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■Talk about tokyotech in English■

1名無しさん:2002/07/19(金) 21:44
Why don't you talk in English?

2名無しさん:2002/07/20(土) 01:05
Such a fuck'in guy!!

3名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 01:06

4名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 03:13
ro-ma ji ja dame desuka?

5名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 03:17
chotto dake nara OK yo

6名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 03:58
chotto dake English tukaeba OK desduka?

7名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 04:40
Oh yeah!!!
Oremo Eigo Hanasenaiyo!

8名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 06:14

9名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 06:59

10名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 15:13
Where are you from?

11名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 19:22

12名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 20:14
Tout tout pour ma chérie , ma chérie
Tout tout pour ma chérie , ma chérie

  ☆。:.+:  /■\ 
   .. :.   ( ´∀`)      
     / ̄ヽ/,― 、\ o。。。       
.:☆   | ||三∪●)三mΕ∃.    
.:*    \_.へ--イ\  ゚ ゚ ゚  
+:..♪.:。゚*.:..  (_)(_)     ☆。:.+:
 ☆。:.+::..   ☆:.°+     .. :
   。*.:☆゚x*+゚。::.☆ο::.+。 *ρ

Tout tout pour ma chérie , ma chérie
   /■\   /■\   /■\
  ( ´∀`)  ( ´∀`)  ( ´∀`)
 ⊂    つ⊂    つ⊂    つ
  し'(_)   し'(_)    し'(_)  


13名無しさん:2002/07/22(月) 23:57
mattari thread iina-

14名無しさん:2002/07/23(火) 00:13
feel so good!

15名無しさん:2002/07/23(火) 02:50
(=゚ω゚)ノ Hello

16名無しさん:2002/07/25(木) 13:23
I'm only sleeping.

17名無しさん:2002/07/29(月) 03:24
Really? It is not good for your future.

18名無しさん:2002/07/29(月) 05:02
I'm hun??? harapekoooooo
I can't speak English.

19名無しさん:2002/07/29(月) 19:18
I never give you my money
I only send you a funny paper

20名無しさん:2002/07/30(火) 03:50
I want to reveal what is the truth.

21名無しさん:2002/07/31(水) 01:47
I'll never give up.
fuck you!

22名無しさん:2002/07/31(水) 02:31
ash to ash.
dust to dust.

23名無しさん:2002/08/02(金) 05:33
watashi tesuto benkyo de tsukaremashita

24名無しさん:2002/08/02(金) 08:15
2ch is flying now!!

25名無しさん:2002/08/02(金) 19:16

Where is 2ch flying to?(w

26名無しさん:2002/08/03(土) 13:10
you saying "flowing"?

27名無しさん:2002/08/03(土) 13:19
Titech'saba is flying too!!

28名無しさん:2002/08/03(土) 13:49
I think it is caused by "SETSUDEN-SHUKAN".

29名無しさん:2002/08/03(土) 18:54
today, the poer supply is cut off in the campus.
so, i think , server has been down.

3029:2002/08/03(土) 18:55
type miss, sorry.

31名無しさん:2002/08/05(月) 14:29

32名無しさん:2002/08/05(月) 14:57
↑ It's Java!

33名無しさん:2002/08/05(月) 16:54
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

system("finger >>31");

34名無しさん:2002/08/06(火) 02:37
You talked in C language.
Talk in ENGLISH. :-)

35情工:2002/08/10(土) 22:08
English -> Hello
Japanise -> こんにちは

36名無しさん:2002/08/11(日) 15:27
How about sucking my motherfuckin' dick?

37名無しさん:2002/08/11(日) 16:29
Hello World!

38情工:2002/08/11(日) 22:47

39名無しさん:2002/08/12(月) 00:24
end sub

40名無しさん:2002/08/12(月) 07:37

41名無しさん:2002/08/12(月) 13:23
GNU Emacsで,C-h hで出てきます.

42名無しさん:2002/08/13(火) 03:02

43名無しさん:2002/08/13(火) 07:44
Morgen onaniere Ich nie.

44名無しさん:2002/08/15(木) 10:56
Floating Invalid

45名無しさん:2002/08/16(金) 01:02
any study results in vain

46名無しさん:2002/08/20(火) 22:27
C-shell Jigoku

47名無しさん:2002/08/22(木) 02:17
using System.Diagnostic;

48名無しさん:2002/08/23(金) 01:16




49名無しさん:2002/08/23(金) 02:47

                       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
                      /         \
                     /\   ⌒  ⌒  |
                     |||||||   (・)  (・) |
                     (6-------◯⌒つ |
                     |    _||||||||| |
                      \ / \_/ / < My Fune

50名無しさん:2002/08/24(土) 03:29
Oh! "My Fune" means "B C N O F Ne" !?

51名無しさん:2002/08/24(土) 13:17
Wow!! Didnt noticed that!!

52名無しさん:2002/08/25(日) 00:09
Me neither!

53名無しさん:2002/08/25(日) 05:48

こ れ は え い ご で は な い 


54名無しさん:2002/08/25(日) 06:45

55名無しさん:2002/08/25(日) 22:58
System halted...

56名無しさん:2002/08/26(月) 21:58

57名無しさん:2002/08/26(月) 23:30

58名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 00:06
kernel boot...

59名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 01:01
Here is a bad internet!
You is a foolish.

60名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 01:33
Pls read the flow of this thread!

61名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 02:39
   ./ ̄ ̄ ̄\
.  ./   ,,ィ ハ ヽ
   {. _,メ lノ/)人}.    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   (l「 ●l⌒l●' |!)  < Japanet♪ Japanet♪ 
r:、  ヽ._.l_l_ /   ,n \_______________
ヽ.`-'7.\゙''ー''゙/ ,「゙-'ノ
.  ゙ヽヽイ ̄ ̄`ト、/ /
   ` ´|    .|゙ -'

62名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 02:41

63名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 02:50
>>62 Responding to Neta Seriously is suck.

64名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 03:07
Eigo hanaseyo bakayarou!

65名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 03:16
「You is a foolish」のどこがネタなんだよ?
ネタじゃなくて明らかにgrammatically wrong!だべ。

66名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 03:17

>>62 → >>63

67名無しさん:2002/08/27(火) 03:25
Maybe,it is the neta of 'grammatically wrong'.
It is the very high level neta so that you cannot understand it.
Ato,Eigo hanaseyo bakayarou!

68名無しさん:2002/08/28(水) 00:48
"You is ..." is a very famous phrase.
See this site, and understand that you is fool man.

69名無しさん:2002/08/28(水) 21:41
>>65 san disappears...

70名無しさん:2002/08/30(金) 11:27
By the way 1, will you listen to me for a while?
It's not really related to the topic of the thread, though.
The other day I went to Yoshinoya nearby. YOSHINOYA.
But it was terribly crowded that I could not find any seat.
I was looking around and found banners saying "150 yen OFF."

What a stupid idiot you were! You moron, not regular customers,
please don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's offering 150 yen
discount? Only 150 yen!

I could see a pair with kids. They were simple enough to have felt
happy with a whole family of four in Yoshinoya. I could even hear a
voice "OK, Daddy will have an ex-large." I could not stand any more.

Hey you, I give you 150 yen so clear off the counter.
Yoshinoya has to be a more brutal place. A fight will break out
anytime soon between me and a guy in front over a U-shaped table.
Stab, or get stabbed. That's the kind of atmosphere it should
have. Shove off, bitch and bastard.

Getting seated finally, I heard a guy next to me ordering a large bowl
with extra gravy. It made me mad again. Listen moron, ex-gravy is
totally out now. How dare you proudly say ex-gravy?
Do you really want to eat an extra-gravy bowl?
I want to ask you. Question you. Interrogate you for an hour.
Or you might just want to use the word ex-gravy?

Let me say, the latest trend among Yoshinoya frenzy like me must
be an extra onion. That's it. A large bowl with ex-onion, and an egg.
That's the way the freaks have to order. Extra onion means more
onion and less beef. A Large bowl with this plus an egg makes it perfect.

But it is a double-edged sword, because if you order it you will be
marked by the staff next time. I can't recommend it to the beginners.
Anyway 1, you'd better eat a beef & salmon set. I mean it.

71名無しさん:2002/08/30(金) 14:56
Wonderful !! (lol

72名無しさん:2002/08/30(金) 19:09
1942 It's the real thing
1947 Have a Coke
1963 Things go better with Coke
1969 Face Uncle Sam with a Coke in your hand
1979 Have a Coke and a smile
1982 Coke is it!
-- Coca-Cola slogans

73名無しさん:2002/08/31(土) 11:51
Question : What is the height of globalization?
Answer : Princess Diana's death.
Question : How come?
Answer : An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a
French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine,
driven by a Belgian who was high on Scottish whiskey, followed closely by
Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor,
using Brazilian medicines! And this e-mail is sent to you by a
Malaysian,using Bill Gates' technology which he stole from the Japanese. And
you are probably reading this on one of the IBM clones that use
Taiwanese-made chips,and Korean made monitors, assembled
by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by lorries driven
by Indians, hijacked by Indonesians and finally sold to you by Chinnese men!
That's what we called Globalization, RIGHT!!!


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