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最低保証店,正味資産割れ店集まれ!③コンビニ ファミマ

680やま健:2017/11/19(日) 18:58:02
Why you guys cling to whether the person of posting is outsider ot not? Convenience stores man likely shut the door to any advices, any opinions and any criticise from outside, doesn't they? You guys are maybe the most conservative and conventional people.
You every day shut yoursely in your closed small society and enjoy yourself in commnunication with your same job's buddies. I think you'll not be able to go ahead way to trouble solution. You're apparently way too unmatured to accept a diversity of people's relation.
You're every day full with pulling your heat out of your ass. How poor your chiidish life! You stand far away from the way you have to set the goal. So It's Saturday too midnight, Good night, so long!

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