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【疫病】 鳥インフルエンザ  食品衛生・公衆衛生・医学情報

8...:2004/01/25(日) 12:33
Safety guidelines
How to avoid communicable diseases from poultry
1) Consumers
- Ensure poultry and poultryrelated products are cooked thoroughly
- Ensure that eggshells are clean ? wash them thoroughly before cooking
- Pick the newest eggs possible when shopping

2) Chicken butchers
- Avoid purchasing fowl that appear lethargic, or have nasal mucus,
 swollen eyes or diarrhoea
- Do not keep all fowl for slaughter in the same enclosure
- Wear protective plastic gowns or aprons
- Wash your hands and body thoroughly with soap and water following
 the slaughter
- Change clothes immediately after the slaughter and wash those
 clothes separately
- If you develop symptoms such as a fever, headaches or shivers,
 see a doctor immediately and declare your occupation


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