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750とはずがたり:2016/04/05(火) 14:12:45
やはり北朝鮮が主体的に─NSCCが能動的にではなく─チェコとポーランドのNATOの加盟で北朝鮮がその中立性を失ったと判断して構成国から追放した(expelled 〜 component)と云う事だな。
delegation 派遣団・troop 一団


Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Following the collapse of communism leading to Czechoslovakia and Poland joining NATO, and the dissolution of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993, North Korea believed the NNSC had lost its neutrality, and took the view that the NNSC had collapsed.[10] North Korea expelled the Czech component in 1993 and the Polish component in 1995.[11][12]

Since 1995 North Korea has not recognized the existence of the NNSC.[12] The Swedish and Swiss delegations continue to submit reports on South Korean troop movements to North Korea, which are ignored.[13] Poland continues to attend NNSC meetings, although it is no longer able to observe troop movements in North Korea.[14]


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