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28101647:2011/10/11(火) 16:44:57
So the problem is you are wearing out by your life? Why don’t you take a break? Are you afraid of taking break since you hardly catch up with your classes now? I guess you won’t be able to get a scholarship, if you take a break. However you can work more. Then you can continue to going to school and working.
Also, I’m sorry in advance. I will advice you with strict way. I know you are really doing your best. It is really important. However if you really want to become journalist, you should do your best more and more. Your ability is how many hours you spent for it. If you are not good at your classes, it means you didn’t spend enough time for them.
I have two questions for you now. Do you really want to become journalist? Is your school is the only way to make your dream come true?
If your answers for both questions are yes, my advice is really simple. You should continue to having your life like that. You said you want to spend more time to have a fun with your boy friend, and friends. I guess it means you have really nice friends and boy friends. You can rely on them if you really want help. Don’t worry! Everyone can’t act perfect
If your have the NO answer for them, you should probably quite your school. You know only the thing you can get will be stress. That’s so bad. Are you afraid of quitting? I know going away from one place is sometimes feared, but it is for your future. You need to take the good rest now. Think about quitting if you have ‘no’ answer.
Well, I really want to hear your happiness story that will be happening soon. I know you have a bright future. For the future you are in difficult situation now. Rely on a lot of people sometimes cry and become a good person!
That’s all the things I can say to you! Hope you can feel better now.

( 348 words)

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