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1凡人:2004/10/05(火) 06:13


the $10 million Prize

318凡人:2013/12/12(木) 01:38:47 ID:bwiS95oU0
*Rural is a more specific phrase, meaning sparsely populated, in contrast to urban or suburban.

*Countryside is used more to describe what you see.

I like living where I live because it's so rural. There are farms everywhere, and the countryside is so pretty to drive through.

2. It's very rare to hear the word "peasants" when describing modern society. Farms tend to be in rural areas. However, where I live is actually suburban, and I drive right past a huge corn field to get on the highway.

319凡人:2013/12/12(木) 05:07:30 ID:bwiS95oU0
better off

In a better or more prosperous condition:

would be better off taking the train instead of driving; felt better off after the rise in stock prices.

320凡人:2013/12/14(土) 06:16:32 ID:bwiS95oU0
Several stabbed in parking lot after Denver Broncos loss to San Diego Chargers

After Broncos 27-20 loss to the Chargers at Sports Authority Field, police report four people are stabbed and that there were multiple eyewitnesses.
Published: Friday, December 13, 2013, 1:30 AM

fumao y loco
NEW9 hours ago

NEW6 hours ago
After years of being a Jets season ticket holder, I now realize (since I am out of NY now) that the best place to watch a football game is home....food is good, beer is cheap and when I have to take a leak, it's in a nice clean bathroom with no lines.

Johnny Tapia
NEW6 hours ago
Welome to the club Marc....LOL I realized that after going to just two games 5 years ago....MLB is better in person and NFL is better at home

Daniel Christopher
NEW6 hours ago
And you can change the channel whenever you want to ! :)

Johnny Tapia
NEW4 hours ago
@Daniel, Yes and with how Eli threw this year, I needed the remote more than ever! LOL

NEW1 hour ago
bet it's gang related.

Daniel Christopher
NEW6 hours ago
There's a reason they invented tv.

Johnny Tapia
NEW6 hours ago
"Who said Rivers is better than Peyton!??? I'll kill you kill you!!!"

NEW7 hours ago
Dontcha just love a friendly game of football?

NEW6 hours ago
The ironic thing is that the players, who savagely hit and tackle each other for 60 minutes and sometimes get into heated scuffles, put it aside at the end of the game, realizing that tempers can flare out there on the field. When the clock hits ":00" they congratulate each other and maybe even kneel down together for the midfield prayer.
it's the stupid fans who aren't even playing the game who can't let it go

NEW8 hours ago
This kind of thing seems to be happening more often and mostly at football games. It doesn't matter what city.

321凡人:2013/12/19(木) 08:14:26 ID:bwiS95oU0
round on sb/sth

— phrasal verb with round /raʊnd/ verb [T] ›

If you round on someone or something, you suddenly turn and attack them:

The fox rounded on its pursuers.


The prime minister rounded on his critics with a very forceful speech.

322凡人:2013/12/21(土) 07:46:07 ID:bwiS95oU0

An alcoholic binge that at least lasts an entire week but can go on for months.

Note: This is not a "2 beers every night event." Every night must result in broken furniture, blacking out, or waking up in a puddle of your own piss and puke. This is not for the weak and wary. Only those who can truly rock out can handle this.

1. Tuesday night commemorates my crossing from an unproductive drunken week to a full fledged bender.

2. Come over tonight. I picked up some Vladdy, I can't break the streak of my two week long bender.

323凡人:2013/12/26(木) 15:07:25 ID:bwiS95oU0

past tense: dabbled; past participle: dabbled

1. immerse (one's hands or feet) partially in water and move them around gently.

"they dabbled their feet in the rock pools"

synonyms: splash, dip, paddle, trail; Moreimmerse "they dabbled their feet in rock pools"

•(of a duck or other waterbird) move the bill around in shallow water while feeding.

"teal dabble in the shallows"

2. take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way.

"he dabbled in writing as a young man"

synonyms: toy with, dip into, flirt with, tinker with, trifle with, play with, dally with More"he dabbled in politics"

324凡人:2013/12/30(月) 10:44:48 ID:bwiS95oU0



adjective: macabre1. disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury.

"a macabre series of murders"

gruesome, grisly, grim, gory, morbid, ghastly, unearthly, grotesque, hideous, horrific, shocking, dreadful, loathsome, repugnant, repulsive, sickening

"a macabre ritual"

•black, weird, unhealthy;

informal sick
"a macabre joke"

325凡人:2014/01/02(木) 13:20:19 ID:bwiS95oU0

v. e·vis·cer·at·ed, e·vis·cer·at·ing, e·vis·cer·ates
1. To remove the entrails of; disembowel.
2. To take away a vital or essential part of: a compromise that eviscerated the proposed bill.
3. Medicine
a. To remove the contents of (an organ).
b. To remove an organ, such as an eye, from (a patient).

v.intr. Medicine
To protrude through a wound or surgical incision.

326凡人:2014/01/03(金) 06:20:47 ID:bwiS95oU0

past tense: purported; past participle: purported

1. appear or claim to be or do something, esp. falsely; profess.

"she is not the person she purports to be"

synonyms: claim to be, profess to be, pretend to be; Moreappear to be, seem to be; be ostensibly, pose as, impersonate, masquerade as, pass for

"this work purports to be authoritative"

327凡人:2014/01/06(月) 09:54:12 ID:bwiS95oU0

shank, shanked

orgin: prison slang

A homemade knife.
made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.

to be stabbed by a homemade knife.
"CrookedEye John" got shanked up..

I heard he got hit with a rusty shank.

328凡人:2014/01/11(土) 08:16:28 ID:bwiS95oU0

adjective: punitive; adjective: punitory1. inflicting or intended as punishment.

"he called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc"

synonyms: penal, disciplinary, corrective, correctional, retributive

329凡人:2014/01/11(土) 18:31:30 ID:bwiS95oU0

noun: spook; plural noun: spooks

1. a ghost.

2. a spy.
"a CIA spook"


1. frighten; unnerve.

"they spooked a couple of grizzly bears"

330凡人:2014/01/16(木) 21:54:31 ID:bwiS95oU0

3rd person present: eschews

1. deliberately avoid using; abstain from.
"he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence"

synonyms: abstain from, refrain from, give up, forgo, shun, renounce, steer clear of, have nothing to do with, fight shy of; Morerelinquish, reject, disavow, abandon, spurn, wash one's hands of, drop; informalkick, pack in; formalforswear, abjure

"he firmly eschewed political involvement"

331凡人:2014/01/17(金) 10:41:08 ID:bwiS95oU0

3rd person present: implores

1. beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something.
"he implored her to change her mind"
synonyms: plead with, beg, entreat, beseech, appeal to, ask, request, call on; Moreexhort, urge, enjoin, press, push, petition, bid, importune; supplicate "his mother implored him to continue studying"

beg earnestly for.
"I implore mercy"

332凡人:2014/01/20(月) 06:27:37 ID:bwiS95oU0

adjective: detrimental1. tending to cause harm.
"releasing the documents would be detrimental to national security"

synonyms: harmful, damaging, injurious, hurtful, inimical, deleterious, destructive, ruinous, disastrous, bad, malign, adverse, undesirable, unfavorable, unfortunate; Moreunhealthy, unwholesome
"erosion can have a detrimental effect on our water"

333凡人:2014/01/22(水) 08:33:38 ID:bwiS95oU0

literarypast tense: beseeched; past participle: beseeched

1. ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.
"they beseeched him to stay"

synonyms: implore, beg, entreat, importune, plead with, appeal to, exhort, call on, supplicate, importune, pray to, ask, request, petition; Morerareobtest, impetrate, obsecrate
"I do beseech you, sir, trouble yourself no further"

334凡人:2014/01/26(日) 13:54:10 ID:bwiS95oU0

past tense: misconstrued; past participle: misconstrued

1. interpret (something, esp. a person's words or actions) wrongly.
"my advice was deliberately misconstrued"

synonyms: misunderstand, misinterpret, misconceive, misapprehend, mistake, misread; Morebe mistaken about, get the wrong idea about, get it/someone wrong
"Pete's shyness is misconstrued as unfriendliness"

335凡人:2014/01/30(木) 13:03:42 ID:bwiS95oU0
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

336凡人:2014/02/02(日) 15:09:02 ID:bwiS95oU0
I feel I am dying inside as an artist. If you are my muse, you will be my lifesaver as well.

337凡人:2014/02/04(火) 10:48:53 ID:bwiS95oU0
in tow

closely following; under someone's control. The nanny walked into the park with three children in tow. The manager went to the meeting with her staff in tow.

338凡人:2014/03/17(月) 22:21:44 ID:bwiS95oU0
ad hominem
/æd ˈhɒmənəm -ˌnɛm, ɑd‐/

1. appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason.
2. attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.

339凡人:2014/03/17(月) 22:28:55 ID:bwiS95oU0
Modus operandi

Modus operandi (plural modi operandi) is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as "method of operation". The term is used to describe someone's habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations. In English, it is often shortened to M.O.

The expression is often used in police work when discussing a crime and addressing the methods employed by the perpetrators. It is also used in criminal profiling, where it can help in finding clues to the offender's psychology.[3] It largely consists of examining the actions used by the individual(s) to execute the crime, prevent its detection and/or facilitate escape.[1] A suspect's modus operandi can assist in his identification, apprehension, or repression, and can also be used to determine links between crimes.

In business, modus operandi is used to describe a firm's preferred means of doing business and interacting with other firms.

From Wikipedia

340凡人:2014/03/23(日) 18:33:27 ID:bwiS95oU0

a meeting between lovers

1: the act of assigning or the assignment made
2: an appointment of time and place for a meeting; especially : tryst <returned from an assignation with his mistress — W. B. Yeats>

<a midnight assignation between adulterers at a downtown hotel>

341凡人:2014/03/23(日) 18:33:52 ID:bwiS95oU0

verb (used with object), al&middot;layed, al&middot;lay&middot;ing.

1. to put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest; calm; quiet.
2. to lessen or relieve; mitigate; alleviate: to allay pain.

342凡人:2014/03/23(日) 18:44:44 ID:bwiS95oU0

A flophouse (US English), doss-house or dosshouse (British English) is a place that offers very cheap lodging, generally by providing only minimal services.

Any house/apartment/frat house/trailer/etc. which is used for individuals to crash (sleep, chill, hang out, lurk, etc.) for a period of time. In order to "crash", one must not actually live there (e.g. have their name on the lease, own said flophouse, etc.). Flophouses are typically used by college students, drug addicts, transients, vagrants, or other unsavory characters.

A flophouse may also be the home owned by the parents of a college student, who after being away at college, wishes to live as if he/she is still at college (e.g. staying out all night, returning just to crash at mom and dad's house, then leaving again), rather than conforming to the pre-college rules.

Example #1
Dude: (Talking to someone passed out face first on the floor of his college apartment) Hey man, who the hell are you? What do you think this is, a flophouse??

Bro: Sorry dude, I must have passed out for a minute.

Example #2
Mom: Where have you BEEN for the last three days? You come home just to sleep?? What do you think this is, a flophouse??!!

Son: What's your problem? I'm an adult now!

343凡人:2014/03/23(日) 18:48:56 ID:IIRobKk20
wildcatter (wīld′kăt′ər)

1. One who is engaged in speculative mining or well drilling in areas not known to be productive.
2. A promoter of speculative or fraudulent business enterprises.
3. A worker who participates in a wildcat strike.

344凡人:2014/03/23(日) 19:18:58 ID:bwiS95oU0

/ʌnˈseɪvəri/ Show Spelled [uhn-sey-vuh-ree]


1. not savory; tasteless or insipid: an unsavory meal.
2. unpleasant in taste or smell; distasteful.
3. unappealing or disagreeable, as a pursuit: Poor teachers can make education unsavory.
4. socially or morally objectionable or offensive: an unsavory past; an unsavory person.

345凡人:2014/03/26(水) 09:47:20 ID:IIRobKk20
A vestibule

/ˈvɛstɨbjuːl/ is a lobby, entrance hall, or passage between the entrance and the interior of a building.

346凡人:2014/03/29(土) 04:59:19 ID:bwiS95oU0


(also nonplused)
(Of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react:

‘he would be completely nonplussed and embarrassed at the idea’

347凡人:2014/03/31(月) 19:39:04 ID:IIRobKk20

Are you a victim of circumstance or just a victim of your poor judgement?
Some people have bad luck, dumb luck or no luck at all. Where are you?
Caliper 56-60, M

Best answer:

My life started off as a victim of circumstances. Very much so. Then I started becoming victim of poor judgment, but only to get out of my circumstances, I made the wrong choices. And low self esteem due to circumstances had me believing I could not do any better and I settled for second best because that's all I'd ever known.

I'm still both I try not to make too many poor choices and think things through, but I'll never be where I'm supposed to be in life. Ever.
Zealandia 36-40, F Mar 21, 2009

348凡人:2014/04/01(火) 04:48:33 ID:IIRobKk20
"Go get 'em Tiger"
"Make me proud" (in the context of a parent talking to a child)
"Kick butt out there"
"Do your best"
"Show them what you're made of"
"Be all that you can be"

All of these idioms want to express an idea of encouragement. They are meant to arouse adrenalin, excitement or aggression in a particular setting.

349凡人:2014/04/09(水) 09:50:42 ID:bwiS95oU0
cast a pall (on/over). To spoil something.

350凡人:2014/04/11(金) 08:07:49 ID:bwiS95oU0

Ditzy means basically acting really dumb and innocent. Not really knowing what is going on.

Many people say it to like 'ditzy blonde' cuz blondes are ditzy

Or an easier way of putting all this into two words are "Jessica Simpson"
Wow, that blonde is so fuckin ditzy!
Jessica Simpson is the real definition of dizty blonde!

351凡人:2014/04/20(日) 01:24:01 ID:bwiS95oU0
What Is 'WRT'? What Does WRT Mean?
By Paul Gil

Question: What Is 'WRT'? What Does WRT Mean?
Answer: "WRT" is "With Respect To". This is internet shorthand for saying "I want to respond to a specific point made earlier in this conversation". WRT is ideal for steering a conversation in the direction you wish to take it.

Example of WRT usage:

•(User 1) Well, the Tea Party doesn't actually have a platform, other than taking shots at the Dems. The job of the Tea Party is to foment rage based on nostalgia and the sense of entitlement that many Americans feel.
•(User 2) That may be so, but WRT the comment about the Federal Reserve Bank: yes, the Bush family does own a part of the Fed.
•(User 1) Oh, really? I didn't realize the Bush family was that rich.

Another example of WRT usage:

•(User 1) WRT digital SLR cameras: I think that it's a good idea to own both an SLR and a pocket camera. Keep the SLR locked in the car, and carry the pocket camera in your jacket.
•(User 2) That's a good suggestion, considering that pocket cameras are only a hundred bucks these days..

352凡人:2014/05/17(土) 18:06:53 ID:bwiS95oU0
slim pickins

"growing up in Texas, it was slim pickins at the record store..."

"Slim pickens" means there isn't much to choose from. From the examply you gave it means that at the record store there weren't very many CD's (or tapes, records,...) to choose from.

353凡人:2014/05/26(月) 08:51:35 ID:bwiS95oU0
the difference between "attracted to" and "attracted by"?

"To" is used for the destination or direction of the attraction; "by" is used for the agent of or reason for the attraction.

I was attracted to her by her personality.


There is a very subtle difference. If you are attracted "to" someone,

you gravitate toward them like bees are attracted to flowers.

If you are attracted "by" someone, you find them attractive but you aren't necessarily pulled toward them.

Imagine a young man walking down a street. A beautiful woman (a stranger to him) is walking toward him. He immediately notices her and watches her as she approaches him and then turns to watch her as she walks by. He then continues on his way. He was attracted "by" the woman. If he had turned and followed her and (perhaps) introduced himself, you could say that he was attracted "to" her.

It's a fine distinction and using one or the other in any similar context probably would be fine but that's the distinction that I make.

354凡人:2014/06/07(土) 11:39:35 ID:bwiS95oU0
Leg and Foot Idioms

Achilles' heel (of someone or something)
- the weak part of a person/place/system/argument which can easily be attacked or criticized

The lack of a new stadium was the Achilles' heel of the government's plans to host the Olympics.

at (someone`s) heels
- close behind someone

The large car was at my heels while I was driving through the park.

back on one`s feet
- to recover from sickness or trouble, to become independent again

Our teacher was back on her feet shortly after her accident.

The man recently lost his job but he is now back on his feet.

balls of one's feet
- the bottom of the feet behind the toes

The balls of my feet were very sore after walking all day.

bound hand and foot
- to have one's hands and feet tied up

The bank manager was bound hand and foot by the bank robbers.

Break a leg!
- Good luck! (an expression that is used in theater performances)

"Break a leg!" the director called to the lead actor.

bring (someone) to heel

- to make someone obey you or pay attention to you again after he or she has stopped obeying or paying attention to you
The new supervisor quickly brought the employees to heel.

bring (someone or something) to its/their knees
- to have a negative effect on someone or something, to destroy someone or a group of people, to defeat someone or something

The strike by the teachers quickly brought the school district to its knees.

355凡人:2014/06/30(月) 14:29:22 ID:bwiS95oU0
My wife said that she was leaving me because I always exaggerate. I was so shocked I almost tripped over my penis.

My wife has been missing a week now. The police said to prepare for the worst. So, I had to go down to Goodwill to get all of her clothes back.

356凡人:2014/06/30(月) 14:31:12 ID:bwiS95oU0

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.

357凡人:2014/06/30(月) 21:51:17 ID:bwiS95oU0

one who sucks at a particular video game, they are not new to the game, but possess some determent that prevents them from playing well, no matter how long they practice playing the game.

synonyms- a Dan Wood, noob, newbie, newb

antonyms- an Alex, elite, 1337, leet

Boy 1: OMG a triple kill! I own at this game!

Boy 2: None of them were moving you nub?!

358凡人:2014/07/04(金) 15:50:42 ID:bwiS95oU0
tricked out

1. Derived from the language of pimps and hoes; refers to the ho' gettin' dressed up for the trick. Now it simply means "having all the accessories" or simply being really prettied up. Usually used with a sense of admiration. May refer to people or inanimate objects.

2. 1. Derived from the language of pimps and hoes; refers to the ho' being worn out from doing too many tricks.

Meaning 1: "That '57 Chevy sure is tricked out!"

Meaning 2: "I ain't goin' to no bar. I'm all tricked out; I stayed up all last night freakin' with Darlene!".

359凡人:2014/07/06(日) 19:52:51 ID:bwiS95oU0
A decrepit car is a car that is often old and damaged and is in a barely functional state. Numerous slang terms are used to describe such cars, which vary by country and region, including hoopty, jalopy, clunker, lemon, banger, bomb, beater, rust bucket, voodoo, wreck, or rattletrap.

360凡人:2014/12/10(水) 15:12:21 ID:ve6M5DlE0
crate krāt

noun: crate; plural noun: crates

1. a slatted wooden case used for transporting or storing goods.
"a crate of bananas"
synonyms: case, packing case, chest, box; More
container, receptacle
"a crate for their good china"
a square metal or plastic container divided into small individual units, used for transporting or storing bottles.
"a milk crate"

2. informal dated
an old and dilapidated vehicle.

verb: crate; 3rd person present: crates; past tense: crated; past participle: crated; gerund or present participle: crating

1. pack (something) in a crate for transportation.

361凡人:2014/12/24(水) 15:46:59 ID:ve6M5DlE0
verb: case; 3rd person present: cases; past tense: cased; past participle: cased; gerund or present participle: casing

surround in a material or substance.
"the towers are of steel cased in granite"
enclose in a protective container.
"a cased pair of pistols"
reconnoiter (a place) before carrying out a robbery.
"I was casing the joint"
synonyms: reconnoiter, inspect, examine, survey, explore, check out
"a thief casing the joint"

362凡人:2014/12/24(水) 16:08:40 ID:da95RwFo0
(1) a derrogatory term for someone that is disabled or has a medicial problem that results in physical impairment.

(2) An insult implying that someone is incompetent, stupid, etc. Can also be used to imply that the person is uncool or can't/won't do what everyone else is doing.

(3) A sex slave or submissive, usually male, as popularlized by the movie Pulp Fiction.
Look at that gimp in the wheelchair

Dude, quit being a gimp and take a hit!

Bring out the gimp!

363凡人:2015/01/05(月) 13:59:42 ID:ve6M5DlE0
a hack in a joint

Prison slang referring to a prison guard.

364凡人:2015/12/16(水) 02:50:02 ID:da95RwFo0

1. a comeback line so good, it can't be topped
2. a point so good it can't be disproved/topped

Roughly translates to 'Oh shit, I didn't think of that'

Tourist: Does this train stop at Cortland Street?
Nun: Yes, it does.
Guy: No, it doesn't. The station is closed.
Nun: I've been riding this train over 20 years. It stops at Cortland Street.
Guy, as train passes Cortland Street station: Lady, you may know Jesus, but I know the subways.
Nun: Touche.

French word used in fencing. Commonly used today to recognize the other side's good argument or comeback.

Guy 1: You know Mountain Dew shrinks your balls.
Guy 2: At least I HAVE balls.
Guy 1: ... Touché.

Bart: I want to go with you, Dad.
Homer: Don’t you have school?
Bart: Don’t you have work?
Homer: Ah, Touché.

365凡人:2015/12/21(月) 22:20:09 ID:da95RwFo0
A Vagina, 3 kinds:

1. Poonana is a little girls vagina 0-13.
2. Poonani A teenagers vagina 13-20.
3. Poontang a mature womans vagina (quite good) 20-35.
4. Poonono an old vagina often with large muff 35-110.
1. i said dont play with your poonana

2. i saw this girl in the club last night sure she had a poonani

3. i got some sweet poontang last night.

4. oh shit i'm gonna be sic after seeing that poonono

1)A female's genital organ (vagina)

2)A slang term for wimp, often used by teenage males who want to boost their masculinity
1)I fucked Kara last night. She's got a tight poon.

2)Alex: We probably shouldn't go rock climbing. It could be dangerous
Nick: Dude, it's fine. Don't be such a poon!

366凡人:2015/12/24(木) 03:34:58 ID:da95RwFo0

Penis. Probably derived from the German "schlange" for snake, which, pronounced in German, must have sounded like "schlong" to native English speakers.

Wow, that horse has got a pretty huge schlong. I don't know if those fifth graders on their field trip to the zoo should be seeing this.

367凡人:2015/12/26(土) 16:20:30 ID:da95RwFo0

past tense: railroaded; past participle: railroaded

press (someone) into doing something by rushing or coercing them.
"she hesitated, unwilling to be railroaded into a decision"

cause (a measure) to be passed or approved quickly by applying pressure.
"the Bill had been railroaded through the House"

North American
send (someone) to prison without a fair trial or by means of false evidence.
North American
travel or work on the railroads.

368凡人:2016/01/09(土) 14:50:25 ID:da95RwFo0
verb informal
gerund or present participle: gallivanting

go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.
"she quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe"
synonyms: flit, jaunt, run; roam, wander, travel, rove;
informal gad
"my days of gallivanting are long past"

369凡人:2017/02/23(木) 12:40:58 ID:/9hL6NYE0
do a number on

do a number on someone or something
Sl. to damage or harm someone or something. The teacher did a number on the whole class by giving them a pop quiz. Tom did a number on Mary when he went out with Ann.

do a number on somebody/something
to hurt or damage someone or something Dairy foods do a number on my stomach. This case has really done a number on the judge – he looks much older than he did just a few months ago.

do a number on somebody
to treat someone very badly or unfairly I'm not surprised Caroline doesn't like him. He really did a number on her at work.
See also: number, on

370凡人:2017/03/14(火) 04:43:43 ID:/9hL6NYE0
North American
noun: slicker; plural noun: slickers

1. a raincoat made of smooth material.
2. informal
a person who is smooth and persuasive but untrustworthy.
"a permatanned slicker who involves her in embezzlement and fraud"

371凡人:2017/03/15(水) 06:04:13 ID:/9hL6NYE0
flogging the bishop

A synonym for masturbation.
I was so horny i decided to flog the bishop underneath my desk in health class while they gave us the "STD slideshow"! Wow, it turned me on!

372凡人:2017/03/20(月) 10:37:44 ID:/9hL6NYE0

verb: two-time; 3rd person present: two-times; past tense: two-timed; past participle: two-timed; gerund or present participle: two-timing

1. deceive or be unfaithful to (a lover or spouse).
"he was two-timing a fiancée back in England"


1. denoting someone who has done or experienced something twice.
"a two-time winner of the event"


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