In vitro differentiation assays demonstrated that low-pH-induced Oct4-GFP+ cells gave rise to three-germ-layer derivatives (Fig. 2d) as well as visceral endoderm-like epithelium (Extended Data Fig. 3d). When grafted into mice, low-pH-induced Oct4-GFP+ cell clusters formed teratomas (40%, n = 20) (Fig. 2e and Extended Data Fig. 4a–c) but no teratocarcinomas that persistently contained Oct4-GFP+ cells (n = 50). Because some cellular variation was observed in the signal levels of Oct4-GFP within the clusters, we sorted GFP-strong cells (a major population) and GFP-dim cells (a minor population) by FACS on day 7 and separately injected them into mice. In this case, only GFP-strong cells formed teratomas (Extended Data Fig. 4d).