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214tubacca:2006/10/18(水) 00:03:22 ID:wzgPC.Rs
ついでに、Jon SassからのImpressionです。

" After months of collaboration Jon and Giddings & Webster have developed
a new mouthpiece, which has incredible response in all registers,
very comfortable rim and cup for clarity, ease in playing, large interval leaps
and gives Jon easy access to his wide range of colors and articulations.
The Sass model features a balanced weight in order to allow overtones to
resonate freely – therefore allowing the tone to be open, clean and clear.
"This mouthpiece is easy to play and I am free to play in which ever ensemble
I'm working with at the time. A few of my tuba friends have tried it
and were seriously blown away !!! " Many thanks, guys!"

-Jon Sass


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