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最低保証店,正味資産割れ店集まれ!③コンビニ ファミマ

631やま健:2017/10/20(金) 17:40:03
>>624 Above writings are not mine. You're completely misunderstood as like as hell idiot. I've not such heavy literacy in japanese writings unfortunatelly. Anyway reading through that, I think what the writer said seems way too correct and spots on. I'd suppose all of you feel you vaguely see the end of this fuckin cruel business. Many of postings are always consisted in anger, sorrow and lament. Strong will to leave from this stupid business dominates all threads in this commnunication board. Labor shortage and wage increase such tremendous negative business factors are striking your business and diminish what a little money you have!
Hey bruh, don't worry yourself and your next job after leaving, I mean labor shortage will help you too to find new job, right? So, let's srep out first then you'd better think abot your future. No more struggles in hell weird business!

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