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177tubacca:2005/04/12(火) 21:51:07 ID:VrjBpsqQ
先日G W Mouthpiece からメールが来まして、Alan Baer Mouthpieceについては彼のGronitz
と Miraphone CCに合わせたモノで、いわゆるヨーロピアンシャンクなため、スタンダード
で、その返事をする際にチタン製Mouthpiece の特徴について質問したところ、次のような
The Titanium mouthpieces are very unique. Titanium makes everything easier, and
 this allows you to be more musical with less tension, and overall makes playing
 your instrument more fun.
We believe this is based on the fact that Titanium is much harder than brass, or
 stainless steel. (中略)
Stainless is about 3X harder than brass, and Titanium is about 3X harder than
stainless steel. The hardness along with our tested and proven design makes for
 a very nice mouthpiece.

Alan Baer Mouthpieceを試奏してみてアタリだったら、チタン製で再度注文してみようと


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