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323凡人:2013/12/26(木) 15:07:25 ID:bwiS95oU0

past tense: dabbled; past participle: dabbled

1. immerse (one's hands or feet) partially in water and move them around gently.

"they dabbled their feet in the rock pools"

synonyms: splash, dip, paddle, trail; Moreimmerse "they dabbled their feet in rock pools"

•(of a duck or other waterbird) move the bill around in shallow water while feeding.

"teal dabble in the shallows"

2. take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way.

"he dabbled in writing as a young man"

synonyms: toy with, dip into, flirt with, tinker with, trifle with, play with, dally with More"he dabbled in politics"


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