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220101638:2011/10/07(金) 01:44:53
Thank you for your writing. You are very busy aren’t you? I know how you feel. Because, it is difficult to spare time well as you. Occasionally, you meet and talk with your friend right? It is good thing to give relaxation for you. But, you are lack of relaxation I think. In stead of these things, I recommend to going there park such as Tokyo Disney Resort. The place give us some relaxation like view and place so much. Whichever you can choose by yourself and go with your boy friend. If you go there you get time to relax.But, you should bring money so much. Maybe, you will enjoy the place without thinking concerning money and time. But, These are wonderful to forget about real I believe. Because, you took care about limited time every day. So, you need to forget time probably. From that, you can get afford to think about other things.

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