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104感情性OE:2012/08/27(月) 09:39:05
Emotional OE is often the first to be noticed by parents.
It is reflected in heightened,
intense feelings, extremes of complex emotions,
identification with others’ feelings, and strong affective expression (Piechowski, 1991).
Other manifestations include physical responses like stomachaches and blushing or concern with death and depression (Piechowski, 1979).
Emotionally overexcitable people have a remarkable capacity for deep relationships; they show strong emotional attachments to people, places, and things (Dabrowski & Piechowski, 1977).
They have compassion, empathy, and sensitivity in relation-ships. Those with strong Emotional OE are acutely aware of their own feelings, of how they are growing and changing, and often carry on inner dialogs and practice self-judgment (Piechowski, 1979, 1991).
Children high in Emotional OE‚ are often accused of “overreacting.” Their compassion and concern for others, their focus on relationships, and the intensity of their feelings may interfere with everyday tasks like homework or doing the dishes.


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