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347凡人:2014/03/31(月) 19:39:04 ID:IIRobKk20

Are you a victim of circumstance or just a victim of your poor judgement?
Some people have bad luck, dumb luck or no luck at all. Where are you?
Caliper 56-60, M

Best answer:

My life started off as a victim of circumstances. Very much so. Then I started becoming victim of poor judgment, but only to get out of my circumstances, I made the wrong choices. And low self esteem due to circumstances had me believing I could not do any better and I settled for second best because that's all I'd ever known.

I'm still both I try not to make too many poor choices and think things through, but I'll never be where I'm supposed to be in life. Ever.
Zealandia 36-40, F Mar 21, 2009


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