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【広めよう】Windower 11【本家窓化】

676名無しのWindower使い:2018/04/28(土) 02:42:10 ID:Ejlr.9F.
function cast.check_song(songs,targ,buffs,spell_recasts,recast)
for buff,num in pairs(song_list) do
for x = 1,num do
local song = get.song(get.songs[buff][x])
if song and spell_recasts[song.id] <= 0 and
(not timers[targ] or not timers[targ][song.enl] or os.time()-timers[targ][song.enl].ts+recast>0 or
(buffs.troubadour and not timers[targ][song.enl].nt) or
(buffs['soul voice'] and not timers[targ][song.enl].sv)) then
return song.enl

for pri = 1, 22 do
local buff = ids.prio[pri]:lower()
--print(pri .. " " .. buff)
   --print(" " .. song_list[buff])
    if not (song_list[buff] == nil) then
     for x = 1, song_list[buff] do
     local song = get.song(get.songs[buff][x])
     if song and spell_recasts[song.id] <= 0 and
     (not timers[targ] or not timers[targ][song.enl] or os.time()-timers[targ][song.enl].ts+recast>0 or
     (buffs.troubadour and not timers[targ][song.enl].nt) or
     (buffs['soul voice'] and not timers[targ][song.enl].sv)) then
 return song.enl

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