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☆近畿百科☆ニュース その8

279名無しさん:2012/10/10(水) 01:47:33 ID:CPI4X1dA0

[AS] Can you recall your initial reaction to the call?

[SY] Well, so I was kind of alarmed by my secretary, who is still at my office. So she got a call from Stockholm, and asked about my phone number. So she kind of gave me an alert. But still, you know, I was not sure at all. So when I received the call, I was surprised. Almost, you know, I just thought wow, it's very ... a phonecall from Stockholm. I just couldn't believe it.

[AS] That's lovely. That's very nice. Indeed it hasn't been long. It was only in 2006 that you created the first iPS cells, so it hasn't been long.

[SY] So I strongly feel that this is, that I am able to receive this award because of John Gurdon and also many other researchers in the field. This field has a long history, starting with John Gurdon. So I feel very lucky. I may have played some important role in this long history, but it was not myself who initiated this field. So that's my feeling right now.

[AS] I understand and it's so nice that the two of you are tied together by the award and will be in Stockholm together in December to accept it.

[SY] Yes, that's great, yes.

[AS] When you come to Stockholm we have a longer chance, happily, to interview you and so talk more.

[SY] Okay

[AS] But I just wanted ask you one final question, which was what your greatest hopes for stem cells technologies are at the moment? What do you hope will be the first benefit?

[SY] Well, I will bring this technology to clinics. I really want to help as many patients as possible. As you may know, I started my career as a surgeon 25 years ago. But it turned out that I am not talented as a surgeon. So I decided to change my career, from clinics to laboratories. But I still feel that I am a doctor, I am a physician, so I really want to help patients. So my goal, all my life, is to bring this technology, stem cell technology to the bedside, to patients, to clinics.

[AS] Thank you. And I understand that iPS cells will, in fact, be going into the clinic for trials next year for the first time.

[SY] Yes, indeed. Yes.

[AS] Okay. Well, thank you very much indeed. And I wish a lovely evening of celebration.

[SY] Okay, thank you so much

[AS] It was a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you. Congratulations again.

[SY] Thank you very much. Bye bye.

[AS] Bye.


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