Open to infinite love, I practice peace.
An awakening to the love of God as a Presence within all and the Power to overcome all is the strong foundation for peace in the world. One by one, we build on this foundation.
Love is patient. As individuals and as leaders of countries, we listen to one another. We acquaint ourselves with the views and needs of others. Our understanding moves us beyond what is exclusive to what is inclusive.
Love is kind. Thinking and speaking the best about others initiates a similar response. The gentleness conveyed envelopes others—whether in person or afar. Love calls on us to want and do the best for all.
Open to infinite love, I practice peace.
Love is patient; love is kind ... It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things.—1 Corinthians 13:4, 7
Excerpt from the March/April 2008 issue of Unity Magazine
My father once told me, “When you’re old, you don’t feel old.”
I can appreciate what he meant when he said that, as I ponder the fact that the essential being I am inside myself is the same in my 50s as when I was only 15.
So who am I really?
Am I the woman who has changed with age, or am I the changeless self
Am I the woman who is encased in time or the being who dwells apart from it?
Sometimes when referring to things that happened long ago, we say things like “I remember it like it was yesterday.”
And that’s because in a way it was. If time, as Einstein declared, is merely an illusion of
consciousness, then linear time itself is a metaphysical fiction; everything that has happened, is happening, or will happen, is happening now. There, in that realm of the eternal now, is the true “I am.”
The eternal self dwells in eternity, and eternity intersects linear time at only one point: the present.
Who you are in this moment, therefore, is who you truly are. And from that essential point of perfect being―created anew by God in every instant―miracles flow naturally.
Thoughts of love interrupt the past and open the future to new probabilities.
No matter who you are, no matter how old you are, in the present, all things are possible.
The physical self ages, of course, but the spiritual self does not.
As we identify more with the spiritual dimension of our lives, then our experience begins to shift from the changeable to the changeless . . . from limitation to limitlessness . . . from fear to love.
As our journey through linear time gets shorter, our consciousness can in fact expand. And as it does, time itself is affected.
The deeper we go into the love of God, the more we actualize our earthly potential.
The understanding of that which does not change is the key to our power within a world that does. In aligning ourselves with the eternal self, we age not in a straight line leading from luscious youth to decrepit age, but rather like the flowering lotus opening more and more to the light of the sun.