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205はげ丸【無射精1日目】:2019/07/09(火) 14:31:23
This morning, my wife was looking for clothes to wear before going to work. My wife was looking at the dry laundry and said to me, "Hey, your white shirt has a red mark on it."

The white shirt that my wife was touching was the one I wore the other day. My wife was away on business for several days. During that time, I went to a clubhouse to dance. I love my wife but sometimes I want to meet a girl who is much younger than me.

The red mark on the white shirt is probably the lipstick of the girl who was attached to me at the clubhouse. I quickly washed the white shirt to get rid of the perfume and cigarette smell, but I never imagined that red lipstick would remain on the shirt.

My wife looked at the white shirt strangely. Because the shirt was washed once, I did not know that there was lipstick on it.

"Maybe the color of the other clothes has transferred to that shirt," I said, but I felt uneasy.


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