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219あがるま:2009/11/10(火) 00:27:05
ポアンカレの弟子のエピステモロジストでウィーンの論理実証主義団やハイエクなどのモンペラン協会の会員でもあつたLouis Rougier(1989-1982)はペタン政府の有力者だつたために戦後追放されWikiの英語版には彼の哲学的業績が書いてあるのに仏語版には専ら政治的なことしか書かれてありません。
ルジエが法王レオ13世のencyclical Aeterna Patris (1879)に反対する800頁以上の大論文 − アリストテレス・トミズムはキリスト教信仰と両立しない − を1924年に発表し、それについてユリウス・エヴォラ1898-1974(R.シュタイナーやR.ゲノンに並ぶエソテリズムの大物ですが)が1924年に書いて居るのを知りました。
God is this final self-manifestation : the act of the individual (or essence), and, in him, of all things, so that the individual can consider himself to be God in potentia. Not by a jump between two co-existents (Catholic dualism), but by continuity and progression of construction, one passes from one term to the other. Then, it can be said, like Meister Eckhart : all the creatures want their supreme perfection, all of them want the essential life, all of them move into my reason to become reason. I - the Unique - raise all the creatures from their consciousness to mine because they become unity in it. The individual must comprehend, according to the principle of cosmic responsibility, what it is that he does.


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