear; intolerable.
2.Having or showing unbearable arrogance or conceit.

unbearable - intolerable - insupportable - unendurable

228凡人:2013/03/02(土) 18:25:09 ID:YLPTW84E0

present participle of sol&middot;dier (Verb)

1.Serve as a soldier.
2.Carry on doggedly; persevere.

229凡人:2013/03/05(火) 03:02:16 ID:HRrVZgZo0
grousing present participle of grouse
Complain pettily; grumble.

230凡人:2013/03/05(火) 04:00:39 ID:HRrVZgZo0
derri&egrave;re also derriere (dr-&acirc;r)

The buttocks; the rear.
[French, behind, from Old French deriere, in back of, from Vulgar Latin *d retr : Latin d, from, of; see de- + Latin retr, back; see retro-.]

231凡人:2013/03/05(火) 07:53:16 ID:HRrVZgZo0
run in

quarrel: an angry dispute; "they had a quarrel"; "they had words".

232凡人:2013/03/08(金) 03:51:35 ID:cFzkN4MA0

carmines plural of carmine

1.A vivid crimson color.
2.A vivid crimson pigment made from cochineal.

233凡人:2013/03/09(土) 09:01:32 ID:T9A7fZl.0


Resembling a palace in being spacious and splendid.

magnificent - sumptuous - splendid - grand - gorgeous

234凡人:2013/03/09(土) 09:17:22 ID:T9A7fZl.0

past participle, past tense of ri&middot;fle (Verb)

1.Make spiral grooves in (a gun or its barrel or bore) to make a bullet spin and thereby have greater accuracy over a long distance.
2.Search through something in a hurried way in order to find or steal something.

235凡人:2013/03/09(土) 09:22:41 ID:T9A7fZl.0
light out

to leave quickly; depart hurriedly:

He lit out of here as fast as his legs would carry him.

236凡人:2013/03/09(土) 09:32:17 ID:T9A7fZl.0


Deceitful: "treacherous, duplicitous behavior".

237凡人:2013/03/09(土) 19:57:26 ID:T9A7fZl.0


1.Filled or well-supplied with something.
2.Very full of or sated by food.

full - fraught - saturated

238凡人:2013/03/10(日) 08:43:07 ID:cppXJDD.0


1. One who grips a hanging strap or similar device for support while riding as a passenger on a bus or subway.
2. One who uses public transportation.

239凡人:2013/03/12(火) 15:13:40 ID:Oi4sM0cw0

1.Great sorrow or distress.
2.Things that cause sorrow or distress; troubles.

grief - sorrow - misfortune - affliction - distress

240凡人:2013/03/12(火) 17:04:02 ID:Oi4sM0cw0
noun \pə-ˈt&auml;r(d)\

1: a case containing an explosive to break down a door or gate or breach a wall
2: a firework that explodes with a loud report

"He was hoisted by his own petard!" That means he was so smart that he did it to himself because he's really not that smart after all."

241凡人:2013/03/12(火) 17:04:43 ID:Oi4sM0cw0

noun \ˈbi-və-ˌwak, ˈbiv-ˌwak\

1: a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter
2a : encampment usually for a night b : a temporary or casual shelter or lodging

<soldiers setting up a bivouac by the stream>

242凡人:2013/03/13(水) 02:27:52 ID:PEUFsQB60

1.Grant or bestow (a title, degree, benefit, or right).
2.Have discussions; exchange opinions.

consult - bestow - grant - give - award - accord

243凡人:2013/03/13(水) 03:16:21 ID:PEUFsQB60

adjective \-ˈkil-tər\

1: not in perfect balance : a bit askew
2: eccentric, unconventional <off–kilter characters> <an off–kilter approach>

244凡人:2013/03/15(金) 02:18:43 ID:ZeD3C.t60

past participle, past tense of col&middot;lar (Verb)

1.Put a collar on: "biologists who were collaring polar bears".
2.Seize, grasp, or apprehend (someone): "police collared the culprit".

245凡人:2013/03/15(金) 03:39:07 ID:ZeD3C.t60

A roadie is an individual who travels to gigs with a band and assists with setup and organization - most commonly girls (men traveling with the band are usually referred to as techies). You usually see them selling the tickets or refreshments, and/or sitting at a soundboard or helping the other bands during the show.
Roadies are sometimes mistaken for groupies, but there is a major difference. A groupie’s main goal is to sleep with the band whereas a roadie’s main goal is to insure the show runs smoothly and everyone in the band has their equipment set up and is ready. Occasionally they are paid.
Roadies are predominantly long time friends of the band and may even have had previous relationships with a band member. Sometimes they may be the girlfriend of a band member, but they are no longer considered roadies.
You know that band Cyrens from Troup? Well they just made Anna their roadie because they needed another person to help set up and run their gigs. It's fortunate her and Tiffany get along well; they will both make sure everything runs smoothly.

246凡人:2013/03/15(金) 07:01:13 ID:ZeD3C.t60
7 grammar rules you really should pay attention to

Semicolons should be used rarely, if at all. And beware dangling modifiers!

By Ben Yagoda | 8:50am EST

Irecently wrote an article for TheWeek.com about bogus grammar "rules" that aren't worth your time. However, there are still plenty of legitimate rules that you should be aware of. Not following them doesn't make you a bad person or even (necessarily) a bad writer. I'm sure that all of them were broken at one point or another by Henry James, Henry Adams, or some other major author named Henry. Moreover, grammar is one of the least pressing problems when it comes to the poor state of writing today. In my new book, How to Not Write Bad: The Most Common Writing Problems and the Best Ways to Avoid Them, things like wordiness, poor word choice, awkwardness, and bad spelling — which have nothing to do with grammar — take up the bulk of my attention.

Nevertheless, anyone who wants to write in a public setting has to be aware of grammar. (And I'm concerned with writing here; talking is a whole different ballgame.) If you make these errors, you're likely to be judged harshly by an editor you want to publish your work; an executive who, you hope, will be impressed enough by your cover letter to hire you; or a reader you want to be persuaded by your argument. In each case, there's a pretty easy workaround, so better safe than sorry.

1. The subjunctive
This one is pretty simple. When you're writing about a non-true situation — usually following the word if or the verb wish — the verb to be is rendered as were.


* If I Xwas were a rich man.

* I wish I Xwas were an Oscar Mayer wiener.

* If Hillary Clinton Xwas were president, things would be a whole lot different.

If you are using if for other purposes (hypothetical situations, questions), you don't use the subjunctive.

* The reporter asked him if he Xwere was happy.

* If an intruder Xwere was here last night, he would have left footprints, so let's look at the ground outside.

2. Bad parallelism
This issue comes up most often in lists, for example: My friend made salsa, guacamole, and brought chips. If you start out by having made cover the first two items, it has to cover subsequent ones as well. To fix, you usually have to do just a little rewriting. Thus, My friend made salsa and guacamole and brought chips to go with them.

247凡人:2013/03/15(金) 07:01:44 ID:ZeD3C.t60
3. Verb problems
There are a few persistent troublemakers you should be aware of.

* I'm tired, so I need to go Xlay lie down.

* The fish Xlaid lay on the counter, fileted and ready to broil.

* Honey, I Xshrunk shrank the kids.

* In a fit of pique, he Xsunk sank the toy boat.

* He Xseen saw it coming.

(The last three are examples of verbs where people sometimes switch the past and participle forms. Thus, it would be correct to write: I have shrunk the kids; He had sunk the boat; and He had seen it coming.)

4. Pronoun problems
Let's take a look at three little words. Not "I love you," but me, myself and I. Grammatically, they can be called object, reflexive, and subject. As long as they're by themselves, object and subject don't give anyone problems. That is, no one who's an adult native English speaker would say Me walked to the bus stop or He gave the book to I. For some reason, though, things can get tricky when a pronoun is paired with a noun. We all know people who say things like Me and Fred had lunch together yesterday, instead of Fred and I... Heck, most of us have said it ourselves; for some reason, it comes trippingly off the tongue. We also (most of us) know not to use it in a piece of writing meant to be published. Word to the wise: Don't use it in a job interview, either.

There's a similar attraction to using the subject instead of object. Even Bill Clinton did this back in 1992 when he asked voters to give Al Gore and I [instead of me] a chance to bring America back. Or you might say, Thanks for inviting my wife and I, or between you and I… Some linguists and grammarians have mounted vigorous and interesting defenses of this usage. However, it's still generally considered wrong and should be avoided.

A word that's recently become quite popular is myself — maybe because it seems like a compromise between I and me. But sentences like Myself and my friends went to the mall or They gave special awards to Bill and myself don't wash. Change the first to My friends and I… and the second to Bill and me.

5. The 'dangling' conversation
In a class, I once assigned students to "review" a consumer product. One student chose a bra sold by Victoria's Secret. She wrote:

Sitting in a class or dancing at the bar, the bra performed well…. Though slightly pricey, your breasts will thank you.

The two sentences are both guilty of dangling modifiers because (excuse me if I'm stating the obvious), the bra did not sit in a class or dance at the bar, and "your breasts" are not slightly pricey.

Danglers are inexplicably attractive, and even good writers commit this error a lot... in their first drafts. Here's a strategy for smoking these bad boys out in revision. First, recognize sentences that have this structure: MODIFIER-COMMA-SUBJECT-VERB. Then change the order to: SUBJECT-COMMA-MODIFIER-COMMA-VERB. If the result makes sense, you're good to go. If not, you have a dangler. So in the first sentence above, the rejiggered sentence would be:

The bra, sitting in a class or dancing at a bar, performed well.

Nuh-uh. The solution here, as it often is, is just to add a couple of words: Whether you're sitting in a class or dancing at the bar, the bra performs well.

248凡人:2013/03/15(金) 07:02:13 ID:ZeD3C.t60
6. The semicolon
I sometimes say that when you feel like using a semicolon, lay lie down till the urge goes away. But if you just can't resist, remember that there are really only two proper uses for this piece of punctuation. One is to separate two complete clauses (a construction with a subject and verb that could stand on its own as a sentence). I knocked on the door; no one answered. The second is to separate list items that themselves contain punctuation. Thus, The band played Boise, Idaho; Schenectady, New York; and Columbus, Ohio.

Do not use a semicolon in place of a colon, for example, There is only one piece of punctuation that gives Yagoda nightmares; the semicolon.

7. Words
As I noted in my previous article, the meaning of words inevitably and perennially change. And you can get in trouble when you use a meaning that has not yet been widely accepted. Sometimes it's fairly easy to figure out where a word stands in this process. It's become more common to use nonplussed to mean not bothered, or unfazed, but that is more or less the opposite of the traditional meaning, and it's still too early to use it that way when you're writing for publication. (As is spelling unfazed as unphased.) On the other hand, no one thinks anymore that astonish means "turn to stone," and it would be ridiculous to object to anyone who does so. But there are a lot of words and expressions in the middle. Here's one man's list of a few meanings that aren't quite ready for prime time:

* Don't use begs the question. Instead use raises the question.

* Don't use phenomena or criteria as singular. Instead use phenomenon or criterion.

* Don't use clich&eacute; as an adjective. Instead use clich&eacute;d.

* Don't use comprised of. Instead use composed of/made up of.

* Don't use less for count nouns such people or miles. Instead use fewer.

* Don't use penultimate (unless you mean second to last). Instead use ultimate.

* Don't use lead as past tense of to lead. Instead use led.

I hesitate to state what should be obvious, but sometimes the obvious must be stated. So here goes: Do not use it's, you're or who's when you mean its, your or whose. Or vice versa!

249凡人:2013/03/15(金) 21:01:10 ID:zJuJ36G.0

A member of a Rotary Club, a major national and international service club.

250凡人:2013/03/16(土) 19:23:28 ID:KT.rI/.s0
main drag

n. Slang
The principal street of a city or town.

251凡人:2013/03/16(土) 19:59:05 ID:KT.rI/.s0



adjective. former - quondam - sometime - late
adverb. formerly - erst - once - before - heretofore - previously

252凡人:2013/03/19(火) 09:38:10 ID:lXys/WD60
Straw Buyer

A person who makes a purchase on behalf of another person. A straw buyer is used when the real buyer cannot complete the transaction for some reason.

253凡人:2013/03/25(月) 17:51:42 ID:BrUEHIF60
Tethering refers to connecting one device to another. In the context of mobile phones or Internet tablets, tethering allows sharing the Internet connection of the phone or tablet with other devices such as laptops. Connection of the phone or tablet with other devices can be done over wireless LAN (Wi-Fi), over Bluetooth or by physical connection using a cable for example, through USB.

254凡人:2013/03/27(水) 17:16:31 ID:jtPXssK60

tr. & intr.v. emaciated, emaciating, emaciates.

To make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation.

255凡人:2013/03/28(木) 04:00:56 ID:5sE4JCZQ0
beside oneself (with something)

Fig. in an extreme state of some emotion.

It means you are upset, worried, and distraught; therefore, not being yourself.

I was beside myself with joy. Sarah could not speak. She was beside herself with anger.

256凡人:2013/03/29(金) 18:08:41 ID:x/SmbmII0
digs plural of digs

Living quarters.



Your house. Or crib. You get the picture.

Wanna come check out my dig?

257凡人:2013/03/29(金) 18:53:14 ID:x/SmbmII0


1.Sulfuric acid.
2.Cruel and bitter criticism.

258凡人:2013/03/30(土) 05:08:08 ID:YdffE4yY0

Make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body.

A twisting, squirming movement.

verb. squirm - twist - wriggle
noun. squirm

259凡人:2013/03/30(土) 17:05:50 ID:YdffE4yY0

A small animal who eats, bites, or fondles things in their mouth

The little bird was a heck of a chomper

260凡人:2013/03/30(土) 19:39:09 ID:YdffE4yY0

A written message; a letter. See Synonyms at letter.

261凡人:2013/03/31(日) 06:59:16 ID:3AEczFhA0

A person who flouts the law, esp. by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

262凡人:2013/03/31(日) 07:00:25 ID:3AEczFhA0

Openly disregard (a rule, law or convention): "these same companies still flout basic ethical practices".

263凡人:2013/03/31(日) 07:01:32 ID:3AEczFhA0
mock - scoff - jeer - deride - gibe - scorn - taunt

264凡人:2013/04/01(月) 07:57:41 ID:ZVM8FMD.0
Pack heat

To carry a gun

1) Be careful when you're out late at night -- you never know who might be packing heat.
2) You never had to tell Dirty Harry to pack heat -- he was always carring a .44 Magnum.
Etymology: "Heater" is slang for gun, and "pack" means 'a container' or 'to fold up' or 'to put away'. So when you "pack heat" you become a container for a gun - or put a gun on your body, in your clothes.

265凡人:2013/04/01(月) 18:00:55 ID:uya69v5U0
five finger discount

To Steal
"Dude! I got a five finger discount on those womens underwear!"

266凡人:2013/04/01(月) 18:06:46 ID:uya69v5U0

1.Placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details; fussy.
2.Requiring a particularly precise or careful approach.


267凡人:2013/04/09(火) 12:45:47 ID:bwiS95oU0

Deceitfulness; untrustworthiness.

treachery - treason - betrayal - disloyalty

268凡人:2013/04/09(火) 12:46:23 ID:bwiS95oU0
ham-fisted, ham-handed

Informal lacking dexterity or elegance; clumsy

269凡人:2013/04/10(水) 18:08:54 ID:bwiS95oU0


1.Spread or disperse (something, esp. information) widely.
2.Spread throughout an organ or the body.

spread - diffuse - propagate - broadcast - distribute

270凡人:2013/04/16(火) 01:28:09 ID:bwiS95oU0

A deficit of something required or expected.

deficit - shortage - deficiency - wantage - lack

271凡人:2013/04/16(火) 01:40:50 ID:bwiS95oU0

Humble submission and respect.

respect - regard - esteem - reverence - obeisance

272凡人:2013/04/16(火) 01:57:07 ID:bwiS95oU0
coup de grace

This phrase means "blow of mercy" in french, and is used to describe the deathblow intended to end the suffering of a mortally wounded victim.

It can also be used figuratively to refer to a finishing touch of any sort.

While the correct pronunciation is similar to "coo de grahce". It (in english) is usually pronounced as "coo de gra"...with the final "s" sound being left out.
The elven hero, upon seeing his former nemesis struggling for breath, performed a quick coup de grace, ending its suffering.

George had never had much luck with these matters, and
after all that'd happened, losing his wallet was the coup de grace that spurred him to tears.

273凡人:2013/04/16(火) 03:24:04 ID:bwiS95oU0

A descent of a vertical surface, as a cliff or wall, by sliding down a belayed rope that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder or through a device that provides friction, typically while facing the surface and performing a series of short backward leaps to control the descent.

intr.v. rap&middot;pelled, rap&middot;pel&middot;ling, rap&middot;pels
To descend from a steep height by this method.

274凡人:2013/05/01(水) 05:41:01 ID:bwiS95oU0

Haul or carry (something heavy or awkward).

A tedious or difficult journey.


275凡人:2013/05/06(月) 08:00:52 ID:bwiS95oU0

The Gleaners. Jean-Fran&ccedil;ois Millet. 1857

Gleaning (also called scrounging) is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers' fields after they have been commercially harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest. Some ancient cultures promoted gleaning as an early form of a welfare system.

276凡人:2013/05/10(金) 09:32:59 ID:bwiS95oU0
pucker up

"Pucker up" means to stick out your lips ready to kiss somebody or something, the pursed movement your lips make in preparation for a kiss.

Pucker up and kiss me!

277凡人:2013/05/10(金) 10:33:44 ID:bwiS95oU0

Older slang defining some sort of shady activity; usually illegal. shenanigans.

So tell us out the caper, boss.

278凡人:2013/05/11(土) 04:33:33 ID:bwiS95oU0
missive (msv)

A written message; a letter. See Synonyms at letter.

[From Middle English (letter) missive, (letter) sent (by superior authority), from Medieval Latin (litterae) missvae, feminine pl. of missvus, sent, from Latin missus, past participle of mittere, to send.]

279凡人:2013/05/16(木) 09:11:57 ID:bwiS95oU0

Bananas, nuts, crazy, wild, ballistic, cuckoo! Any thesaurus will do.

Quite commonly used word, not slang, used to affectionately describe a state of mind such as the above.

Hand-in-hand vocabulary with for example: gor-blimey, bastards!, bollockchops, well I'll be a pissed on candle, crikey, shove it up your arse, and bollocks! Used in the UK at least.(>London<)

Humorous sub-text in use due to its (click the link) 'bonk' attribute, as in copulation of the 'Carry On' sort also bonk could be a hit, say on the head that has comedy value.

To enhance, say: 'bloody bonkers' or 'blimmin bonkers' or 'bloomin bonkers' or 'absolutely bonkers' (esp.)

-He's definitely gone bonkers, that boy.' (crazy in the head)

-They told me they lost the paperwork.
-Did you get mad?'
-I went absolutely bonkers (mad at them)

-I could have sworn I left it here on the frigde, I tell you I'm going bonkers

280凡人:2013/05/19(日) 03:55:01 ID:bwiS95oU0

(typically of a man) Neat and trim in dress, appearance, or bearing.

smart - spruce - natty

281凡人:2013/05/20(月) 10:20:17 ID:bwiS95oU0
odalisque also odalisk (d-lsk)
A woman slave in a harem.

[French, from Turkish dalik, chambermaid : dah, room + -lik, suff. expressing function.]

282凡人:2013/05/21(火) 06:45:40 ID:bwiS95oU0
10 Things a Burglar Doesn’t Want You to Know
Published: July 10, 2012
By: Jan Soults Walker22Comments Tagged in:

Successful burglars have lots in common — home owners who unwittingly give invitations to robbery. Here’s how thieves thank you for your generosity..

You come home to an open front door, a ransacked house, and missing valuables. How did a burglar know you’d be gone? How did they get in?

In these 10 thank-you notes, your friendly neighborhood burglars share advice on how to stop lending them a helping hand.

1. Thanks for the ladder!

Call me a social climber if you will, but I did discover a ladder in your back yard. Thank you for leaving it where I could lean it against your home and easily reach a second-story window. I really love it when upper story openings aren’t wired to a home security system!

So, if you want to keep me out, store your ladder in the basement or a locked garage. And call your security company to wire upper-story windows into your alarm system.

Vertically yours,
A rising star

2. Loved your trash

Can’t tell you how much fun I have driving around neighborhoods on trash day (especially after big gift holidays) when the empty boxes on the curb reveal what wonderful new toys you have. Your thoughtfulness made it possible for me to land a new laptop and a flat-screen television in one easy trip to your home!

Next time, break down the boxes and conceal them in the recycling or trash bins.

Happy shopping!
Curbside Cruiser

3. Dear Can’t-Get-Around-to-It

Recently, I noticed you hadn’t trimmed trees and shrubs around your home, so I knew I’d have a wonderful place to hide while I worked to break into your home. I really can’t thank you enough for all the great new things I grabbed.

Next time, trim back bushes and trees near windows and doors. Make sure entry points to your home are easily visible from the street — I much prefer to work in private! While you’re at it, install motion-sensor lighting. I’m scared of bright lights!

The Tree Lover

4. Su casa es mi casa!

I was sincerely relieved to find your back door was a plain wood-panel door. I had no trouble kicking it in (my knees appreciate how easy that was!) Imagine how silly I felt when I discovered that your windows weren’t locked anyway.

You may want to take a cue from your neighbor and install steel-wrapped exterior doors with deadbolts on all your entries. And be sure your windows are locked when you’re away.

All the best,
Buster Door

283凡人:2013/05/21(火) 06:46:11 ID:bwiS95oU0
5. Bad reflection on you.

You’d be surprised how many home owners position a mirror in their entry hall so I can see from a window if the alarm system is armed. (Yours wasn’t, but I’m guessing you know that by now!) Thanks for taking a lot of pressure off of me.

A little free advice: Relocate the mirror so your alarm system isn’t visible if someone else would peer through a window.

Mr. Peeper

6. The telltale grass

Wow, isn’t it amazing how fast the grass grows these days? I swung by now and then and noticed your lawn was uncut, newspapers were piling up on the front steps, and your shades were always closed. To me, that’s an open invitation.

Next time, hire someone you trust to mow regularly, pick up around the doorstep, open and close various window shades, and turn different lights on and off (or put a few on timers). One more thing: Lock any car you leave in the driveway, or I can use your garage door opener to get in quickly.

Your Trip Advisor

7. Getting carried away

Many thanks for putting your valuables into an easy-to-carry safe that I could carry right out your back door. (Nice jewelry, and thank you for the cash!)

You may want to invest in a wall safe, which I rarely attempt to open. Or, rent a lock box at your bank.

With appreciation,
Mr. Safe and Not-So-Sound

8. Dear BFF

Thanks for alerting a professional acquaintance of mine via your social network that you were away for the week in Puerto Vallarta, having the time of your life. Me? I enjoyed a very relaxing visit to your home with no pressure of being caught.

If only you had known that posting comments and photos of your trip on social networks is fine — but do that after you return so you won’t broadcast your absence!

Cyber Savvy

9. Tag, you’re it!

Where are you? When you use popular geo-tracking apps, such as FourSquare and Glympse, I might know if you’re not home. Web sites such as www.pleaserobme.com help me keep track of your whereabouts.

If you prefer that I not visit your home, be careful about geo-tagging. But, otherwise, thank you for the loot!

— Just Tagging Along

10. Thanks for the appointment

Thanks for inviting me into your home to view the laptop you wanted to sell. I do apologize for the scare I gave you when I took it (and your purse).

Did you know that some large U.S. cities are averaging one so-called “robbery by appointment” per day? If you want to sell high-ticket items to strangers, I suggest you arrange to meet at the parking lot of your local police station. I definitely won’t show up, and you’ll still have your valuables (and your purse!)

A Tough Sell

P.S. For more tips, see our list of low-cost tricks to fool burglars. Did you know there’s a gizmo that mimics the glow of a TV?

Jan Soults Walker
Nationally published home improvement writer Jan Soults Walker and her husband, Dave, once built a window seat with flanking bookcases into a kitchen. It remains one of their favorite storage projects to date.

284凡人:2013/05/24(金) 05:14:19 ID:bwiS95oU0
dressed to the nines and dressed to the teeth

Fig. dressed very stylishly with nothing overlooked. She showed up for the picnic dressed to the nines. Clare is usually dressed to the teeth in order to impress people.

285凡人:2013/05/25(土) 03:44:32 ID:bwiS95oU0
A bong (also water pipe, billy, bubbler, bing, or moof) is a filtration device/apparatus generally used for smoking cannabis, tobacco, or other herbal substances.

286凡人:2013/05/26(日) 07:50:21 ID:bwiS95oU0

1. One that furnishes provisions, especially food.
2. One that promulgates something: a purveyor of lies.

287凡人:2013/05/26(日) 08:33:13 ID:bwiS95oU0

1. Something contained, as in a receptacle. Often used in the plural: the contents of my desk drawer; the contents of an aerosol can.

a. The individual items or topics that are dealt with in a publication or document. Often used in the plural: a table of contents.
b. The material, including text and images, that constitutes a publication or document.

a. The substantive or meaningful part: "The brain is hungry not for method but for content, especially content which contains generalizations that are powerful, precise, and explicit" (Frederick Turner).
b. The meaning or significance of a literary or artistic work.

4. The proportion of a specified substance: Eggs have a high protein content.

288凡人:2013/06/06(木) 06:12:43 ID:bwiS95oU0

noun plural \ˈdibz\

1slang : money especially in small amounts
2: claim, rights <I have dibs on that piece of cake>

Examples of DIBS
<I get dibs on the front seat!>

Origin of DIBS
short for dibstones jacks, from obsolete dib to dab
First Known Use: 1812

289凡人:2013/06/07(金) 06:18:27 ID:bwiS95oU0

(esp. of a person) Having an untidy or disheveled appearance.

disheveled - dishevelled - untidy - slovenly - scruffy

290凡人:2013/06/07(金) 06:43:44 ID:bwiS95oU0
can count something on the fingers of one hand

if you say that you can count things on the fingers of one hand, you are emphasizing that they are very rare.

I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times she's actually offered to buy me a drink.

291凡人:2013/06/09(日) 03:38:03 ID:bwiS95oU0

Someone who smokes a lot of weed. You can't really classify a stoner by how much weed they smoke, but rather their mindset about smoking. A stoner would much rather spend a Friday night getting high rather than goin out. They also smoke weed every availible opportunity.

I am a stoner.

292凡人:2013/06/12(水) 05:30:11 ID:bwiS95oU0

derogatory. A person who habitually does little or no work.

293凡人:2013/06/20(木) 04:10:22 ID:bwiS95oU0

A hispanic/spanish/latin mini-mart, kind of like a 7-11, but usually smaller and more like a liquor store atmosphere. Commonly used term on the east coast, especially in the New York City region, where you will find many of these. The word came from the actual spanish word for "grocery store" - la bodega.

294凡人:2013/07/12(金) 04:30:47 ID:bwiS95oU0

Meaning and Definition

(n.) In framing, the piece of timber fitted between two trimmers, and supported by them, and carrying the ends of the tailpieces.
(n.) One who heads a movement, a party, or a mob; head; chief; leader.
(n.) A brick or stone laid with its shorter face or head in the surface of the wall.
(n.) A fall or plunge headforemost, as while riding a bicycle, or in bathing; as, to take a header.
(n.) One who, or that which, heads nails, rivets, etc., esp. a machine for heading.
(n.) A reaper for wheat, that cuts off the heads only.

295凡人:2013/07/12(金) 04:41:54 ID:bwiS95oU0
How to Treat Road Rash

Have you taken a header off of your bike, skateboard or inline skates and sanded off a big patch of skin? Here is how to care for your wound.


1.Stabilize Life Threatening Injuries. If you have severe bleeding or spurting blood, apply direct pressure immediately and call for help.

*How to Stop Bleeding
*Call or direct someone nearby to call your local emergency number.
*If a head injury has occurred, check for a concussion.

2.Assess the severity of the wound. Call the emergency number in your area if you:

Can see underlying structures through the abraded skin.Have skin hanging from the wound that needs trimming.Have cuts that need stitching.

3.Determine if you have other injuries. If you were knocked out or feel confused, or if you have limited range of motion in any joints, consider seeing a doctor immediately for medical assistance.

4.Allow minor and self-limiting bleeding. This will help clean out any embedded dirt from the deeper portions of the wound.

5.Wash the injured area gently but thoroughly with warm water. This will hurt, but it's important to get all of the dirt and debris out of the wound.[1]

*If debris remains in the wound, sterilize tweezers with alcohol and use those to remove embedded gravel or other particles.
*Using antiseptic solutions such as peroxide or iodine is not necessary. The important thing is to wash debris out. Rinse the wound with clear water. Use soap and a washcloth to clean the area around the wound.

6.Apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Bacitracin or A&D ointment. In addition to preventing infection, this will help prevent the scab from becoming rigid and cracking when you move.

7.Cover the area with a loose non-stick dressing to prevent foreign matter from entering the wound. This will also prevent the wound from oozing onto your clothing and bedding. Change the dressing frequently to prevent it from adhering to the wound.

8Gently wash the area at least once a day with soap and water.

9Switch from a gauze dressing to a moisture barrier covering such as a Tegaderm dressing by 3M or Adaptic by Johnson & Johnson, a few days after the injury.

10Stop applying a dressing after the wound stops oozing, usually 7-14 days after the injury for a moderate case of road rash.

296凡人:2013/07/12(金) 04:47:10 ID:bwiS95oU0
take someone's head off

Fig. to scold or berate someone severely.

There is no need to take his head off about such a simple matter.

297凡人:2013/07/14(日) 08:46:38 ID:bwiS95oU0
knock (nk)
v. knocked, knock&middot;ing, knocks
1. To strike with a hard blow.
2. To affect in a specified way by striking hard: knocked the mugger senseless.
3. To cause to collide: I knocked my head on a low beam.
4. To produce by hitting or striking: knocked a hole in the wall.
5. To instill with or as if with blows: We tried to knock some sense into his head.
6. Slang To find fault with; criticize: Don't knock the food; it's free.
1. To strike a sharp audible blow or series of blows, as on a door.
2. To collide with something: knocked into the table.
3. To make a pounding or clanking noise: The car engine is knocking.
1. An instance of striking or colliding; a blow.
2. The sound of a sharp tap on a hard surface; a rap.
3. A pounding or clanking noise made by an engine, often as a result of faulty fuel combustion. Also called ping1.
4. Slang A cutting, often petty criticism.
Phrasal Verbs:
knock around/about Informal
1. To be rough or brutal with; maltreat.
2. To wander from place to place: knocking around Europe.
3. To discuss or consider: met to knock around some ideas.
knock back Informal
To gulp (an alcoholic drink).
knock down
1. To bring to the ground with a blow; topple.
2. To disassemble into parts, as for storage or shipping.
3. To declare sold at an auction, as by striking a blow with a gavel.
4. Informal To reduce, as in price: knocked each radio down 20 percent.
5. Slang To receive as wages; earn: knocks down $50 an hour.
knock off
1. Informal
a. To take a break or rest from; stop: knocked off work at noon.
b. To cease work: It's after five; let's knock off.
2. Informal To complete, accomplish, or dispose of hastily or easily; finish: That author knocks off a book a year.
3. Informal To get rid of; eliminate: knocked off 12 pounds in a month.
4. Slang To kill or overcome.
5. Slang To hold up or rob: knocked off a bank.
6. Informal To copy or imitate, especially without permission: knocking off someone else's ideas.
knock out
1. To render unconscious.
2. Sports To defeat (a boxing opponent) by a knockout.
3. To render useless or inoperative: The storm knocked out the phones.
4. Informal To exert or exhaust (oneself or another) to the utmost: knocked herself out to be ready on time.
5. Informal To produce in abundance: The workers knocked out 500 parts in one hour.
6. To inactivate or remove (a gene) by genetic engineering.
knock together
To make or assemble quickly or carelessly.
knock up
1. Slang To make pregnant.
2. Chiefly British To wake up or summon, as by knocking at the door.
3. Chiefly British To wear out; exhaust.
have it knocked Slang
To be certain of success: "He knew he had it knocked after he saw a rough cut of Chinatown" (Time).
knock cold
To render unconscious; knock out.
knock dead
1. To kill with a blow.
2. Slang To affect strongly and positively: a performance that knocked the audience dead.
knock it off Slang
Quit it. Often used in the imperative: Knock it off! I'm trying to sleep.
knock (oneself) out
To make a great effort; exhaust oneself.
knock out of the box Baseball
To force the removal of (an opposing pitcher) by heavy hitting.
knock the/someone's socks off Slang
To overwhelm or amaze.

298凡人:2013/07/16(火) 04:39:02 ID:bwiS95oU0
flotsam and jetsam

1. Lit. the floating wreckage of a ship and its cargo, or floating cargo deliberately cast overboard to stabilize a ship in a rough sea.

All sorts of flotsam and jetsam washed up on the beach.

2. Fig. worthless matter; worthless encumbrances.

His mind is burdened with the flotsam and jetsam of many years of poor instruction and lax study habits. Your report would be better if you could get rid of a lot of the flotsam and jetsam and clean up the grammar a bit.

299凡人:2013/07/16(火) 08:10:45 ID:bwiS95oU0

n. pl. sen&middot;si&middot;bil&middot;i&middot;ties
1. The ability to feel or perceive.
a. Keen intellectual perception: the sensibility of a painter to color.
b. Mental or emotional responsiveness toward something, such as the feelings of another.
3. Receptiveness to impression, whether pleasant or unpleasant; acuteness of feeling. Often used in the plural: "The sufferings of the Cuban people shocked our sensibilities" (George F. Kennan).
4. Refined awareness and appreciation in matters of feeling.
5. The quality of being affected by changes in the environment.

300凡人:2013/07/19(金) 03:30:25 ID:bwiS95oU0
a throw

$100, &pound;50, etc. a throw(informal)

used to say how much items cost each

The tickets for the dinner were &pound;50 a throw.

301凡人:2013/09/02(月) 08:05:26 ID:bwiS95oU0
a dead ringer for somebody/something

someone or something that looks exactly like someone or something else Our waiter was a dead ringer for Humphrey Bogart.

My silver-blue 64 Buick was a dead ringer for the one Sinatra drove in that movie.

302凡人:2013/09/02(月) 09:23:08 ID:bwiS95oU0
pull someone up short

to cause someone to stop short.

My scream pulled him up short.

The sudden thought that everything might not be all right pulled Tom up short.

303凡人:2013/09/03(火) 12:51:21 ID:bwiS95oU0

noun: inhibition; plural noun: inhibitions1.

a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way.

"the children, at first shy, soon lost their inhibitions"

synonyms: shyness, reticence, self-consciousness, reserve, diffidence

304凡人:2013/09/03(火) 12:51:52 ID:bwiS95oU0

A boyfriend/girlfriend or possibly someone who likes you who becomes let's say, obssesed. Signs that your boyfriend/girlfriend is clingy: doesn't stop calling, constantly tells you how much they love/like you, writes you songs, buys you flowers/chocolate so much it gets annoying, and wants to spend time..all the time.

For serious cases they may begin talking about moving in, or marrige after only a month!

Sally:When I first started dating Bob it was ok..but now..he's always around me, my answering machine is never empty, and he's best friends with my mom!

Sally's friend: Damn that's clingy!

305凡人:2013/09/04(水) 05:52:15 ID:bwiS95oU0

verb: wheedle; 3rd person present: wheedles; past tense: wheedled; past participle: wheedled; gerund or present participle: wheedling1. employ endearments or flattery to persuade someone to do something or give one something.

"you can contrive to wheedle your way onto a court"

synonyms: coax, cajole, inveigle, induce, entice, charm, tempt, beguile, blandish, flatter, persuade, influence, win someone over, bring someone around, convince, prevail on, get around; Moreinformalsweet-talk, soft-soap "she wheedled us into hiring her brother"

306凡人:2013/09/23(月) 05:41:21 ID:bwiS95oU0
petit four

[ˈpɛtɪ ˈfɔː (French) pəti fur]
n pl petits fours [ˈpɛtɪ ˈfɔːz (French) pəti fur]

(Cookery) any of various very small rich sweet cakes and biscuits, usually decorated with fancy icing, marzipan, etc.

[French, literally: little oven]

307凡人:2013/09/26(木) 07:36:46 ID:bwiS95oU0


adjective: turgid1. swollen and distended or congested.

"a turgid and fast-moving river"

synonyms: swollen, distended, tumescent, engorged, bloated, tumid More

308凡人:2013/09/26(木) 08:02:02 ID:bwiS95oU0

Romantic Comedy

309凡人:2013/11/14(木) 04:24:15 ID:bwiS95oU0

jail, stir, hoosegow, big house, iron bar motel, pen, pokey, slammer, joint, cooler, can

Jeff was picked up for public intoxication and is now in the clink for the weekend!

310凡人:2013/11/14(木) 07:05:02 ID:bwiS95oU0


: a very strong and harsh spoken or written attack

: an attack by a ship in which all the guns on one side of the ship are fired together

311凡人:2013/11/16(土) 07:36:24 ID:bwiS95oU0
cop to something

to admit to something embarrassing or something you have done wrong

312凡人:2013/11/25(月) 20:27:16 ID:bwiS95oU0
make off with something

informal — phrasal verb with make /meɪk/ verb (made, made)›

to steal something:

Somebody broke into the shop and made off with several TVs.

313凡人:2013/11/26(火) 03:11:04 ID:bwiS95oU0

billet-doux (plural billets-doux)


A love letter.

Borrowing from French, from billet, "note" and doux, "sweet".

314凡人:2013/12/03(火) 14:01:15 ID:bwiS95oU0

vb (intr) Brit

1. to dither
2. Scot and northern English dialect to talk nonsense; babble

(usually plural) Scot nonsense

[of unknown origin]

315凡人:2013/12/03(火) 14:03:04 ID:bwiS95oU0

verb: dither; 3rd person present: dithers; past tense: dithered; past participle: dithered; gerund or present participle: dithering

1. be indecisive.
"he was dithering about the election date"
synonyms: hesitate, falter, waver, vacillate, change one's mind, be of two minds, be indecisive, be undecided; Moreinformalshilly-shally, dilly-dally "stop dithering and make a decision"

2. add white noise to (a digital recording) to reduce distortion of low-amplitude signals.

noun: dither

1. informal
indecisive behavior.
"after months of dither they had still not agreed"

2. a state of agitation.
"buses are jammed and dirty and everyone is in a dither over taxis"

316凡人:2013/12/07(土) 08:54:55 ID:bwiS95oU0


noun: fusillade; plural noun: fusillades1. a series of shots fired or missiles thrown all at the same time or in quick succession.
"marchers had to dodge a fusillade of missiles"
synonyms: salvo, volley, barrage, bombardment, cannonade, battery, burst, blast, hail, shower, rain, stream; Morehistoricalbroadside "a fusillade of missiles"

archaicverb: fusillade; 3rd person present: fusillades; past tense: fusilladed; past participle: fusilladed; gerund or present participle: fusillading1. attack (a place) or shoot down (someone) by a series of shots fired at the same time or in quick succession.

317凡人:2013/12/09(月) 09:29:57 ID:bwiS95oU0
carry something on

1. to do something over a period of time. (Compare this with carry on (with something.) Do you think you can carry this on for a year? I will carry on this activity for three years if you want.
2. to continue to do something as a tradition. We intend to carry this celebration on as long as the family can gather for the holidays. We will carry on this tradition for decades, in fact.
3. Go to carry something onto something.

carry on

to behave badly or mischievously. The children always carry on when the teacher's out of the room. Stop carrying on and go to sleep!

carry on (with something)

to continue doing something. (Compare this with carry something on.)
Please carry on with your singing. Tom carried on with his boring speech for twenty minutes.

318凡人:2013/12/12(木) 01:38:47 ID:bwiS95oU0
*Rural is a more specific phrase, meaning sparsely populated, in contrast to urban or suburban.

*Countryside is used more to describe what you see.

I like living where I live because it's so rural. There are farms everywhere, and the countryside is so pretty to drive through.

2. It's very rare to hear the word "peasants" when describing modern society. Farms tend to be in rural areas. However, where I live is actually suburban, and I drive right past a huge corn field to get on the highway.

319凡人:2013/12/12(木) 05:07:30 ID:bwiS95oU0
better off

In a better or more prosperous condition:

would be better off taking the train instead of driving; felt better off after the rise in stock prices.

320凡人:2013/12/14(土) 06:16:32 ID:bwiS95oU0
Several stabbed in parking lot after Denver Broncos loss to San Diego Chargers

After Broncos 27-20 loss to the Chargers at Sports Authority Field, police report four people are stabbed and that there were multiple eyewitnesses.
Published: Friday, December 13, 2013, 1:30 AM

fumao y loco
NEW9 hours ago

NEW6 hours ago
After years of being a Jets season ticket holder, I now realize (since I am out of NY now) that the best place to watch a football game is home....food is good, beer is cheap and when I have to take a leak, it's in a nice clean bathroom with no lines.

Johnny Tapia
NEW6 hours ago
Welome to the club Marc....LOL I realized that after going to just two games 5 years ago....MLB is better in person and NFL is better at home

Daniel Christopher
NEW6 hours ago
And you can change the channel whenever you want to ! :)

Johnny Tapia
NEW4 hours ago
@Daniel, Yes and with how Eli threw this year, I needed the remote more than ever! LOL

NEW1 hour ago
bet it's gang related.

Daniel Christopher
NEW6 hours ago
There's a reason they invented tv.

Johnny Tapia
NEW6 hours ago
"Who said Rivers is better than Peyton!??? I'll kill you kill you!!!"

NEW7 hours ago
Dontcha just love a friendly game of football?

NEW6 hours ago
The ironic thing is that the players, who savagely hit and tackle each other for 60 minutes and sometimes get into heated scuffles, put it aside at the end of the game, realizing that tempers can flare out there on the field. When the clock hits ":00" they congratulate each other and maybe even kneel down together for the midfield prayer.
it's the stupid fans who aren't even playing the game who can't let it go

NEW8 hours ago
This kind of thing seems to be happening more often and mostly at football games. It doesn't matter what city.

321凡人:2013/12/19(木) 08:14:26 ID:bwiS95oU0
round on sb/sth

— phrasal verb with round /raʊnd/ verb [T] ›

If you round on someone or something, you suddenly turn and attack them:

The fox rounded on its pursuers.


The prime minister rounded on his critics with a very forceful speech.

322凡人:2013/12/21(土) 07:46:07 ID:bwiS95oU0

An alcoholic binge that at least lasts an entire week but can go on for months.

Note: This is not a "2 beers every night event." Every night must result in broken furniture, blacking out, or waking up in a puddle of your own piss and puke. This is not for the weak and wary. Only those who can truly rock out can handle this.

1. Tuesday night commemorates my crossing from an unproductive drunken week to a full fledged bender.

2. Come over tonight. I picked up some Vladdy, I can't break the streak of my two week long bender.

323凡人:2013/12/26(木) 15:07:25 ID:bwiS95oU0

past tense: dabbled; past participle: dabbled

1. immerse (one's hands or feet) partially in water and move them around gently.

"they dabbled their feet in the rock pools"

synonyms: splash, dip, paddle, trail; Moreimmerse "they dabbled their feet in rock pools"

•(of a duck or other waterbird) move the bill around in shallow water while feeding.

"teal dabble in the shallows"

2. take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way.

"he dabbled in writing as a young man"

synonyms: toy with, dip into, flirt with, tinker with, trifle with, play with, dally with More"he dabbled in politics"

324凡人:2013/12/30(月) 10:44:48 ID:bwiS95oU0



adjective: macabre1. disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury.

"a macabre series of murders"

gruesome, grisly, grim, gory, morbid, ghastly, unearthly, grotesque, hideous, horrific, shocking, dreadful, loathsome, repugnant, repulsive, sickening

"a macabre ritual"

•black, weird, unhealthy;

informal sick
"a macabre joke"

325凡人:2014/01/02(木) 13:20:19 ID:bwiS95oU0

v. e&middot;vis&middot;cer&middot;at&middot;ed, e&middot;vis&middot;cer&middot;at&middot;ing, e&middot;vis&middot;cer&middot;ates
1. To remove the entrails of; disembowel.
2. To take away a vital or essential part of: a compromise that eviscerated the proposed bill.
3. Medicine
a. To remove the contents of (an organ).
b. To remove an organ, such as an eye, from (a patient).

v.intr. Medicine
To protrude through a wound or surgical incision.

326凡人:2014/01/03(金) 06:20:47 ID:bwiS95oU0

past tense: purported; past participle: purported

1. appear or claim to be or do something, esp. falsely; profess.

"she is not the person she purports to be"

synonyms: claim to be, profess to be, pretend to be; Moreappear to be, seem to be; be ostensibly, pose as, impersonate, masquerade as, pass for

"this work purports to be authoritative"

327凡人:2014/01/06(月) 09:54:12 ID:bwiS95oU0

shank, shanked

orgin: prison slang

A homemade knife.
made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.

to be stabbed by a homemade knife.
"CrookedEye John" got shanked up..

I heard he got hit with a rusty shank.

328凡人:2014/01/11(土) 08:16:28 ID:bwiS95oU0

adjective: punitive; adjective: punitory1. inflicting or intended as punishment.

"he called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc"

synonyms: penal, disciplinary, corrective, correctional, retributive

329凡人:2014/01/11(土) 18:31:30 ID:bwiS95oU0

noun: spook; plural noun: spooks

1. a ghost.

2. a spy.
"a CIA spook"


1. frighten; unnerve.

"they spooked a couple of grizzly bears"

330凡人:2014/01/16(木) 21:54:31 ID:bwiS95oU0

3rd person present: eschews

1. deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
"he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence"

synonyms: abstain from, refrain from, give up, forgo, shun, renounce, steer clear of, have nothing to do with, fight shy of; Morerelinquish, reject, disavow, abandon, spurn, wash one's hands of, drop; informalkick, pack in; formalforswear, abjure

"he firmly eschewed political involvement"

331凡人:2014/01/17(金) 10:41:08 ID:bwiS95oU0

3rd person present: implores

1. beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something.
"he implored her to change her mind"
synonyms: plead with, beg, entreat, beseech, appeal to, ask, request, call on; Moreexhort, urge, enjoin, press, push, petition, bid, importune; supplicate "his mother implored him to continue studying"

beg earnestly for.
"I implore mercy"

332凡人:2014/01/20(月) 06:27:37 ID:bwiS95oU0

adjective: detrimental1. tending to cause harm.
"releasing the documents would be detrimental to national security"

synonyms: harmful, damaging, injurious, hurtful, inimical, deleterious, destructive, ruinous, disastrous, bad, malign, adverse, undesirable, unfavorable, unfortunate; Moreunhealthy, unwholesome
"erosion can have a detrimental effect on our water"

333凡人:2014/01/22(水) 08:33:38 ID:bwiS95oU0

literarypast tense: beseeched; past participle: beseeched

1. ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
"they beseeched him to stay"

synonyms: implore, beg, entreat, importune, plead with, appeal to, exhort, call on, supplicate, importune, pray to, ask, request, petition; Morerareobtest, impetrate, obsecrate
"I do beseech you, sir, trouble yourself no further"

334凡人:2014/01/26(日) 13:54:10 ID:bwiS95oU0

past tense: misconstrued; past participle: misconstrued

1. interpret (something, esp. a person's words or actions) wrongly.
"my advice was deliberately misconstrued"

synonyms: misunderstand, misinterpret, misconceive, misapprehend, mistake, misread; Morebe mistaken about, get the wrong idea about, get it/someone wrong
"Pete's shyness is misconstrued as unfriendliness"

335凡人:2014/01/30(木) 13:03:42 ID:bwiS95oU0
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

336凡人:2014/02/02(日) 15:09:02 ID:bwiS95oU0
I feel I am dying inside as an artist. If you are my muse, you will be my lifesaver as well.

337凡人:2014/02/04(火) 10:48:53 ID:bwiS95oU0
in tow

closely following; under someone's control. The nanny walked into the park with three children in tow. The manager went to the meeting with her staff in tow.

338凡人:2014/03/17(月) 22:21:44 ID:bwiS95oU0
ad hominem
/&aelig;d ˈhɒmənəm -ˌnɛm, ɑd‐/

1. appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason.
2. attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.

339凡人:2014/03/17(月) 22:28:55 ID:bwiS95oU0
Modus operandi

Modus operandi (plural modi operandi) is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as "method of operation". The term is used to describe someone's habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations. In English, it is often shortened to M.O.

The expression is often used in police work when discussing a crime and addressing the methods employed by the perpetrators. It is also used in criminal profiling, where it can help in finding clues to the offender's psychology.[3] It largely consists of examining the actions used by the individual(s) to execute the crime, prevent its detection and/or facilitate escape.[1] A suspect's modus operandi can assist in his identification, apprehension, or repression, and can also be used to determine links between crimes.

In business, modus operandi is used to describe a firm's preferred means of doing business and interacting with other firms.

From Wikipedia

340凡人:2014/03/23(日) 18:33:27 ID:bwiS95oU0

a meeting between lovers

1: the act of assigning or the assignment made
2: an appointment of time and place for a meeting; especially : tryst <returned from an assignation with his mistress — W. B. Yeats>

<a midnight assignation between adulterers at a downtown hotel>

341凡人:2014/03/23(日) 18:33:52 ID:bwiS95oU0

verb (used with object), al&middot;layed, al&middot;lay&middot;ing.

1. to put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest; calm; quiet.
2. to lessen or relieve; mitigate; alleviate: to allay pain.

342凡人:2014/03/23(日) 18:44:44 ID:bwiS95oU0

A flophouse (US English), doss-house or dosshouse (British English) is a place that offers very cheap lodging, generally by providing only minimal services.

Any house/apartment/frat house/trailer/etc. which is used for individuals to crash (sleep, chill, hang out, lurk, etc.) for a period of time. In order to "crash", one must not actually live there (e.g. have their name on the lease, own said flophouse, etc.). Flophouses are typically used by college students, drug addicts, transients, vagrants, or other unsavory characters.

A flophouse may also be the home owned by the parents of a college student, who after being away at college, wishes to live as if he/she is still at college (e.g. staying out all night, returning just to crash at mom and dad's house, then leaving again), rather than conforming to the pre-college rules.

Example #1
Dude: (Talking to someone passed out face first on the floor of his college apartment) Hey man, who the hell are you? What do you think this is, a flophouse??

Bro: Sorry dude, I must have passed out for a minute.

Example #2
Mom: Where have you BEEN for the last three days? You come home just to sleep?? What do you think this is, a flophouse??!!

Son: What's your problem? I'm an adult now!

343凡人:2014/03/23(日) 18:48:56 ID:IIRobKk20
wildcatter (wīld′kăt′ər)

1. One who is engaged in speculative mining or well drilling in areas not known to be productive.
2. A promoter of speculative or fraudulent business enterprises.
3. A worker who participates in a wildcat strike.

344凡人:2014/03/23(日) 19:18:58 ID:bwiS95oU0

/ʌnˈseɪvəri/ Show Spelled [uhn-sey-vuh-ree]


1. not savory; tasteless or insipid: an unsavory meal.
2. unpleasant in taste or smell; distasteful.
3. unappealing or disagreeable, as a pursuit: Poor teachers can make education unsavory.
4. socially or morally objectionable or offensive: an unsavory past; an unsavory person.

345凡人:2014/03/26(水) 09:47:20 ID:IIRobKk20
A vestibule

/ˈvɛstɨbjuːl/ is a lobby, entrance hall, or passage between the entrance and the interior of a building.

346凡人:2014/03/29(土) 04:59:19 ID:bwiS95oU0


(also nonplused)
(Of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react:

‘he would be completely nonplussed and embarrassed at the idea’

347凡人:2014/03/31(月) 19:39:04 ID:IIRobKk20

Are you a victim of circumstance or just a victim of your poor judgement?
Some people have bad luck, dumb luck or no luck at all. Where are you?
Caliper 56-60, M

Best answer:

My life started off as a victim of circumstances. Very much so. Then I started becoming victim of poor judgment, but only to get out of my circumstances, I made the wrong choices. And low self esteem due to circumstances had me believing I could not do any better and I settled for second best because that's all I'd ever known.

I'm still both I try not to make too many poor choices and think things through, but I'll never be where I'm supposed to be in life. Ever.
Zealandia 36-40, F Mar 21, 2009

348凡人:2014/04/01(火) 04:48:33 ID:IIRobKk20
"Go get 'em Tiger"
"Make me proud" (in the context of a parent talking to a child)
"Kick butt out there"
"Do your best"
"Show them what you're made of"
"Be all that you can be"

All of these idioms want to express an idea of encouragement. They are meant to arouse adrenalin, excitement or aggression in a particular setting.

349凡人:2014/04/09(水) 09:50:42 ID:bwiS95oU0
cast a pall (on/over). To spoil something.

350凡人:2014/04/11(金) 08:07:49 ID:bwiS95oU0

Ditzy means basically acting really dumb and innocent. Not really knowing what is going on.

Many people say it to like 'ditzy blonde' cuz blondes are ditzy

Or an easier way of putting all this into two words are "Jessica Simpson"
Wow, that blonde is so fuckin ditzy!
Jessica Simpson is the real definition of dizty blonde!

351凡人:2014/04/20(日) 01:24:01 ID:bwiS95oU0
What Is 'WRT'? What Does WRT Mean?
By Paul Gil

Question: What Is 'WRT'? What Does WRT Mean?
Answer: "WRT" is "With Respect To". This is internet shorthand for saying "I want to respond to a specific point made earlier in this conversation". WRT is ideal for steering a conversation in the direction you wish to take it.

Example of WRT usage:

•(User 1) Well, the Tea Party doesn't actually have a platform, other than taking shots at the Dems. The job of the Tea Party is to foment rage based on nostalgia and the sense of entitlement that many Americans feel.
•(User 2) That may be so, but WRT the comment about the Federal Reserve Bank: yes, the Bush family does own a part of the Fed.
•(User 1) Oh, really? I didn't realize the Bush family was that rich.

Another example of WRT usage:

•(User 1) WRT digital SLR cameras: I think that it's a good idea to own both an SLR and a pocket camera. Keep the SLR locked in the car, and carry the pocket camera in your jacket.
•(User 2) That's a good suggestion, considering that pocket cameras are only a hundred bucks these days..

352凡人:2014/05/17(土) 18:06:53 ID:bwiS95oU0
slim pickins

"growing up in Texas, it was slim pickins at the record store..."

"Slim pickens" means there isn't much to choose from. From the examply you gave it means that at the record store there weren't very many CD's (or tapes, records,...) to choose from.

353凡人:2014/05/26(月) 08:51:35 ID:bwiS95oU0
the difference between "attracted to" and "attracted by"?

"To" is used for the destination or direction of the attraction; "by" is used for the agent of or reason for the attraction.

I was attracted to her by her personality.


There is a very subtle difference. If you are attracted "to" someone,

you gravitate toward them like bees are attracted to flowers.

If you are attracted "by" someone, you find them attractive but you aren't necessarily pulled toward them.

Imagine a young man walking down a street. A beautiful woman (a stranger to him) is walking toward him. He immediately notices her and watches her as she approaches him and then turns to watch her as she walks by. He then continues on his way. He was attracted "by" the woman. If he had turned and followed her and (perhaps) introduced himself, you could say that he was attracted "to" her.

It's a fine distinction and using one or the other in any similar context probably would be fine but that's the distinction that I make.

354凡人:2014/06/07(土) 11:39:35 ID:bwiS95oU0
Leg and Foot Idioms

Achilles' heel (of someone or something)
- the weak part of a person/place/system/argument which can easily be attacked or criticized

The lack of a new stadium was the Achilles' heel of the government's plans to host the Olympics.

at (someone`s) heels
- close behind someone

The large car was at my heels while I was driving through the park.

back on one`s feet
- to recover from sickness or trouble, to become independent again

Our teacher was back on her feet shortly after her accident.

The man recently lost his job but he is now back on his feet.

balls of one's feet
- the bottom of the feet behind the toes

The balls of my feet were very sore after walking all day.

bound hand and foot
- to have one's hands and feet tied up

The bank manager was bound hand and foot by the bank robbers.

Break a leg!
- Good luck! (an expression that is used in theater performances)

"Break a leg!" the director called to the lead actor.

bring (someone) to heel

- to make someone obey you or pay attention to you again after he or she has stopped obeying or paying attention to you
The new supervisor quickly brought the employees to heel.

bring (someone or something) to its/their knees
- to have a negative effect on someone or something, to destroy someone or a group of people, to defeat someone or something

The strike by the teachers quickly brought the school district to its knees.

355凡人:2014/06/30(月) 14:29:22 ID:bwiS95oU0
My wife said that she was leaving me because I always exaggerate. I was so shocked I almost tripped over my penis.

My wife has been missing a week now. The police said to prepare for the worst. So, I had to go down to Goodwill to get all of her clothes back.

356凡人:2014/06/30(月) 14:31:12 ID:bwiS95oU0

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.

357凡人:2014/06/30(月) 21:51:17 ID:bwiS95oU0

one who sucks at a particular video game, they are not new to the game, but possess some determent that prevents them from playing well, no matter how long they practice playing the game.

synonyms- a Dan Wood, noob, newbie, newb

antonyms- an Alex, elite, 1337, leet

Boy 1: OMG a triple kill! I own at this game!

Boy 2: None of them were moving you nub?!

358凡人:2014/07/04(金) 15:50:42 ID:bwiS95oU0
tricked out

1. Derived from the language of pimps and hoes; refers to the ho' gettin' dressed up for the trick. Now it simply means "having all the accessories" or simply being really prettied up. Usually used with a sense of admiration. May refer to people or inanimate objects.

2. 1. Derived from the language of pimps and hoes; refers to the ho' being worn out from doing too many tricks.

Meaning 1: "That '57 Chevy sure is tricked out!"

Meaning 2: "I ain't goin' to no bar. I'm all tricked out; I stayed up all last night freakin' with Darlene!".

359凡人:2014/07/06(日) 19:52:51 ID:bwiS95oU0
A decrepit car is a car that is often old and damaged and is in a barely functional state. Numerous slang terms are used to describe such cars, which vary by country and region, including hoopty, jalopy, clunker, lemon, banger, bomb, beater, rust bucket, voodoo, wreck, or rattletrap.

360凡人:2014/12/10(水) 15:12:21 ID:ve6M5DlE0
crate krāt

noun: crate; plural noun: crates

1. a slatted wooden case used for transporting or storing goods.
"a crate of bananas"
synonyms: case, packing case, chest, box; More
container, receptacle
"a crate for their good china"
a square metal or plastic container divided into small individual units, used for transporting or storing bottles.
"a milk crate"

2. informal dated
an old and dilapidated vehicle.

verb: crate; 3rd person present: crates; past tense: crated; past participle: crated; gerund or present participle: crating

1. pack (something) in a crate for transportation.

361凡人:2014/12/24(水) 15:46:59 ID:ve6M5DlE0
verb: case; 3rd person present: cases; past tense: cased; past participle: cased; gerund or present participle: casing

surround in a material or substance.
"the towers are of steel cased in granite"
enclose in a protective container.
"a cased pair of pistols"
reconnoiter (a place) before carrying out a robbery.
"I was casing the joint"
synonyms: reconnoiter, inspect, examine, survey, explore, check out
"a thief casing the joint"

362凡人:2014/12/24(水) 16:08:40 ID:da95RwFo0
(1) a derrogatory term for someone that is disabled or has a medicial problem that results in physical impairment.

(2) An insult implying that someone is incompetent, stupid, etc. Can also be used to imply that the person is uncool or can't/won't do what everyone else is doing.

(3) A sex slave or submissive, usually male, as popularlized by the movie Pulp Fiction.
Look at that gimp in the wheelchair

Dude, quit being a gimp and take a hit!

Bring out the gimp!

363凡人:2015/01/05(月) 13:59:42 ID:ve6M5DlE0
a hack in a joint

Prison slang referring to a prison guard.

364凡人:2015/12/16(水) 02:50:02 ID:da95RwFo0

1. a comeback line so good, it can't be topped
2. a point so good it can't be disproved/topped

Roughly translates to 'Oh shit, I didn't think of that'

Tourist: Does this train stop at Cortland Street?
Nun: Yes, it does.
Guy: No, it doesn't. The station is closed.
Nun: I've been riding this train over 20 years. It stops at Cortland Street.
Guy, as train passes Cortland Street station: Lady, you may know Jesus, but I know the subways.
Nun: Touche.

French word used in fencing. Commonly used today to recognize the other side's good argument or comeback.

Guy 1: You know Mountain Dew shrinks your balls.
Guy 2: At least I HAVE balls.
Guy 1: ... Touché.

Bart: I want to go with you, Dad.
Homer: Don’t you have school?
Bart: Don’t you have work?
Homer: Ah, Touché.

365凡人:2015/12/21(月) 22:20:09 ID:da95RwFo0
A Vagina, 3 kinds:

1. Poonana is a little girls vagina 0-13.
2. Poonani A teenagers vagina 13-20.
3. Poontang a mature womans vagina (quite good) 20-35.
4. Poonono an old vagina often with large muff 35-110.
1. i said dont play with your poonana

2. i saw this girl in the club last night sure she had a poonani

3. i got some sweet poontang last night.

4. oh shit i'm gonna be sic after seeing that poonono

1)A female's genital organ (vagina)

2)A slang term for wimp, often used by teenage males who want to boost their masculinity
1)I fucked Kara last night. She's got a tight poon.

2)Alex: We probably shouldn't go rock climbing. It could be dangerous
Nick: Dude, it's fine. Don't be such a poon!

366凡人:2015/12/24(木) 03:34:58 ID:da95RwFo0

Penis. Probably derived from the German "schlange" for snake, which, pronounced in German, must have sounded like "schlong" to native English speakers.

Wow, that horse has got a pretty huge schlong. I don't know if those fifth graders on their field trip to the zoo should be seeing this.

367凡人:2015/12/26(土) 16:20:30 ID:da95RwFo0

past tense: railroaded; past participle: railroaded

press (someone) into doing something by rushing or coercing them.
"she hesitated, unwilling to be railroaded into a decision"

cause (a measure) to be passed or approved quickly by applying pressure.
"the Bill had been railroaded through the House"

North American
send (someone) to prison without a fair trial or by means of false evidence.
North American
travel or work on the railroads.

368凡人:2016/01/09(土) 14:50:25 ID:da95RwFo0
verb informal
gerund or present participle: gallivanting

go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.
"she quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe"
synonyms: flit, jaunt, run; roam, wander, travel, rove;
informal gad
"my days of gallivanting are long past"

369凡人:2017/02/23(木) 12:40:58 ID:/9hL6NYE0
do a number on

do a number on someone or something
Sl. to damage or harm someone or something. The teacher did a number on the whole class by giving them a pop quiz. Tom did a number on Mary when he went out with Ann.

do a number on somebody/something
to hurt or damage someone or something Dairy foods do a number on my stomach. This case has really done a number on the judge – he looks much older than he did just a few months ago.

do a number on somebody
to treat someone very badly or unfairly I'm not surprised Caroline doesn't like him. He really did a number on her at work.
See also: number, on

370凡人:2017/03/14(火) 04:43:43 ID:/9hL6NYE0
North American
noun: slicker; plural noun: slickers

1. a raincoat made of smooth material.
2. informal
a person who is smooth and persuasive but untrustworthy.
"a permatanned slicker who involves her in embezzlement and fraud"

371凡人:2017/03/15(水) 06:04:13 ID:/9hL6NYE0
flogging the bishop

A synonym for masturbation.
I was so horny i decided to flog the bishop underneath my desk in health class while they gave us the "STD slideshow"! Wow, it turned me on!

372凡人:2017/03/20(月) 10:37:44 ID:/9hL6NYE0

verb: two-time; 3rd person present: two-times; past tense: two-timed; past participle: two-timed; gerund or present participle: two-timing

1. deceive or be unfaithful to (a lover or spouse).
"he was two-timing a fiancée back in England"


1. denoting someone who has done or experienced something twice.
"a two-time winner of the event"


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