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what made you happiest and what you regret the most in 2021

1Beatani:2021/12/31(金) 21:05:01
what made you happiest and what you regret the most in 2021
confess this and I'll read your sin thinking of the shrine

89anonymous@fusianasan:2022/01/01(土) 05:45:06
Happiest: Achieving fitness goals.
Regret: Did not decide on new dakimakura. Indecisive dad.

90anonymous@fusianasan:2023/01/01(日) 00:05:42
Happiest: Read more books this year
Regret: Didn't write Bea a farewell email (reading English is mendokusai anyway)

91anonymous@fusianasan:2023/01/02(月) 00:21:47
Happiest: nothing
Regret: losing Bea


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