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354凡人:2014/06/07(土) 11:39:35 ID:bwiS95oU0
Leg and Foot Idioms

Achilles' heel (of someone or something)
- the weak part of a person/place/system/argument which can easily be attacked or criticized

The lack of a new stadium was the Achilles' heel of the government's plans to host the Olympics.

at (someone`s) heels
- close behind someone

The large car was at my heels while I was driving through the park.

back on one`s feet
- to recover from sickness or trouble, to become independent again

Our teacher was back on her feet shortly after her accident.

The man recently lost his job but he is now back on his feet.

balls of one's feet
- the bottom of the feet behind the toes

The balls of my feet were very sore after walking all day.

bound hand and foot
- to have one's hands and feet tied up

The bank manager was bound hand and foot by the bank robbers.

Break a leg!
- Good luck! (an expression that is used in theater performances)

"Break a leg!" the director called to the lead actor.

bring (someone) to heel

- to make someone obey you or pay attention to you again after he or she has stopped obeying or paying attention to you
The new supervisor quickly brought the employees to heel.

bring (someone or something) to its/their knees
- to have a negative effect on someone or something, to destroy someone or a group of people, to defeat someone or something

The strike by the teachers quickly brought the school district to its knees.


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