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46101195:2011/10/11(火) 22:50:16
Hello. Thank you for sending me a letter.
I know you’re feeling. You are in amaze yourself because of your grade. But is this a problem? Many people (I think almost all people) have or had problems kind of like yours. Everyone have to get over that in their life. Maybe this is your first problem because you were on honor roll, so you have to get over it. I think you know nothing of the world before, but you can realize that because of grad school. If you can’t realize it and you will work in an office, you will be really ashamed. So it’s good time to think about yourself. However, I think being relax time is also important time. You should take relax time to study, lay, and work. Someone think it’s useless time, but many people think it’s important to show your power. Take your time, and have nice grad school life. Bye.

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