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フィギュアスケート研究所 Part2

840cc:2023/01/08(日) 16:36:41 ID:f.uh93dc0
>Multidimensional movements and use of space


841(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/08(日) 16:36:44 ID:Uu.tIOoE0
The organizing ISU Member, in the case of International Competitions
other than ISU Events, or the ISU, in the case of ISU Events, the
Olympic Winter Games and Winter Youth Olympic Games, is
responsible for the accuracy of the results including the computer
software program and shall provide experienced, competent
operators who shall be responsible for the entry of data into the
computer and the generating of official results.※
You hafta study Skating, English and Rule harder!
Go study!

842cc:2023/01/08(日) 16:39:17 ID:f.uh93dc0


843(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/08(日) 16:41:15 ID:Uu.tIOoE0
The demonstration of engagement, commitment and involvement based on an understanding of the music and composition. ※
You hafta study Skating, English and Rule harder!
Go study!

844cc:2023/01/08(日) 16:41:42 ID:f.uh93dc0
pdf ファイルでも。

845(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/08(日) 16:42:56 ID:Uu.tIOoE0
Expressiveness & projection!
Go study!

846(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/08(日) 16:46:40 ID:Uu.tIOoE0
(ジブンデクロウシナイトミニツカナイデスヨ)The most important lessons in life are the ones you've learned the hard way!
Go study!

847cc:2023/01/08(日) 16:50:20 ID:f.uh93dc0

848(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/08(日) 16:54:05 ID:Uu.tIOoE0
(ハーイ)Okay, I hope you have a fantastic week. Bye, Peace out!

849cc:2023/01/09(月) 04:49:28 ID:sB1d7BRM0


The demonstration of engagement, commitment and involvement based on an understanding of the music and composition. ※



850(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 12:22:31 ID:XK7Qf9LI0
Hey guys
プレゼンテーション(演技); 音楽と構成を理解し,心を込め,全身かつ全力でそれを表現できているか※a. meaning Presentation; The demonstration of engagement, commitment and involvement based on an understanding of the music and composition, in English※b.
(出典)src:※a.JSF WP(技術翻訳)&※b.ISU WP

851cc:2023/01/09(月) 12:52:24 ID:sB1d7BRM0


852(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 14:25:27 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Officials screen
Each Judge and the Referee operate independently, and the
decisions of the Technical Controller and Technical Specialists※
(出典)※src:※ISU WP

853cc:2023/01/09(月) 14:37:15 ID:sB1d7BRM0
>Each Judge and the Referee operate independently, and the
decisions of the Technical Controller and Technical Specialists


854cc:2023/01/09(月) 14:39:10 ID:sB1d7BRM0



855cc:2023/01/09(月) 14:41:33 ID:sB1d7BRM0
You have to study Data&Science harder🤑

856(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 14:44:50 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Specific requirements for nomination and appointment of Referees
☆have the highest knowledge of the discipline concerned※
(出典)※src:※ISU WP

857(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 14:51:41 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Specific requirements for nomination and appointment of Referees
☆possess good communication skills※
(出典)※src:※ISU WP

858cc:2023/01/09(月) 14:53:38 ID:sB1d7BRM0

859(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 14:55:31 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Specific requirements for nomination and appointment of Referees
☆be able to take directions and work within a team environment※
(出典)※src:※ISU WP

860(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:01:57 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
To be eligible for annual re-appointment as an International Referee
b) Service: have served, during the thirty-six months preceding July
31st of the calendar year of the nomination, as a Referee, Judge,
Trial Judge or Technical Controller in one International
(出典)※src:※ISU WP

861cc:2023/01/09(月) 15:04:21 ID:sB1d7BRM0
You have to study Data&Science harder🤑


862(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:10:49 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Specific requirements for nomination and appointment of Technical
have the highest knowledge of the discipline concerned with
regards to the technical aspects;
(出典)※src:ISU WP

863(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:13:53 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Specific requirements for nomination and appointment of Technical
possess good communication skills;
(出典)※src:ISU WP

864cc:2023/01/09(月) 15:17:32 ID:sB1d7BRM0


865(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:27:47 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Each Judge identifies for each Sequence/Section/Element one, or
if so published in an ISU Communication, two GOEs. Each GOE
has its own positive or negative numerical value as indicated in
the SOV chart published in an ISU Communication for each
(出典)※src:ISU WP

866cc:2023/01/09(月) 15:36:44 ID:sB1d7BRM0



867(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:39:54 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties of the Judges
use the whole range of Grade of Execution values and Program
Component marks;※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

868(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:42:12 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties of the Judges
mark independently and whilst judging do not converse with another
Judge or indicate errors by action or sound※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

869(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:43:21 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties of the Judges
do not use previously prepared marks※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

870(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:47:24 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties of the Judges
attend the Round Table Discussion moderated by the Referee
according to ISU guidelines※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

871cc:2023/01/09(月) 15:55:12 ID:sB1d7BRM0


以前、ここによくいらしてたきれじろう さんという方も、おそらくこの運用のアップデートを知らなくて、いつもジャッジがあってるという主張をしてたんですが、この肝心な所が抜けてる説明はかなりミスリードであったと思います。


872(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 15:57:50 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties and powers of the Technical Controller
authorizes or corrects the deletion of elements※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

873(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:01:00 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties and powers of the Technical Controller
supervises the Technical Specialists and Data Operator and
proposes corrections, if necessary, respecting any performed
element and Level of Difficulty identified by both serving Technical
(出典)※src:ISU WP

874cc:2023/01/09(月) 16:06:56 ID:sB1d7BRM0



875(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:08:16 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties and powers of the Technical Controller
However, if both Technical Specialists disagree with a
correction asked for by the Technical Controller, the initial decision of
the Technical Specialists stands※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

876(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:10:00 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties and powers of the Technical Controller
In the case a disagreement about
an element and/or Level of Difficulty exists between the two Technical
Specialists, the decision of the Technical Controller prevails※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

877cc:2023/01/09(月) 16:18:08 ID:sB1d7BRM0

878(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:20:04 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties and powers of the Technical Controller
The Technical Controller is responsible to verify that the performed
elements and Levels of Difficulty identified in accordance with the
above-mentioned procedure are correctly introduced into the system
by the Data Operator and the performed elements and Levels of
Difficulty may be validated only upon formal confirmation by the
Technical Controller that such verification has been completed※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

879(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:22:46 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties and powers of the Technical Controller
authorizes or corrects the identification of Illegal
(出典)※src:ISU WP

880cc:2023/01/09(月) 16:30:14 ID:sB1d7BRM0


881(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:38:44 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Communication between the Referee and the Technical
If possible, there should be direct communication between the Referee※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

882(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:42:54 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties of the Data & Replay Operator
The Data Operator
corrects elements or Levels of Difficulty as instructed by the
Technical Controller※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

883cc:2023/01/09(月) 16:44:50 ID:sB1d7BRM0
レビューをすると決めるのは、テクニカルのうち誰でも決められますよね? でも、そのレビューするジャンプの選び方についてです。例えば以前にも話題になりましたが、ルッツなどはコーナーでとべば、テクニカルのカメラからは見えにくいのでとかで、飛ぶ位置を見えにくい所で飛んでたりとか。そういうのは、レビューにはかけられませんよね。

884(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:47:33 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Duties of the Data & Replay Operator
The Replay Operator
records each element separately to enable the Technical Panel, the
Referee and the Judges to review the element when necessary※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

885(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:49:54 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
The Data & Replay Operators※
support the Technical Specialists and the Technical Controller※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

886cc:2023/01/09(月) 16:53:07 ID:sB1d7BRM0

887cc:2023/01/09(月) 16:55:07 ID:sB1d7BRM0

888(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 16:58:37 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Hey guys
Principles of calculating Anomalies:
a) Grade of Execution (GOE)
i) For each element performed the computer calculates the
average GOE of all the Judges. The GOE’s awarded by the
Referee are NOT used in this calculation※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

889(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 17:02:16 ID:xkw/kUCM0
Take it easy peace out!✌

890(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 19:56:20 ID:oZV9FIzs0
Don't complain! Study hard!
Duties and powers of Officials※
Officials must adhere fully to the ISU Code of Ethics※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

891(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/09(月) 21:13:17 ID:oZV9FIzs0
Rule 300
Disciplines and content of Single & Pair Skating and Ice Dance
1. The disciplines of Single & Pair Skating, i.e. Women Single Skating,
Men Single Skating and Pair Skating (one Woman and one Man), as
defined in Article 39, paragraph 3.b) (i) of the ISU Constitution, consist
a) Short Program
b) Free Skating
(出典)src:ISU WP

892cc:2023/01/10(火) 01:40:52 ID:L/2uefos0


893(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/10(火) 01:58:05 ID:C0qB8PLk0
Rule 300
2. The discipline of Ice Dance, i.e. one Woman and one Man, as defined
in Article 39, paragraph 3.b) (ii) of the ISU Constitution, consists of:
a) Pattern Dances
b) Rhythm Dance
c) Free Dance
(出典)src:ISU WP

894cc:2023/01/10(火) 02:56:48 ID:L/2uefos0


895(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/10(火) 02:58:41 ID:C0qB8PLk0
Rule 335
Segments of competitions
A. Segments of Single & Pair Skating competitions
1. ISU Championships, Olympic Winter Games, Winter Youth Olympic
Games, Qualifying Competition for the Olympic Winter Games and
ISU Grand Prix Events and Final (Senior and Junior) in Single & Pair
Skating shall consist of Short Program and Free Skating.
(出典)src:ISU WP

896cc:2023/01/10(火) 03:53:47 ID:L/2uefos0




a) Officials screen
Each Judge and the Referee operate independently, and the decisions of the Technical Controller and Technical Specialists are recorded by the Data Operator, using a touch screen or similar system which could be equipped with a built-in video replay system approved by the ISU. The input by each individual Judge, the Referee and the Technical Panel are transferred into a calculation computer, including, if possible, a complete back-up system.

897(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/10(火) 04:08:24 ID:C0qB8PLk0
Rule 335
2. International Competitions in Single & Pair Skating shall consist of:
a) Short Program and Free Skating
b) Free Skating (Senior only)
(出典)src:ISU WP

898cc:2023/01/10(火) 04:54:42 ID:L/2uefos0

訂正です: 和訳です。すみません、いつも間違いが多くて。

899(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/10(火) 06:01:43 ID:C0qB8PLk0
Rule 335
B. Segments of Ice Dance competitions
ISU Championships, Olympic Winter Games, Winter Youth Olympic
Games, Qualifying Competition for the Olympic Winter Games and
ISU Grand Prix Events and Final (Senior and Junior) in Ice Dance
shall consist of Rhythm Dance and Free Dance.
(出典)src:ISU WP

900(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/27(金) 02:27:13 ID:s0sPw54.0
☆Everyone is a shining star, the one and only!☆
(挨拶)Excuse conse posts, Hiya all.
You have not learned enough!
It is better to use the technical translations of JSF!

901(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/28(土) 02:18:47 ID:Ngr/z2lY0
comm 2503
A) Appointment of the Officials Assessment Commission (OAC)
1. For each season, i.e. for the period from July 1 to the following June 30, an OAC Pool shall be established by the Council.
(出典)src:ISU WP

902(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/28(土) 09:21:22 ID:Ngr/z2lY0
(ルールの普及のためにcommを紹介しています) Excuse conse posts, Hey all.
comm 2503
The members of the OAC Pool are appointed by the Council based upon recommendation of the Vice President Figure Skating.
(出典)src:ISU WP

903(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/28(土) 09:39:12 ID:Ngr/z2lY0
(ルールの普及のためにcommを紹介しています) Excuse conse posts, Hey all.
comm 2503
If the Vice President Figure Skating does not propose any changes by May 31 of each year, the present OAC Pool members are automatically reappointed for the following season.
(出典)src:ISU WP

904(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/28(土) 09:41:28 ID:Ngr/z2lY0
(ルールの普及のためにcommを紹介しています) Excuse conse posts, Hey all.
comm 2503
2. In order to be included in the OAC Pool, an Official must fulfill the following criteria:
a) be on the current ISU Officials list of ISU Referees, ISU Technical Controllers (subject of also being qualified as an ISU Judge) or ISU Judges for Single & Pair Skating, Ice Dance or Synchronized Skating;※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

905(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/29(日) 02:49:56 ID:qyoIkmk20
(ルールの普及のためにcommを紹介しています) Excuse conse posts, Hey all.
comm 2503
b) have the following skills:
- ability to analyze competition data;
- ability to work quickly and in an organized manner;
- good written English;
- familiarity with report writing;
- basic computer skills (in particular ability to work with Word and Excel files);
- ability to remain objective in all officiating evaluation matters.
(出典)src:ISU WP

906(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/01/29(日) 02:53:20 ID:qyoIkmk20
(ルールの普及のためにcommを紹介しています) Excuse conse posts, Hey all.
comm 2503
c) not have more than an “Assessment 1” according to Rules 440 and 930 for service in the
three full years prior to their appointment. Members of the OAC Pool receiving an
“Assessment 2” or higher, independent in which discipline and capacity, shall be deleted from
the OAC Pool with immediate effect. After the expiry of the period of validity of the Assessment
the Council shall decide on reinstatement into the OAC Pool upon a respective proposal of
the Vice President Figure Skating;
(出典)src:ISU WP

907:2023/02/08(水) 17:57:06 ID:i161wKLs0
マイナスのgoe の出かたも教えていただければ嬉しいです。

908(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/02/08(水) 22:19:57 ID:00p5q0sI0
(挨拶)Hiya Yakibuta-san Saki-san Sakurako-san all.
(アリガト)Thank you for your comment.
(ヨコムキデオリルト Landed on the quarter デス)Landed on the quarter
A jump will be considered as “quarter” if it is missing rotation of a ¼. ※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

909(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/02/08(水) 22:31:14 ID:00p5q0sI0
(挨拶)Hiya Yakibuta-san Saki-san Sakurako-san all.
(アリガト)Thank you for your comment.
(ナオ goe ハ -2 ヲ+コウモクニタイシテゲンテンシマス)Landed on the quarter(sign q)-2※
(出典)※src:ISU WP

910:2023/02/09(木) 13:26:39 ID:Sj2kuw6c0

911:2023/02/09(木) 13:33:23 ID:Sj2kuw6c0

912(^^♪マトリックス☆☆☆(本家Phantom):2023/02/09(木) 15:01:20 ID:gg3jSwNk0
(挨拶)Hiya Yakibuta-san Saki-san Sakurako-san all.
(アリガト)Thank you for your comments.
(マタナンデモキイテクダサイネ)Feel free to ask me anything.
(4CCワクワクデスネ)I'm already looking forward to the ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championships.
(ヨイイチニチヲ)Have a good day!


名前: E-mail(省略可)




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