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558ワープする塗り仏:2019/08/21(水) 05:23:22 ID:bueXHLrw0
According to existing technologies ( in 2003 ), it’s possible to realize 40-inch direct-view LCDs. But, high cost is needed for producing them. To overcome such a problem, projection is prepared so as to be alternative way for achieving large-sized display ( for example, high definition TV, boardroom presentation and electronic cinema ).
Two types of projection displays have been often proposed : front & rear projections. In case of front projection configuration, a distant screen is utilized to view a magnified image. Meanwhile, in case of rear projection configuration, the magnification optics is enclosed in back of an imaging screen to produce a self-contained system.
Both transmissive and reflective LCDs have been considered for projection displays ( about 2003 ).


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