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1220101481:2011/10/10(月) 10:47:53
Hello, Hopeless Grad Student. Thank you for your writing. I received and read your message. This is very difficult problem for you. I thought hard and found the best answer finally. In my opinion, you should quit your grad school early. According to my experience, someone who wants to greedy get enormous profits is usually collapsed. As the saying goes, haven’t you heard that if you chase after two rabbits, you won't catch either? Quit wavering and just decide on one way. If you can just choose one way, I recommend the method. However, if you want to choose both of them, I recommend quitting your school. After quitting the school, you should become self-employed journalist. There is nothing to be afraid of. You certainly have a bright future! Have a confidence yourself! I hope you'll be a capable journalist. Good luck. (142 words)

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